An open book...

Under the bright afternoon sun, Hiro approached Mira, who sat elegantly on a wooden bench, shaded by a large, angular canopy that provided a cool respite from the heat. The rooftop was a serene escape from the bustling going on below.

The wind was less forgiving up here, gusting intermittently and sending Mira's hair into a dance around her face.

"For a moment, I thought you weren't going to show up," Mira remarked, her voice calm, yet carrying an undercurrent of intrigue.

Hiro, still shaking off the remnants of his recent indulgence with Mylleen and Kaida, took a seat beside her. The bench felt surprisingly cool under the shade. "For a moment, I almost forgot..." he trailed off, his thoughts momentarily wandering.

"[Lucky I woke you up,]" Nova interjected in his head, her tone a mix of sarcasm and concern.