Mental breakdown...

Three days had passed since Nova's hack, and Hiro was still haunted by the nightmares of losing his mind. He was grateful that Suki and Lyria had helped him to upgrade Nova's firewall and the Sirien's network, but he knew he wasn't fully recovered yet.

He could still feel the mental stress the hack had on his neural link.

Stretching out of bed, Hiro could Nova's presence in his head. "[How are you doing, Hiro?]" Nova asked, sounding concerned.

"What can I say? I'm okay… or I'll be. What task do I have to attend to?" Hiro asked, rubbing his eyes.

His holographic display lit up, with Nova showing the tasks he had planned but haven't attended to.

[Unattended Tasks]

[Check Up on Mylleen and Kaida and get up to speed with matters at the Council]

[Pay a visit to Draven and get command over the fleet of battleships.]