Clear Spirit Fruit Core

"I saw this when I was picking Leiying fruit. It looks pretty, and I'm thinking of using it as a bracelet. Isn't it beautiful?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"Captain, come here quickly and see if this is the core of the Green Spirit Fruit." Wang Jingjing's voice trembled slightly. He wanted to make sure it was what he was thinking.

I heard Wang Jingjing's slightly excited shout. Guo Guopenghui got up quickly. "Captain, take a quick look." Wang Jingjing urged again excitedly.

Guo Penghui held it in his hand and looked at it again and again, his eyes were full of surprises. If this is not the core of the green spirit fruit, what is it? They have developed this time. Qinglingguo has the effect of calming the mind, and its value is comparable to that of Leiyingguo, and it has a price but no market.

Now that the team has ranked first, it's okay to not turn in the Spiritual Fruit.

Seeing the excited two people, Su Jin asked suspiciously. "This thing is not poisonous, is it okay to make a bracelet?"

"This is the Qingling Fruit, which has the effect of calming mental violence. One piece costs tens of millions of stars, which is comparable to that of Leiying Fruit.

"This thing is so valuable, so I have to hand it in, and I want to keep it as a bracelet." Su Jin said with a wrinkled face and a little regret.

Guo Penghui pondered for a while, and said, "Actually, we can choose to hand in or not to hand in a strange beast in the competition." Wang Jingjing also nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's find it quickly." Su Jin said excitedly. It's all money.

"In this case, it's up to each person to find as many as they can. At that time, each person will hand over half to the military department. Do you have any objections? Guo Penghui continued to ask.

Wang Jingjing and Su Jin only nodded in agreement. What else could they disagree with? It's good to get half of it. Isn't it better to hand in half to the army and get the protection of the army?

The Qingling fruit plants are short, and the pits vary in size. The large ones have a diameter of one centimeter, while the small ones have a diameter of only two to three millimeters. It is hard to find.

At this time, the live broadcast room was paying close attention to Team Six's situation. Seeing that they found the Qing Lingguo again, everyone was envious and jealous.

According to the previous experience of looking for green spirit fruit, as long as you see a handful of withered and yellow leaves, no matter what happens, you will directly enter the space Newry.

The three of them worked hard for a long time and searched the entire valley. Wang Jingjing and Guo Penghui each found more than a dozen fairy fruit cores. Su Jin found more than 30 because of her previous search experience. As for the thirty or forty ones found before, Su Jin did not report them. After all, this thing is so precious. There is still a reason why wealth should not be disclosed.

The three of them didn't stop searching for the Spirit Fruit until the planter sent by the military arrived. For Wang Jingjing and Guo Penghui, this is a huge fortune. They came from ordinary families. The resources and expenses for upgrading their abilities are the heaviest burden for their family. If you do, you can still leave one to marry a daughter-in-law or a dowry.

Everyone in the live broadcast room felt that they had gone crazy. Such a large number of clear spirit fruits appeared in front of his eyes. The comment area is even more crowded. They were discussing the color of the Spirit Fruit intensely, as if they had gotten the Spirit Fruit.

"I don't know. Do they sell it? I want one for my girlfriend."

"I also want a piece of bamboo that can be made into a necklace and given to me. As his birthday present, I am willing to pay any amount, as long as he is willing to sell it to me."

"I'm willing to pay 20 million, as long as you sell me one"

"I'm so poor that I only have a pair of trousers left, I just sit here quietly watching all the bosses pretend to be aggressive."

"You local tyrants, please feel free to bid! Anyway, they can't see it, hahaha!"

"Poor students are sour"


Zhou Xiao and Deng Chengtao still felt indifferent when they picked a large number of Thunder Shadow Fruits just now, but this time they picked Qingling Fruits. But it made them sigh in their hearts, their faces turned green and pale, and they beat their chests and feet for a while. Why didn't I continue to participate, otherwise, I would have my own share of so many Qingling Fruits. I'm afraid that the friends around me will call me a fool.

And Zhou Huangying, who withdrew from the competition, almost vomited blood from the comments in the live broadcast room with her eyes red.

Although I am the daughter of the Huang family's concubine, I don't have such a rare thing as the Qing Lingguo. I remember that one of my little sisters got a necklace made of spiritual fruit cores, but she was proud of it for a long time, and they were stunned with envy.

Looking at the bidding in the live broadcast room, Huang Ying thought disdainfully, "It's a blessing to get one of such a priceless treasure, so why would you be willing to take it out and sell it?"

If I hadn't quit the competition, how could I have missed such a rare Qingling fruit core? Thinking of this, Huang Ying gritted her teeth. If it wasn't for Su Jin, she wouldn't have quarreled with Guo Penghui, and she wouldn't have quit the competition , "Su Jin..." Huang Ying murmured in hatred, because Huang Ying hated Su Jin for this matter.

In the headquarters of the Sixth Army.

Ji Yun looked at the Qingling fruit core in the live broadcast room, smacked his mouth, and said to Chen Lie cautiously: "Major General, look at this Qingling fruit core, can you ask Madam to give me a piece of it?"

Ji Yun has a girlfriend who has been with him for many years and has not agreed to his marriage proposal. If there is a Qingling fruit core, then there should be no problem. Although the Spirit Fruit is expensive, I have saved a lot of money over the years.

Chen Lie glanced at Ji Yun indifferently: "I can tell him whether it's even or not, but I don't care about it."

"Thank you, Major General." Ji Yun happily saluted a military salute. There is hope for my own proposal this time.

Meng Yulan was watering the flowers in the garden. Suddenly received a video from my old sister Zhao Lixia.

"Yulan, when your daughter-in-law Su Jin comes back, can I trouble you to ask Su Jin for me to sell me a Qingling fruit core?" After hearing what the old sister said, Meng Yulan looked at a loss: "What is clear? Spirit fruit core."

"Oh, you don't even know. Su Jin found a lot of spiritual fruit cores during the competition, and now the entire StarCraft knows all about it." Zhao Lixia slapped her thigh and said loudly

"I don't even know about it yet. If he really has the Spirit Fruit, I can only mention it to her. After all, it's his own. I can't make the decision." Meng Yulan thought about it and said solemnly.

"I know, I feel relieved with your words." Zhao Lixia said with a smile, "My girl is going to get married next month, and I want a clear spirit fruit core as a dowry to save face. Otherwise, I will I won't come to trouble you." With Meng Yulan's help, Qing Lingguo might be sure. As a daughter-in-law, Su Jin always wants to give her mother-in-law a little face.

Just this morning, Meng Yulan received messages from seven or eight people who were looking for colorful glazed fruits. Later, I had to turn off the optical brain, and it was over.