Mental Riot 2

After 20 minutes, Zhou Mei stopped the soothing music, and the baby also fell asleep with a peaceful face.

Sister Zhou's forehead was covered with fine sweat, which shows that this appeasement took a lot of effort.

"Did the baby show any signs of spiritual comfort before?" Zhou Mei pondered for a while,

Continued, "Otherwise, his mental power wouldn't be so capricious. I'm worried that the baby may have awakened a mental power above S level."

Si Hanyu and his wife were taken aback, thinking that the baby's condition was indeed very different from usual in the past two months. I only thought of the baby as a bad appetite, but it turned out to be a sign of spiritual awakening.

"If it's really caused by the awakening of spiritual power, maybe only a level 9 musician can calm it down." Zhou Mei continued.

At this moment, Sisi Hanyun and his wife's complexions had turned livid. Zhao Jing is a ninth-level musician, but she has not been in contact with her. Hearing that the baby's condition is so critical, Jiang Ning was in a state of confusion for a while.

Just when the two were frowning, Zhao Jing finally entered the live broadcast room. Li Mei has already greeted first: "Teacher"

Zhao Jing nodded, and Li Mei asked about the baby's condition, one by one.

"In this way, the baby should have awakened a psychic ability above S level." Zhao Jing said with certainty.

Very few people have awakened S-level psychic powers at such a young age. He treated a case like this 30 years ago, and he can be said to be one of the few people with experience in the entire interstellar world.

Having been affirmed by the 9th-level musicians, I think you and your wife are both surprised and scared.

The surprise is that the baby's mental power is strong, and he has awakened at such a young age. With such a strong spiritual power, his future is boundless.

The fear is that if the mental violence is not appeased, the baby's life will be in unprecedented danger.

"Master Zhao Yue, we will entrust our child to you." Si Hanyu said solemnly.

Zhao Jing nodded, put her hand on the baby's forehead, and closed her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a peaceful music sounded. The music revolved around the baby non-stop, layers upon layers, melodious and melodious, as if it wanted to seep through the baby's skin and penetrate into his body.

Su Jin stared at the mysterious scene in front of her, dumbfounded.

This is too much a test of his mentality as a native of the earth.

After 20 minutes, Zhao Jing stopped his comforting. He said with an incomparably solemn expression: "The child has awakened an S-level ability.

Pure music comfort cannot really penetrate into the baby's spiritual strength.

If you want to be completely appeased, unless the adult from a hundred years ago is still alive, otherwise..." Zhao Jing couldn't finish the rest of her sentence.

Hearing Zhao Jing's words, Jiang Ning felt like the sky was falling, and his mind was blank and confused.

The tears couldn't stop flowing down. Jiang Ning, who Si Hanyu looked at, also had a look of pain on his face.

"Is my son like this..." Si Hanyu felt like he couldn't stand up.

"What is the way to save the baby now?" Seeing their pain, as a native of the earth, Su Jin couldn't help asking.

"100 years ago, there was a 5-year-old child who awakened to level 2s mental abilities.

They used the lost massage and appeasement method.

It is to attach the mental power to the hands, and stimulate the patient's spiritual sea through massage techniques, so that the entangled mental power in the spiritual sea will loosen and beat,

During the beating process, the mental power will loosen to a certain extent. At this time, the massage therapist will probe his own mental power into the patient's mental sea to smooth out the explosive mental power. " Zhao Jing replied.

"Massage?" Su Jin's eyes widened, and he bowed his head in thought. He had learned massage for children on Earth, and the Social Security Bureau often held some free classes to help everyone increase their employment rate.

At that time, the colleagues who worked together dragged her to sign up together, and Su Jin learned it like this. But not really used.

Now in the process of appeasement, mental strength is added,

It's still a question of whether I have mental power now. The original body has never done a mental power level test.

Su Jin frowned tightly, struggling inwardly, should she tell everyone that she knows how to massage children.

If I don't tell everyone, I feel uneasy, but if I tell you, if I don't have the mental power to appease the baby's mental explosion, wouldn't it make everyone enjoy it for nothing?

Su Jin is still hesitating, Jiang Ning has collapsed and burst into tears, kneeling on the ground, begging desperately: "Zhao Yueshi, please, please, save my child!"

Zhao Jing turned her face to the side, her face full of unbearable: "I can only suspend the child's mental violence, and the rest can only be left to fate."

"Could it be that my child is like this, just like this..." Jiang Ning broke down in tears.

"Notify the family to find a massage heir at all costs." Si Hanyu gritted his teeth.

"The successor of massage has not appeared for nearly a hundred years, and the empire has been looking for it, but found nothing. You..." It was just a useless effort, and Zhao Jing could no longer utter the last few words.

In fact, Si Hanyu is also clear that he has been searching for a heir to Tuina for nearly 100 years, but he has not found one. What he did was just to make himself feel at ease.

Looking at the Jiang Ning and his wife in pain, Su Jin finally thought about it: "I can do massage for children, but it's just the kind that doesn't have mental power. Moreover, I don't know if I have mental power."

As soon as Su Jin finished speaking, everyone was shocked, and Jiang Ning was stunned for a while: "Su Jin, seriously, do you really know how to massage?" Jiang Ning's voice was trembling.

"Well, I will, but I don't know if I have spiritual power. I haven't learned how to use mental power." Su Jin hesitated, "If I have spiritual power, can I learn it?"

Si Hanyu and his wife looked at Chen Lie at the same time, "Major General Chen, does Su Jin have spiritual strength?" Jiang Ning asked impatiently.

As Su Jin's husband, he is also a member of the military, and he got married because of a genetic match. Perhaps Chen Lie knows best whether Su Jin has mental strength.

Chen Lie murmured, "Su Jin's information at the time did not mention mental strength, and he never tested it afterwards."

"Then is there any way to know if I have spiritual power?" Su Jin asked.

Zhao Jing thought for a while: "There is a way, but the level of mental power cannot be determined."

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, "What method?" Su Jin asked.

"Close your eyes and imagine that there is an energy gathering in your mind. This energy may be a thread or a white light." Being able to perceive this energy means that you have spiritual power.

"Then try to divide this energy into one and move tiny objects. If the objects move, it means that you are in control of your own mental power." Zhao Jing said slowly.

How could it be so easy to learn the perception of spiritual power? The fastest among my students took a year, and it took me more than half a year to feel the existence of spiritual power.

But to make Su Jin feel the existence of spiritual power, this is the only way for Si Haoyan to save this child.

Su Jin closed her eyes and felt the way Zhao Jing said.

Jiang Ling looked at Su Jin who closed her eyes to feel the spiritual power in front of her, and tightly grasped Si Hanyun's sleeves with nervous hands. Xi Yi's eyes reveal the hope that Su Jin can have spiritual power.