Mini-version Nova...

Mira, keeping a safe distance, interjected. "She's experiencing temporary amnesia. It's a side effect of the sedation. It will take some time for her memories to return."

Hiro nodded, understanding the situation. He took another step forward, his voice gentle. "Suki, we need to put that syringe down. Let's talk, okay?"

Suki's grip on the syringe didn't waver. "How do I know you're telling the truth? How do I know this isn't another trick?"

"Suki, I know you're scared. You've been through a lot. But you have to trust me. We're your team, your friends."

Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the medical equipment, the concerned faces. Hiro could see her mind working, trying to piece together reality from the fragments of her recent trauma.

"Remember the escape from the Nexus Space Station?" Hiro continued, taking a slow step forward. "You hacked into the entire station network under heavy fire. You saved us all."