mini battleship

The matter came to an end, and Su Jin finally had time to look at her new mini battleship.

This mini battleship was awarded to Su Jin by the empire. The speed is top-notch, even the mutated warship bird known for its speed in the interstellar world is not an opponent of the mini battleship. With such speed, escape can be said to be effortless.

And this mini battleship has the strongest defense in the world today. The entire fuselage is made of the hard armor of level 9 alien beasts, combined with modern synthesis technology.

It even installed a series of powerful artillery shells such as the most advanced laser ion cannon. It is simply the best partner for home travel.

When Su Jin took out the battleship from the space Newry. Be mesmerized by its domineering appearance. Mouth opened wide, non-stop admiration. A look that has never seen the world.

This is a brown-red battle armor with a beautiful and smooth body, exuding a metallic luster. The total length of the fuselage is about 16 meters and the width is 8 meters. Although it is much more delicate than a large battleship, for a non-combat personnel like Su Jin, it is already indescribably lenient.

The whole fuselage feels very strong and feels very safe.

Chen Lie shook his head amusedly: "Come on, let's go in and have a look."

Walking into the interior of the battleship, Su Jin's eyes widened even more. The internal layout of the entire battleship has a central control room, a training room, two rooms and a kitchen dining room. It really has it all.

Isn't this the high-end RV on earth? Su Jinle couldn't even close her mouth. I finally have a house and a car.

"There are so many buttons, I don't know which one is on." Su Jin said.

"You bind with the fighter plane first, and the intelligent system will help you understand the fighter plane." Chen Lie said.

In fact, Chen Lie couldn't explain why the empire rewarded Su Jin with such a smart fighter, but with this fighter, Su Jin's personal safety was further protected, and he felt more at ease. I don't bother to find out why.

As soon as Su Jin sat down, a purple light shot into the optical brain on her wrist, and a mechanical voice sounded: "Hello, master, I will show you how to operate this mini fighter."

Then a virtual projection appeared in front of Su Jin's eyes, introducing in detail the control method of the entire fighter, seeing that the control method of the whole fighter can be operated by voice,

And it's fully intelligent control. Jin breathed a sigh of relief. She thought it would be very complicated, but she didn't expect it to be all intelligent.

From now on, this fighter plane will be called No. 6, Liuliu Dashun, it sounds great. "Okay, master, No. 6 is at your service." The electronic voice sounded.

After binding, Su Jin carefully inspected every corner of the battleship, feeling this and that, as if she couldn't get enough of it.

Su Jin finally finished being curious. On the other hand, they began to make large purchases non-stop, preparing to decorate their fighters.

First, the refrigerator in the kitchen was filled up, and there were all kinds of ingredients. Then there are sofas, quilts, and various living utensils. Strive to decorate the interior of your fighter as warm and comfortable as possible.

After two hours of busy work, Su Jin finally stopped.

"Let's take a test flight." Su Jin received it with a little excitement.

"Okay, let's go to the last time you worked as a starless star for a month. I want to investigate some things by the way." Chen Lie raised his head and stopped his manual work.

"Okay, let's go to Desolate Star." Su Jin gave the order enthusiastically, and the battleship flew out with a whistling sound. It's amazingly fast. Su Jin lay by the window, opened her eyes wide, looked at the clouds outside, and exclaimed: "It's so fast."

"The speed of this fighter plane is considered to be the most advanced in today's technology. Even the mutant frigate bird known for its speed cannot surpass it." Chen Lie explained.

"Is the mutant frigate bird fast?" Su Jin asked.

"Yes." Chen Lie didn't explain much.

Su Jin nodded half-understood.

An hour later, the two arrived at Desolate Star.

After stepping out of the battleship, Chen Lie took out the detector.

"What are you detecting?" Su Jin asked.

"The last time the Zerg attacked the frontier star, they bypassed this desolate star. I want to find out why." Chen Lie replied.

"How is it?" Su Jin asked.

"I didn't find anything." Chen Lie lowered his head in thought, what could it be?

"Did the Zerg approach this planet at that time?" Su Jin asked again in doubt.

"Yes." Chen Lie nodded.

"Then why was Mo Shaoxiang sucked dry by the Zerg again?"

"It should be that the larvae were tired from the long journey and were looking for a place to rest. They just happened to meet. But there are very, very few Zergs actually staying on this planet, almost none." Chen Lie explained.

"I see." Su Jin nodded and said.

After Su Jin finished speaking, she walked around.

"Hey, isn't this mosquito repellent plant? It's so tall, I almost didn't recognize it.

"Chen Lie, I think the Zerg's failure to capture this planet may have something to do with the plants on it.

You see, this is mosquito repellent, and its smell is very annoying to Zerg. We can go back and do research every other time to see if this is the reason. " Su Jin said.

Su Jin took a few more steps outside and found that besides the mosquito repellent, there were also a large number of wormwood.

The two of them walked around a small hill, and a large patch of lavender appeared unexpectedly. Su Jin couldn't help being shocked by this dreamy scene, it was so beautiful!

In addition to lavender, mint and rosemary were also found. In the end, I even found geraniums. It can be said that there are plants on this planet that mosquitoes hate. No wonder this group of mutated mosquitoes are unwilling to stay on this planet.

Su Jin said with emotion: "These plants are the most hated by mosquitoes, no wonder they don't want to stay here."

Chen Lie collected some of these plants and put them in the space button, ready to take them back for testing. This trip was not in vain. After doing all this, the two boarded the mini battleship again.

"Go to the headquarters of the Sixth Army." Su Jin gave the order to the battleship.

No. 6 adjusted its course obediently, and flew towards the Sixth Army.

The two soon reached the Sixth Army.

Soldiers passing by rushed towards the two of them. Salute and say hello.

"The Sixth Army seems to be very lively!" Su Jin said.

"Recently, the major armies of the empire are signing up for the military competition. If you are interested, you can sign up for the competition. I will go to the laboratory first." Chen Lie explained. Su Jin has the rank of the Sixth Army and is eligible to participate in the competition.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look. If there's still time, I'll sign up for the pacifier competition." Su Jin said with a smile.

After Chen Lie finished speaking, he walked towards the laboratory.

It's not the first time for Su Jin to come to the Sixth Army, and she's quite familiar with it, so she wandered around on her own.

When they walked to a building, they saw a group of people. Su Jin walked towards the crowd, this is probably the place to sign up.

"It's the last two minutes. Is there anyone else who wants to sign up?" Only a voice came out.

"If you have me, I want to sign up." Su Jin shouted hastily.

"Okay, so it's Madam. I've already signed up for you, just in time for the last second." The person who helped sign up breathed a sigh of relief after speaking.

"I haven't told you what event I applied for. What event did you apply for?" Su Jin asked in confusion, why did she apply for herself so quickly.