"... you're all under arrest!”

"Nova, set a course for the Oragon Sector," Hiro commanded. "Stealth mode. We don't want any unwanted attention."

"[Course plotted. Engaging stealth mode. Engaging hyperdrive on your mark,]" Nova responded.

"Mark!" Hiro commanded.

With a powerful surge, the Nomad leaped forward, the stars stretching into lines as they entered hyperspace, leaving their attackers far behind.


The Nomad's entrance into the Oragon Sector was like slipping into a realm of shadows. The stars here seemed dimmer, and a heavy sense of foreboding hung in the void. Hiro, standing by the command console, watched the star map, his eyes tracing the plotted course as they moved deeper into the sector.

"Anything on the scanners, Nova?" Hiro asked, his voice steady but tinged with concern.