Time is of the essence...

Once in the spaceship's medical bay, Hiro gently placed Tisha on one of the makeshift medical beds, his fingers brushing a strand of her hair from her face. He examined her with a mix of concern and bewilderment.

Nova, ever observant, scanned Tisha's vital signs and injuries. "[She seems physically fine, Hiro. But we need to find out what happened. How is it possible that she's here, alive?]"

Hiro, his thoughts racing, considered the unanswered questions surrounding Tisha's reappearance. "I don't know, Nova. But we're going to find out. Start scanning the station for any anomalies or irregularities. How come she's here, on Nexus?"

"[I'm working on it, already,]" Nova replied.

"Prepare the ship for departure. We're going back to Sirien."

"[Sirien? How about finding Dhalad? And the data card too.]" Nova asked.

"That can wait. Prepare to undock and set course for Sirien." Hiro insisted.