Tracker activated...

The night air whispered through the city, carrying with it a blend of distant sounds—traffic murmurs, occasional laughter, and the rhythmic hum of life. High above, Hiro's vantage point offered a panoramic view of the urban sprawl beneath him. Neon lights painted the streets in vibrant hues as the city slept, oblivious to the unfolding drama.

"Are you in position, Tisha?" Hiro's voice resonated through the communication device, echoing against the towering buildings.

"In position, boss. I do miss this," Tisha's enthusiasm seeped into her words.

"Hope your poker skills are still intact?" Hiro's tone carried a hint of playful tone. "We might be in need of them tonight."

"Trust me, besides flying spaceships, my next skill is handling a game of poker. My skills are second to none." Tisha replied with confidence.

Hiro chuckled, "They better be. Zara, are you sure you can handle this?"

Her assurance echoed in his mind, "Yes, Lord Hiro. Trust me."