was entered

Primordial Star Military Command

"Major General, the competition will be over in 10 days. Why hasn't the special task this time been completed?" Ji Yun asked a little gossip.

Just after Ji Yun finished asking, he saw that the competition venue had already assigned a mission, "This special mission is to protect a non-military major student from surviving safely on the primitive planet. The 10 non-military major students will be independently voted by the universities. , randomly assigned to each team".

As soon as the mission came out, the official forums of the major universities suddenly became abuzz.

Under normal circumstances, although such competitions are dangerous, they are still very attractive to ordinary students. The participating students will receive a bonus and good opportunities for further study, which will be very helpful for future employment.

Since Lin Xiangyin quarreled with Su Jin last time, she was scolded by her father when she got home, and there were also many bad comments about herself on the Internet.

By coincidence, Lin Xiangyin typed Su Jin's name and voted for Su Jin. This vote doesn't matter, who knows that one after another all voted for Su Jin, and the number of votes is close to the first place.

Lin Xiangyin was dumbfounded, and so were the students of the major military academies. What's the situation? Su Jin took a good spot.

"Major General, Madam has been elected to the list of recruits," Ji Yun said anxiously.

Chen Lie tapped the table with his right index finger, and said in a deep voice, "Go and find out what's going on."

"The other party is so skillful that all traces have been erased, and it is impossible to trace the source," Ji Yun said solemnly.

Seeing that Chen Lie didn't answer, and he didn't know what he was thinking about, Ji Yun continued to ask: "What should I do now, Madam's power level and mental power level are only B level, will the competition be dangerous?"

"Transfer the first combat unit here!" Chen Lie ordered in a deep voice

"Yes." Ji Yun gave a military salute and left in a hurry.

Chen Lie was about to call Su Jin, but Su Jin called first: "Chen Lie," Su Jin's clear and sweet voice came from his mind.

"Just now someone who claimed to be from the military competition committee called me and said that I was elected to participate in this year's military competition. I didn't sign up. Can I refuse to participate?" Su Jin said angrily.

Chen Lie was silent for a while, and replied calmly: "This is a competition organized by the military department. Once the list is confirmed, it cannot be canceled, but you can withdraw early during the competition. Someone from the committee will pick you up tomorrow. Me, you can participate with confidence. There are also games that will be broadcast live."

"Oh, oh, then I can just go shopping and quit the competition, right?" Su Jin asked again.

"Yes, I will pick you up after you refuse." Chen Lie gave Su Jin a firm answer.

"Then do I need to prepare anything?" Su Jin asked in a daze

"No need." Chen Lie has always been concise.


After talking with Chen Lie, Su Jin still prepared some things, such as the ingredient classifier from last time, some camping tools, tents, nutrients, and a big pack of seasonings. Anyway, everything that can be prepared is put into the space button.

At this time, the Participation Committee also announced the list of participants for this special task:

The first team, Wei Lintao"

The second team, Lin Kerong.

The third team, Li Jing.

The fourth team, Song Yaxuan.

The Fifth Team, He Jian

Team Six, Su Jin.

Team Seven, Luo Jiabao

Team Eighth, Hu Wenbin

Team Ninth, Zhou Jie

Team Ten, Gao Yun

The above participants will arrive at the participating planets tomorrow.

After the list was announced, the comment area was full of voices

"Why is Team Six so unlucky, it's Su Jin?"

"The sixth team is definitely going to be the last one this time."

"The first team is Wei Lintao, I think it is possible to win the championship"

"Team No. 5 is ranked second, so it's still uncertain who will take the first place."

"Su Jin's mental power level and ability level are too low, it's too slow."


In short, Su Jin is rejected by all parties, and no one is optimistic about the sixth team.

When Su Jin saw this one-sided comment, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching. Unexpectedly, his reputation on the Internet is so bad.

Lin Xiangyin felt elated when she saw this result, and she waited for Su Jin to lose face.

The main star Chen's family

Song Peici held a pot of cut fruits and handed them to Meng Yulan. "Auntie, I heard that there is Su Jin among the participants this time, and her ability level..."

Meng Yulan frowned and said, "With her supernatural level, and from such a remote planet, she doesn't understand anything. Don't embarrass our Chen family."

After Meng Yulan finished speaking, she looked at Song Peici in front of her with regret.

Pace is the daughter of my best friend. It can be said that I watched her grow up. The genetic match with Chen Lie is also as high as 96%, and she has a level 5 mental power, but Chen Lie refuses to marry Song Peici , Said that she only regarded her as a younger sister. He also said that Su Jin was 99% genetically compatible with him and was more suitable for marriage.

"Auntie, Brother Lie is also on the participating planet, nothing will happen," Song Peici comforted gently. Meng Yulan patted the back of Song Peici's hand with a loving face.

"I think Su Jin's daughter-in-law here is pretty good. Last time she said she wanted to lose weight, but she succeeded in losing weight in less than a month. This child has perseverance." Chen Haoting sat on the sofa and said in a deep voice.

Meng Yulan glanced at Chen Haoting, "I'm too lazy to tell you, Pace, let's go for a walk in the garden with auntie." Then she pulled Song Peici away.

The original star of the military competition

Next to a cliff, people from Team Six formed a pile, nervously staring at the light screen in front of them, wondering who would be assigned to their team.

"Team Six, Su Jin" As the electronic sound sounded, Guo Penghui's face turned ashen, and the other team members were also dejected and silent. I'm afraid there is no hope of getting a high ranking in this competition.

This competition is more difficult than any previous competition, and the person assigned is Su Jin with extremely poor abilities. The team's ranking is probably going to be lower and lower.

"Cheer up, everyone, there are still 10 days, and we still have a chance." Guo Penghui encouraged the team.

"Captain, I didn't say that, we are strong this time, the other teams came to help, but ours may be a drag." Zhu Xiao said a little aggrieved.

"I really don't know how they voted, it made us miserable," complained Wang Jingjing, the only female player in the team.

Deng Chengtao and Huang Ying didn't speak, but it could be seen from their expressions that they didn't have any hope for this competition.

Looking at his listless teammates, Guo Penghui said loudly: "Everyone cheer up, no matter what, we must do our best to get more points."

star network

"Who voted for Su Jin? Isn't that a hindrance to my own people?"

"Let me know who voted for it, and see if I don't beat him to death."

"It really pissed me off."


The forum of the Sixth Military Academy was full of curses

On the second day, fly to the starship on the original participating planet.

"All contestants are requested to hand in the things they carry with them. This competition is not allowed to bring any supplies."

Seeing that everyone took out all the supplies they had with them, Su Jin reluctantly took out the things she had brought.

What others all wear are nutritional supplements. Well, it seems that I brought a little too much.

in the studio

"Did Su Jin think that she was here for a trip, and she even brought a tent and a barbecue grill?"

"There's still a big bag of seasonings, hahaha, I've brought nothing less than camping things."

"Look at Su Jin's embarrassing little expression, I'm dying of laughter."

Chen Lie, who was watching the live broadcast, had a panoramic view of Su Jin's embarrassing little expression, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

"Didn't the major general say that you don't need to bring anything?" Ji Yun was speechless when he saw the things Su Jin took out.

After the robot took away all the supplies from everyone, the spacecraft also arrived at the competition location. Su Jin looked at the empty space with a dazed expression.