Under attack!!!

"Status report," The Emperor demanded, his voice echoing through the vast, shadowy hall of his fortress.

A military officer, clad in the austere uniform of the Empire, stepped forward. His posture was rigid, a mix of respect and fear evident in his stance. "Your Excellency," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "Our agents have scoured the sectors. Hiro Banks' location remains unknown. He's... evasive."

The Emperor, his gaze as cold as the void of space, responded with controlled anger and irritation. "Then broaden the search. Send a message across the Triangulum Galaxy. Anyone with information on Hiro Banks will be rewarded handsomely, above the existing bounty."

The strategist nodded, "As you command, my lord."

"As you command, my Lord," the officer replied, a flicker of unease crossing his features, bowing slightly before turning to relay the orders.