"What's the fun in taking a bath alone?"

Just then, the door to the bridge slid open with a hiss, revealing Wynx and Emerald, clad in nothing but their panties and bras. They entered the bridge with an air of nonchalance, their expressions still drowsy from sleep.

"What's going on?" Wynx asked with a sleepy voice.

Tisha turned to look at them, a bemused expression on her face. Wynx's wild, golden hair cascaded over her shoulders, and Emerald's sleek, black strands complemented her confident aura.

"Uhmm... Who are they?" Tisha asked, her eyebrows raised in surprise as she turned back to look at Hiro.

Hiro cleared his throat, exchanging a subtle glance with Nova's digital form on the holographic display of the ship. "Tisha, this is Wynx, and that's Emerald. They're… uhm…" he stammered, trying to think of what words to use. "They are… part of the crew," he finally said, emphasizing the word "crew" to convey a meaning which was definitely different from what he actually meant.