get separated

I saw a few green vines shooting out from the big tree, the speed was extremely fast, fortunately. Ou Xiaopei discovered in time that several fire blades flew over and knocked the vines to the ground.

At this moment, the rest of the people also came to their senses, and one after another they released their abilities and attacked the big tree.

Su Jin knew that her supernatural ability was not very lethal, so she just took out the energy pistol and pointed it at the tree, and the tree kept attacking.

After a while, there were more and more vines, and she could only take care of herself. Su Jin also began to back away slowly, so as not to be dragged by the attacking vines.

But what Su Jin didn't expect was that there was also a vine at the back, which had sneaked up to his side, wrapped his legs around him, and dragged him hard.

"Ah...!" Su Jin shouted.

"Su Jin!" Seeing Su Jin being dragged away by vines, Pan Tingting quickly cut off the vines in front of her and flew to rescue her.

After being dragged for a certain distance, Su Jin slowly calmed down, condensed a flame, and cut off the vine at her ankle with all her might. This is because Pan Tingting also came to Su Jin's side, and she was relieved when she saw that Su Jin was safe and sound. At this time, Pan Tingting also came to Su Jin's side, and she was relieved to see that Su Jin was safe and sound.

"Su Jin, are you okay?" Pan Tingting asked.

"It's okay, I was really taken aback just now." Su Jin said with lingering fear.

"Which direction are we going now? I can't tell the direction anymore." Su Jin said.

"I, I don't know, I'm a Lu Chi." Pan Tingting said with a wrinkled face.

Well, the two got lost.

"I don't know what's going on with the captain and the others?" Pan Tiantian said.

"Send a message, maybe you can find your way." Su Jin answered.

"Yes." Pan Tiantian nodded.

After a while, Su Jin asked, "How is it?" Did the captain reply to the message?

Pan Tiantian shook her head: "No."

Ou Xiaopei is fighting hard against the vines, so there is no time to read the newsletter.

After a lot of hard work, Ou Xiaopei and the others defeated the vines and were able to catch their breath.

"Tiantian and Su Jin were dragged away by vines, we have to find them quickly." Zhong Xueling said anxiously.

"Don't worry, the two of them are fine and have already sent me a message." Ou Xiaopei said, "It's just that they are a little far away from us. I will let them go directly south. We will meet again in an hour."

Meng Wei nodded, "Unexpectedly, we encountered such a situation on the first day."

"Hey, the captain replied to the message. She told us to meet up after walking south for an hour." Pan Tiantian said in surprise.

"Then let's go, I'm slow, don't miss the rendezvous time." Su Jin said worriedly.

The two hurriedly rushed, but in the end they still missed Ou Xiaopei's footsteps and missed the rendezvous time.

"Captain Su Jin, why haven't the two of them come yet? I've been waiting so impatiently." Meng Wei walked back and forth anxiously.

"That's right, we've all been waiting for an hour." Zhong Xueling also echoed.

After thinking twice, Ou Xiaopei sent a message to Pan Tingting, telling them to go straight to the direction of the pennant, and the three of them will go first, otherwise, their Sixth Army will really be the last one.

Pan Tingting, who received Ou Xiaopei's message, was still half an hour away from the meeting place.

"I was the one who got everyone involved. If it wasn't for me, you might have already reached the meeting point." Su Jin said apologetically.

"Don't have psychological pressure. As a person without any combat experience, it's pretty good that you can do what you are doing now." Pan Tiantian said sincerely.

"After all, I'm still to blame. If it wasn't because I gave you the wrong name, you wouldn't have to suffer like this now." Pan Tiantian continued.

"You really know how to comfort people, let's go." Su Jin said with a helpless smile.

"Why don't we continue to follow this river?" Pan Tiantian said.

The two of them walked randomly, just bypassing the mountain peak that blocked the river before, and returned to the edge of the river.

"Okay." Su Jin nodded.