Mecha and Fishing

A few minutes later, the mech competition officially started. There were a total of 8 people who signed up, and they were divided into 4 groups.

"I would like to invite our first group contestants Lai Xuefei and Qian Hong."

On the large field, he released his mechas, one in the shape of a golden tiger, and the other in the shape of a red phoenix.

The two entered the mecha and started a fierce fight.

Looking at the mechas coming and going in the sky, Su Jin felt like watching a large-scale 3D animation, which was extremely exciting.

After three games, it was finally the turn of Chen Yuhao and Ding Jie.

Both of them are top mecha students in the school, and their grades have always been among the best. This is why Ding Jie always likes to fight against Chen Bohao.

Ding Jie's mecha is a yellow sky-piercing armor. But Chen Baiyu's mecha is a silver wolf, fierce and handsome. After the two mechas were released, everyone let out a sound of admiration.

I saw the piercing armor sending out two rows of soil spikes and flying towards the silver wolf. The silver wolf released a piece of golden dunjia, instantly blocking the ferocious attack of the piercing armor.

Seeing that he couldn't hit a single blow, the piercing armor quickly moved forward and punched the silver wolf heavily.

With his left hand, Silver Wolf grabbed the head of the piercer's fist, and with his right hand, he grabbed the waist of the sky-piercing armor, swung the sky-piercing armor vigorously, and smashed it heavily on the ground.

The silver wolf raised its tall legs, and was about to step on the body of the piercing armor. The piercing armor rolled smoothly and dodged it.

The silver wolf raised its head to the sky and roared, spewing out a stream of flames, and headed straight for the sky-piercing armor. The sky-piercing armor raised a wall of earth to block the menacing flames.

At this time, the silver wolf had already come close, punching and kicking the piercing armor again. fun reading

Piercing Armor was in a hurry, staggered back a few steps, and bumped into a big tree behind him.

Silver Wolf chased after him. He wanted to take down the piercing armor in one fell swoop, but how could it be so easy for him to take down the piercing armor.

Rolled sideways to the left and dodged the silver wolf's attack again. The spectators standing outside the arena were sweating for the piercing armor.

At this time, the piercing armor shot a piece of earth thorn at the silver wolf, and the audience exclaimed.

The silver wolf jumped up quickly, avoiding the attack of the earth thorn. And while he was jumping, he also sprayed powerful flames at the piercing armor.

This time the piercing armor failed to dodge, and blocked it with his arm, and his arm was instantly burned by the flames.

There was a burst of warm shouts and applause from the audience outside the stadium.

Ding Jie was in a hurry, and he was about to send another earth thorn to the silver wolf.

Chen Baiyu seemed to have foreseen it. The moment he landed, he jumped again and barely escaped the attack of the soil thorn.

There was another burst of intense applause from the audience outside the arena.

"Chen Baiyu is really amazing, with such a strong combat power, I'm afraid Ding Jie is not his opponent."

"Chen Baiyu is the most famous pioneer fighter in the school, I am very optimistic about Chen Baiyu"

The audience outside the venue were having heated discussions. At this time, Ding Jie's piercing armor was pushed to the ground by the silver wolf again,

Seeing that the Tianchuanjia was about to be bitten off by the other hand by the silver wolf, Ding Jie quickly signaled to admit defeat. If this continues, his mecha will be seriously injured, and repairing it is no joke.

Hearing Ding Jie's surrender and the shouts from the audience outside the venue, Chen Baiyu climbed out of the mecha confidently, and grinned at Su Jin with a high spirit.

After the mecha competition, it took a lot of energy, so Su Jin prepared rice and fried rice for lunch. Three dishes and one soup, two meat and one vegetarian.

Just as the two were preparing to eat, the little cute baby came again. Jiang Ning said with a helpless face: "This kid must come to you because of his troubles." Ever since he ate the pumpkin porridge you gave him yesterday, his little mouth has never stopped.

Su Jin called the mother and son to sit down, and gave the little baby a small portion of rice, some vegetables and meat that were easy to chew. The little guy's mother apologized again and expressed her gratitude.

Jiang Ning looked at herself softly, Su Jin suddenly felt a little embarrassed, this woman is so beautiful, she has an indescribable gentleness and elegance, she is really her favorite type of woman.

"We'll go fishing by the river in the afternoon later, do you want to go together?" Su Jin asked Jiang Ning.

"Fishing?" Jiang Ning was full of doubts. If possible, he would be very happy to go together.

What kind of activity is this? Why have I never heard of it? When Su Jin said this, the parents present were all confused and wanted to follow suit.

When I came to the river, I saw Su Jin take out a thin and long stick from the space. There is a transparent silk thread at one end of the bamboo pole. There is a small hook at the end of the silk thread.

Su Jin hooked a small piece of crispy meat on the hook, threw it into the river, and then sat there motionless.

The people who followed were puzzled. Is this fishing? This one doesn't move, can it catch fish?

Everyone was wondering, when they saw the fish floating up and down in the water, it meant that a fish had taken the bait.

Su Jin raised her hand and swung it back vigorously. With a bang, a big fish landed on the shore. The children who came together screamed excitedly, they could really catch a fish, it was such a big fish.

"It's so interesting, Mom and Dad, I also want to go fishing."

"I also want to go fishing."

"I want to go fishing too."

The children shouted in unison, and the parents gathered to ask Su Jin how to make a fishing rod. After Su Jin taught everyone how to make a fishing rod, she continued fishing.

In less than 10 minutes, the riverside was full, and the fishermen looked over at a glance. It's very good, but there is a feeling of going back to the river fishing in the earth age.

And Su Jin also posted this scene on Xingbo. And attached the method of making and using the fishing rod, in a flash. The fishing rod once again became popular on the Internet, and Su Jin climbed up the hot search again.

"Oh my god, what kind of fairy blogger am I paying attention to, and there are such interesting things!"

"That swing looks really fun, I've already asked someone to make it for me"

"The bedwetting is also very good. Hanging it on the yard, rippling in the breeze and watching the stars under the night sky, my God, I'm so beautiful just thinking about it."

"Autumn looks very fun, my little baby has been clamoring to play"


The staff of the Ancient Earth Culture Bureau also reposted Su Jin's blog post. There are no less than a dozen types of fishing rods in their exhibition hall, and they know that they are tools for fishing, but after years of research, they still don't understand how fishing rods catch fish.

It wasn't until I saw Su Jin's fishing video that I suddenly realized that fishing requires hooks and baits. It's not just about putting down the fishing line to catch fish.

The culture of the ancient earth era was not as brilliant as modern times, they took it for granted.

And because of the fishing rod incident, Meng Yulan was once again praised by colleagues and staff in the institute.

The smile on his face never stopped, and he felt that this month was definitely the happiest month he had ever lived.