"Fly a real spaceship?"


It's been about 2 weeks and Tisha's assimilation into Miikay Colony became increasingly evident as the days unfolded. The once unfamiliar surroundings had grown accustomed to her presence.

Farm fields stretched out beneath the cerulean sky, and the aroma of fertile soil mingled with the distant hum of agricultural machinery.

The rhythmic hum of the farm equipment provided a backdrop to their conversation. Tisha, clad in a simple jumpsuit for farmwork, listened attentively as Alek shared anecdotes about the peculiarities of each crop they passed.

The scent of earth and the rustling leaves accompanied them, creating an atmosphere of simplicity and shared purpose.

"You'll get the hang of it, Tisha. Farming here is an art, and each plant has its own story," Alek remarked, her hands deftly maneuvering through the leaves of a thriving vine.