Aphrodisiac detected...

Hiro and Tisha were greeted by the bustling atmosphere of the Zeta Station as they got off The Nomad. The atmosphere buzzed with a diverse array of languages and the bustling sounds of machinery, creating a vibrant mix of business and connection.

In the midst of the bustling crowd, someone walked towards them with a self-assured stride and a captivating grin.

"I knew my offer was too good for you to turn down. Welcome to Zeta Outpost," Mira said warmly, her arms outstretched for a hug.

Her presence commanded attention, with an attire that effortlessly combined elegance and practicality, perfectly suited for her esteemed position as a former Sirien Council Leader.

Hiro briefly returned the embrace before taking a step back. "You haven't had the pleasure of meeting Tisha, my highly skilled and dependable pilot," he introduced, motioning towards Tisha.

Tisha reached out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Mira."