camping preparation

When Su Jin woke up the next day, Chen Lei was no longer in the room. Save each other's embarrassment.

Coming to the living room, Meng Yulan warmly greeted Su Jin to come over for breakfast. Looking at the amiable mother-in-law, Su Jin felt that it was indeed the right choice for her to give the Qingling fruit core to her mother-in-law yesterday. In Yuanshen's memory, Meng Yulan had never been so amiable.

Su Jin reluctantly ate breakfast. Thinking that you must make your own breakfast tomorrow, the breakfast made by this robot is too bad? Maybe you can buy your mother-in-law's stomach.

Well, I have to get some more suitable materials and weave a few flower baskets. So many people like it on Xingwang, maybe my mother-in-law will like it too. If she was not careful, Su Jin would go farther and farther on the road to please her mother-in-law.

After breakfast, Su Jin boarded Starnet to prepare for camping in a few days. According to Chen Baiyu, the camp will last for a week, and the food will be prepared by himself in the morning, noon and evening.

Su Jin first went to the mall to buy suitable pots, but there were no pots that she was used to. They were all closed pots used by robots. You can't use supernatural powers to condense the past, it's too ugly, and the surface is not smooth, Su Jin quite dislikes it.

The question about pots and utensils can only be left aside. I will ask later to find out where I can make custom-made pots and utensils.

Su Jin thought for a while and walked towards the camping supplies store. I bought two tents, four sets of bedding and pillows, and two sets of toiletries for Su Jin.

Then I went to the pharmacy to buy some emergency medicines, and finally went to the food market to choose the food to bring.

First, I bought a big bag of staple food, rice, and flour, which are enough to last for a month. There is no way, there is no small package in the interstellar era, it is just so outrageous.

Then I picked garlic, ginger, oyster sauce, sugar, chili powder, cumin powder, and bought all the seasonings I could buy.

Finally, I started to buy various dishes. Su Jin first picked out the dishes she knew and bought everything, such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggs, soybeans, and some ingredients that she had never touched before, and looked at the introduction next to her. I thought it would be delicious if I made it, so I bought a lot.

After searching around, I couldn't find any ham sausage. What Su Jin didn't know was that after tens of thousands of years of changes, many recipes on the earth have lost their inheritance, and ham sausage is one of them. So the ham sausage can only be made by yourself.

In addition, Su Jin also bought a lot of milk and fruits, some of which she knew and some of which she didn't, and planned to use them to make fruit juices and drinks.

While strolling around, Su Jin forgot the time again. It's so cool to go shopping on the interstellar! If I was not careful, I bought enough ingredients to last for two months. The ingredients on Starnet are all holographic, and the taste and touch are just like the real thing.

The only thing left now is the pot, which is not ready yet. Su Jin withdrew. Xinwang sent Chen Lie a message. Where can I order the pots and utensils?

"These are pots and utensils from the ancient earth era, you can ask your mother," Chen Lie replied. Meng Yulan is a member of the Ancient Earth Culture Association. I am more familiar with things from the ancient earth era.

So, when Su Jin and Meng Yulan talked about pots and utensils in the ancient earth era. Meng Yulan was quite interested. It only took 10 minutes to help Su Jin find someone to make a custom-made pot.

Before dinner, all the customized pots and utensils were delivered to Su Jin. Su Jin looked at the pots and utensils that were delivered, and was pleasantly surprised. Although she didn't know what material it was made of, it was exactly the same as what she had described.

Along with the pots and utensils, there is also a set of stoves for outdoor use. Both are. In this way, there is no need to find firewood to burn by yourself, which is really convenient.

Su Jin said excitedly. "Thank you, mother, this set of pots and utensils is really great." He said with a sigh of relief. Cleaned the kitchen utensils and utensils and prepared to cook dinner by myself.

When Meng Yulan heard that Su Jin was going to use these kitchen utensils from the ancient earth era to cook her own dinner, she felt a burst of novelty. He bluntly said that he also wanted to help out and wash the vegetables for him.

Su Jin's first dish is steamed meat patties. First, the fresh and tender pork belly is beaten into a meat paste, put into a container, then add starch and salt, stir well, and then put into the steamer. Because there is also a fish head with chopped pepper. So the prepared meatloaf is put aside first, and when the chopped pepper fish head is ready, the two dishes will be steamed together.

Su Jin quickly cleaned the fish head, and then marinated it with sliced ginger, cooking wine, and soy sauce for half an hour. Taking advantage of this gap, Su Jin actively marinated the flame chicken. After the chicken has been marinated, the fish head has been marinated.

Su Jin took out a plate, spread ginger slices on the bottom, put the fish head on the plate, sprinkled some ginger slices on top of the fish head, and finally chopped the chili, mixed it with sugar and salt, and poured it evenly on the fish head Put it in a steamer, steam it with the minced meat cake for 15 minutes on high heat, and a simple meat pie and a fish head with chopped pepper are ready.

After Su Jin turned off the heat of the steamer, she started to cook the third dish, Spicy Chicken Ding, which is a Sichuan dish.

Pour the chicken into the cooking wine, ginger powder, salt starch, and then put the chicken into the oil pan, fry for two minutes on low heat, and fry on high heat until golden, then pour in dried chili, pepper, green onion, and sliced ginger in another pan , pour in the diced chicken, sprinkle light soy sauce with white sesame seeds, collect the juice on high heat, and take it out of the pan.

Meng Yulan was amazed at Su Jin's skillful cooking movements, and the smell of the dishes aroused her greediness even more.

The fourth course is a soup dish. What I made was winter melon ribs soup. Blanch the ribs first to remove the blood. Then put in the ginger ribs, add 1.5 liters of water, and cook for 30 minutes on medium heat. Then add the winter melon and cook on low heat for another 10 minutes

While the soup was not yet cooked, Su Jin fried the prawns that Meng Yulan had prepared in the oil pan. Then take it out, put it in the frying pan, gently press the shrimp head with a shovel, and press out the shrimp oil, so that the color of the shrimp is more vibrant. Then add onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. Add seasoning. Collect the juice on high heat. When the soup becomes thick, take it out of the pot, sprinkle chopped green onion in the pot, and the braised prawns are finished as soon as the oil is reached.

When the prawns are ready, so is the winter melon pork ribs soup. At this time, the whole living room is filled with a strong vegetable fragrance.

In this way, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law finished the five-course and one-soup dinner while talking and laughing. When the five dishes and one soup are served. Chen Lie and his father Chen Haoting just came back.

"It's just the right time for you to come back." Meng Yulan said with a smile, "Su Jin just cooked the dishes, so you are lucky."

Su Jin saw Chen Haoting and greeted him respectfully. After eating the food made by Su Jin, Chen Haoting and his wife were astonished, and they bluntly said that the food made by a first-level chef is nothing more than this. Chen Haoting even exaggerated to the extent that he would go home to eat every meal, and had to bring a small bag of snacks before leaving, which was made fun of by Meng Yulan.

It just so happened that Su Jin was going to prepare for camping. Every day, different patterns were changed in rotation. Steamed buns, dumplings, snacks and drinks, all kinds of dishes were made, and they were divided into small portions and packed so that they could be eaten at any time while camping.

Su Jin also made a lot of ham sausages, sausages, and hot dogs. These are important recipes for barbecue.

In the past few days when Su Jin was busy, the video of Xiaolanlan had already been circulated on the star network, and Su Jin's fans directly rushed to more than 500,000.