Chapter 70

I lounged upon a large couch as I took a breath and I held up a hand and within the hand the Gremory magical sigil formed. And then from it, the crimson and black lightning of the Power of Destruction emanated from the magical sigil.

'The power of Destruction will be good for clearing chaff, and the Sitri water magic is still good for water/ice constructs and inhibiting enemies.' I mused as I smiled at how my powerset was coming together with my mystic eyes being perfect for dealing with elite units.

But after fiddling with the magic for a bit I closed my hand to extinguish the magical sigl and with my other hand I took out the letter that had Ravel Phenex's summoning sigil embossed onto the paper.

The letter glowed with power and it flew out of my hands where it landed onto the floor and a full thirty seconds later it seemed Ravel needed to prepare herself. As it took that long for the interdimensional summoning circle to work.

"The human world..." A younger female voice spoke from the fiery light-show and I raised an eyebrow as the light faded away to unveil my guest.

"Ravel Phenex." I spoke in greeting as I took in my guest. 

Ravel Phenex was... Rather short honestly, she was Koneko's age at sixteen and had the same height as the smoll catgirl but she was much more developed with ample curves that gave her a bit of a short stack appearance.

I stood up from my couch to offer her a handshake in greeting and my lips quirked up as she gave me a noble lady's hand shake of her hand atop my own and she actually pouted when I didn't lean down to kiss her hand.

"Hmph, you didn't give me a noblemen's welcome." She actually said pouting as she said down with some pursed lips.

And... Hearing that I decided to bully her as I took a breath and said seriously. "Ravel, I apologize but touching your hand is the most I can stand."

She looked rather offended as she snapped out. "What do you mean? Are you calling me unclean? I know this isn't a racial thing but if you are going to be so insulting..."

I held up a hand and said formally. "I apologize. I mean no insult to you Ravel Phenex the darling of the Phenex family... It's just that you are part of your brother's harem in his peerage so I don't exactly know where your hand has been." 

The room went utterly silent.

Ravel's face went puce red before she snapped out with disgust in her tone. "I! I am not involved with my brother's affairs! I manage his peerage so they can actually function in society thank you very much!"

She wasn't done yet as she continued. "How dare you! Insinuate that I would be... Intimate with my own brother, what would-"

I cut her off as I said very plainly. "I am Sona Sitri and Serafall Leviathan's contracted magician and we made our contract in the old ways. Lady Serafall was more interested in scooping my fluids out of her sister with her tongue than being my own lover... So I have come to understand Devil degeneracy after Rias Gremory purposefully flashed me with how she is a casual nudist." 

Ravel's mouth flapped open as she struggled to reply before she snapped out. "I am not a degenerate!"

I held up my hands and said calmly. "Look I get it. You aren't your brother's lover I believe you. But literally every single devil I know is a complete degenerate. I mean Rias's mother and father are swingers, Sirzech's is a masochist who likes getting choked out by his maid wife while having a hard-on for his sister. Literally every single devil I have met is a complete degenerate even if a trustworthy and loyal friend to those who they are close to." 

There was a moment of silence as Ravel visibly chewed on the words I spoke before she shifted folded her arms under her breasts and said quietly. "Devils aren't... All degenerates." 

My lips twitched and I gave her a look before asking. "Other than yourself... Name another pureblooded devil that by human standards of morality isn't a complete degenerate." 

A long moment of silence passed as Ravel mentally flailed at my question. Thinking back to her family... Visibly cringing in disgust before she thought elsewhere, and then cringed again before she groaned into a hand as she said weakly. "Can we please move on from this topic?" 

I couldn't help a small chuckle and I nodded kindly and said calmly. "Fine, now Ravel Phenex, I am sure you already know my name. But my name is Jake Barris, and before we go any further. I must announce that I have already been Rias Gremory's Contract Magician for some time." 

Ravel's face pinched in place before she took a deep breath and smiled saying. "Well, that is very lucky for Rias Gremory. But that has no bearing on our own meeting, does it? I am looking for my own Contracted Magician who can make myself more powerful and add to the glory that is my noble house." 

I shifted leaning forward to speak bluntly. "Ravel... I would have no problem becoming your Contracted Magician with but one issue. You want me beyond my own power, to not be an issue for your brother Riser Phenex. When a Rating Game inevitably comes for Rias's hand."

"And no matter the favor of the Phenex house... Having Sirzech's Lucifer pissed off at me when I can easily get his 'beloved' sister out of such a situation is a major... Major loss for me to say the least. Especially when Sona and Serafall would also be angry with me for doing nothing."

The Phenex family was rich... Rich beyond measure in treasure, favors owed, and political power with their ability to make Phenex Tears at some level of mass when they solely focused themselves to the task.

But that richness in all fields couldn't match having Lucifer's favor or ire pointed at another.

And she knew that perfectly well.

Ravel took a deep breath and folded her hands across in her lap before she spoke with forced calm. "What would it take for you to simply not get involved in such a rating game? I am not asking you to throw it or betray Rias... Just be busy and in another realm so you can't hear of the rating game in time."

I actually raised an eyebrow at the audacious question of Ravel before I brushed a hand across my face and said bluntly. "Ravel... That is not happening. The question is how much you will pay or give up to me to not humiliate and destroy your brother when he tries to belittle me as a human magician." 

She flushed with some anger entering her eyes but she staggered as I flared my magical energy and I stared at her coldly with my mystic eyes of death perception as I then showed off a trump card.

I conjured a ball of water into my hands... But Ravel didn't recoil from just water, no she recoiled with fear in her eyes sensing the stupidly dense holy divine energy of the blessed waters of Aqua I called upon.

Holy water that was violently roiling in place at sensing the devil in front of me in fact.

"Ravel Phenex, look me in the eyes." I commanded and as our gaze met I continued. "Tell me your arrogant fool of a brother will not insult me and threaten to kill me just for being a human being involved in his business." 

She flushed a bit, but not out of embarrassment but out of the lust, devils felt being lorded over by a commanding presence but she had a clear mind enough to register the question and the validity of it.

And she found she had no answer to a question that only had a single answer.

So I said slowly. "Go home and think Ravel. Consider what to give me in return for me not destroying your brother when he throws a tantrum and I give mercy for whatever you give up."

I stood up and I gently took Ravel's hand into my own to pull her to her feet and as she stood up I gave her some space as she silently nodded in agreement to think over what she could offer before she teleported away back to the Underworld.