Appease success

Su Jin nodded solemnly, and attached her spiritual power to her fingers. Put your hands on the baby's forehead, close your eyes, and start massaging the baby.

First, open the gate of heaven, from the center of the eyebrows to the hairline, push the straight line with the thumb alternately from top to bottom, 30 to 50 times.

Then push the two thumbs from the center of the eyebrows to the tip of the eyebrows. This is the Tuikan Palace, which is also 30 to 50 times.

Then rub the temples, 30 to 50 times.

Immediately afterwards, use the thumb or middle finger to rub the depression under the high bone behind the ear, that is, rub the high bone behind the ear, also 30 to 50 times.

After this operation, Su Jin saw Si Haoyan's mental line of spiritual strength slowly loosen.

Su Jin pulled out a slender piece of spiritual power, and slowly entered the baby's spiritual power sea.

In Si Haoyan's mental strength, different lines are intertwined chaotically. Although they are looser than before, the intertwined lines are still very chaotic, and the lines are very long. Su Jinsu didn't know where to start.

Suddenly, Su Jin saw a red thread, but it was entangled in the colorful thread and couldn't be pulled out for a while.

Su Jin frowned, with a dignified expression.

Jiang Ning in the live broadcast room saw Su Jin's expression, and his heart tightened. His nervous heartbeat almost stopped. Will the baby's condition... Jiang Ning dare not think about it.

At this moment, Su Jin moved. Su Jin once again separated a piece of mental power from her hand. Roll up the red thread like a ball of curly yarn.

After curling the mental power of the red fire line into a ball, the lines in Si Haoyan's spiritual power soon became a little easier.

Su Jin then twisted the threads of different colors into a ball, and finally the baby's mental power wound into five balls of mental power threads of different sizes.

Every time Su Jin pulls up a bunch of mental threads, Si Haoyan's face becomes more relaxed. Everyone in the live broadcast room sees the baby's relaxed expression, and their hearts are also relaxed.

At this moment, Su Jin was in a state of confusion. What should I do with the mental power that caused this mess? Just keep him in your head? Will it cause any risk?

Su Jinsu didn't know what to do for a while. No matter, first tie a knot for each ball of thread to prevent the ball of thread from unraveling. Just ask Teacher Zhao Jing.

Everyone looked at Su Jin with her eyes closed tightly, and her heart was in her throat.

An hour has passed, why is it still not healed?

"Brother Yu...!" Jiang Ning's voice trembled. Tears welled up in his eyes. Tears fell like broken pearls.

"Don't be afraid, trust Su Jin, it's still early, you forgot that most of the previous musicians spent more than half an hour, and Su Jin has just practiced, so it should take longer," Si Hanyu comforted.

At this moment, Su Jin opened her eyes, and the baby's face also returned to its original color at this time, with a peaceful and serene expression. This should be a success.

Jiang Ning opened his mouth, his face full of uneasiness, and in the end, he swallowed back the words he was about to blurt out.

"Teacher, what should I do after classifying all the mental powers? Just let him put them directly in his mental sea?"

"Yes, as long as the mental power is collected well, but the node to prevent the mental power from being confused again, it's fine to put it in the spiritual sea." Zhao Jing said with a smile,

He continued: "After the baby learns to control his huge mental power, you are helping him open the spiritual power section, allowing him to group the mental power of the same attribute together."

"A spiritual knot that prevents the mental power from being chaotic again. Is there any way to say it? Is there a special knot-tying method?"

"Not really. Every musician's knotting technique is different."

The way Su Jin knots the mental power is also done in the way of curly balls, that is, to stuff the last end of thread into the ball of thread, so that the ball of thread will not unravel again.

The next time you need to collect new mental power, just find the thread and connect it.

"I think I have calmed down the baby's mental strength." Su Jin said happily with a smile on her face.

"Su Jin, thank you, thank you.!" Jiang Ning wept with joy.

After reticence, several other musicians left the live broadcast room one after another.

Zhao Jing asked Su Jin before leaving the live broadcast room, hoping to accept her as an apprentice and let her think about it.

After receiving Chen Lie's hint, Su Jin happily agreed.

Half an hour later, Si Haoyan woke up.

"Auntie, the baby wants to eat balls." The little guy still looks a little listless, but the overall mental state is still very good, and he knows he is hungry.

"Okay, auntie will cook something delicious for you right away." Su Jin rubbed the little guy's head and said softly.

"Baby is so good, mom will pick you up soon!" Jiang Ning said kindly with tears in his eyes.

"Mom, mom!" The little guy's immature voice sounded, and his voice was full of nostalgia for his mother.

At this time, the live broadcast device sounded a notification: "The live broadcast room will be closed in 1 hour, please replenish it as soon as possible."

Su Jin quickly checked, and there was still 2% of the battery, and it was still 60% before. It might be that the hologram consumes too much energy.

"The live broadcaster's energy is almost used up, and there are still 2% of energy left." Su Jin said suddenly.

"Su Jin, turn off the live broadcaster first to keep the energy. Turn it on again in half an hour." Chen Lie said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Su Jin replied, and then turned off the live broadcaster.

"After this crisis, I think we should rescue them as soon as possible." Chen Lie's steady voice came.

"Well, we also have the same intention. We are really worried about letting them stay in the desert." Si Hanyu said.

"But the space storm hasn't stopped yet." Jiang Ning's face was full of worry.

"We can choose to travel in when the space storm is at its smallest. Two days later, the space storm will have a short time to shrink, about two hours."

The inability of our spacecraft to pass through space storms is the most urgent problem we need to solve," Chen Lie said.

"Use our 3s mechas to travel through space storms. When the time comes, we will take them out one by one." Si Hanyu replied.

"Okay, I will buy this 3s mecha first, and I will transfer the money for the mecha to my private account later." Chen Lie said calmly

"Ji Yun, check when the desert star space storm will be the smallest." Chen Lie ordered.


"The space storm will become the smallest at 9 o'clock in two days' time." Ji Yun checked and reported.

"Okay, let's leave at 9 o'clock in two days' time." It was Si Hanyu who nodded.

Half an hour later, Su Jin turned on the live broadcaster again, and the little guy had already had his lunch.

"Su Jin two days later at 9 o'clock, we will enter the mecha and pass through the space storm, but you leave the desert star," Si Hanyu said.

"Okay." Su Jin was a little excited.

For the past few days, I've been here alone with my baby. I'm afraid, and it's of course the best thing to be able to leave the desert faster.