"What's your favorite sex position?"

Hiro woke up that evening, the room bathed in a warm, amber glow. Lyria still peacefully rested in bed. His stomach growled in hunger, a reminder of the day's activities. Swiftly, he got dressed and left the room, making his way to the heart of the outpost.

In the control room, he found Mylleen and Tisha engrossed in their tasks.

"Hey, ladies," Hiro greeted, and they both turned to face him.

Mylleen sprang up, embracing him tightly. She then pulled out a chair for him, her eyes sparkling. "Welcome back, Master. How was your rest?"

"Restful, thanks. My stomach, however, doesn't share the sentiment. Mylleen, could you get me something to eat?" Hiro requested.

"Right away, Master. Anything in mind?" She asked with a bright smile.

"Surprise me," Hiro responded, watching Mylleen leave the room with a sway in her hips that didn't escape his notice.

Hiro turned to Tisha, who greeted him with a nod. "Captain."