If he's coming, then I'll be waiting.

"If I say too much, they'll be the first to pay the price. Not only will I be dead, but the Emperor wouldn't hesitate to erase my family from existence."

Hiro, though resolute, couldn't ignore the gravity of Dhalad's revelation. "I'm sure, just the same way you don't want to lose your family, they also don't want to lose you," he responded, a moment of understanding passing between them.

Dhalad contemplated, his eyes distant, as if pondering the options available to him. Finally deciding to tackle his immediate threat, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "Galactic Core."

"Galactic Core?" Hiro echoed, urging Dhalad to keep talking.

Dhalad continued with a sense of caution, "Galactic Core, a fortress hidden in plain sight in the heart of the capital city of Arcadia Prime, that's where the Emperor resides. Approaching it is a death sentence unless you have a key, a way to navigate through the layers of defenses."