
"Hu Wenlong, don't you happen to have an earth-type ability? Try it." Pan Tiantian said.

Hu Wenlong looked at the pot of gigantic beasts in front of him and hesitantly said, "I... do it, or I'll try it."

"After finishing speaking, Wu Wenlong picked up the chopsticks, gently picked up a small piece, and put it into his mouth with his eyes closed. He chewed, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "It's delicious, it's so delicious. "He stretched out his hand and picked up several pieces, and then he stopped his hand with unsatisfied intentions.

"How is it? How is it?" Pan Tiantian asked eagerly.

"It's so delicious, and the earth energy is very abundant." Hu Wenlong said with admiration, "I'll make the rest." Hu Wenlong looked at the remaining ingredients.

"Okay, you can make the rest of the pork belly soup." Su Jin said

"Pork belly soup?"

"Oh, pork belly actually refers to the stomach of a pig. It's called pork belly. This is what it was called in the ancient earth period. Gigantic beast is actually a variant of pig. I just called it pork belly soup."

"Oh, that's it." Pan Tiantian nodded.

"That's really great. In the future, we can add a stir-fried pork belly and a pork belly soup to our menu." Hu Wenlong said happily.

"During the ancient earth period, the pork belly soup was tender, thick and delicious. It was a good nourishing food therapy, suitable for men, women and children.

Pork belly is a versatile ingredient. It can be paired with vegetables or meat, and it tastes delicious no matter how you do it.

Moreover, pork belly is a food material that can be used both as medicine and food. It is rich in nutrition, warm in nature and nourishing.

There are many ways to cook pork belly, such as stir-fried, stewed and cold.

"Unexpectedly, pork belly has so many functions and methods," Hu Wenlong said with emotion.

"The method of this soup is to peel the yam, wash it, cut it into small pieces, and soak it in clean water. Then put the pork belly in a casserole, add two slices of ginger, add barley, gorgon, and poria cocos. Pour in an appropriate amount boiled water, boil on high heat and simmer on low heat for an hour and a half

Then add lotus seeds and yam, boil and then simmer for half an hour. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, and white pepper to taste. After stirring evenly, turn off the heat. It is delicious and nutritious. Drinking a bowl will warm your stomach very comfortably. "

Su Jin explained in an unhurried manner.

Hu Wenlong followed what Su Jin said step by step, and two hours later, this pork belly soup was made.

While the pork belly soup was not yet cooked, Hu Wenlong also made two servings of stir-fried pork belly.

It will soon be time for the soldiers to have dinner. Hu Wenlong brought the stir-fried pork belly and pork belly soup to the dining window.

Each system in the cafeteria has two dishes of exotic animals for the soldiers to choose from. The soldiers queuing up in the hall couldn't help sniffing, it smells so good!

"What kind of dish are you cooking today? Why is it so delicious?"

"What I made today is pork belly, an exotic beast of the earth type. Do you want to try it?" Hu Wenlong replied.

"What is pork belly?" Hu Wenlong smiled and said nothing.

But there are many knowledgeable people among the warriors: "Pork belly is the stomach of the current Gigantic beast. It was called pork belly in the ancient earth period."

"Ah, it's the stomach of a giant beast, no need, no need, I'll just eat this, I'll eat this." Hearing that it was the stomach of a giant beast, the little soldier turned pale with fright, and panicked. reject.

Just kidding, haven't I been tortured enough? The last time I ate a giant beast for a full week, it smelled so bad that I almost vomited after eating it. This time I will not eat anything.

"You really don't want it, but don't regret it!"

After Hu Wenlong finished speaking, he grabbed a piece of pork belly in front of him and ate it in his mouth, his face full of intoxication."

"Look at Hu Wenlong's appearance, is it so delicious? Could it be a lie to us?"

"I don't think so. Look at his expression. If it's unpalatable, he can be intoxicated like that."

"I'm not sure. Is the pork belly they made before edible? Haven't you been tortured enough?"

"But he looks delicious like that, and smells delicious, how about I try it?" the little soldier murmured.

The little soldier thought for a while, and shouted loudly: "Give me a spoonful, I'll try." The little soldier's voice made Hu Wenlong so happy. He gave him a big spoonful and said, "You still have eyes."

"How? How? How does it taste?"

"I haven't started eating yet, what are you in a hurry for?" The little soldier said to his comrade-in-arms. He carefully picked a small piece and put it in his mouth. Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he accelerated his eating speed.

"Oh my god, this is so delicious!" The little soldier puffed up his cheeks and said indistinctly. It's so delicious, it's a godsend delicacy, and this earth attribute is too powerful.

The soldiers next to him stood around watching the little soldier keep stuffing it into his mouth. Realizing that it must be delicious, he hurriedly turned to the kitchen window and shouted at Hu Wenlong, "Give me a spoon, give me a spoon."

Hu Wenlong saw this posture and knew that this dish was accepted by everyone.

"Is it really so delicious? Asked the soldier who had already prepared the meal. As he spoke, he grabbed a slice from the little soldier's bowl regardless, stuffed it into his mouth, and suddenly opened his eyes wide. delicious.

"Why are you grabbing my food?"

"Aren't I afraid that you won't be able to finish eating!"


The soldiers who hadn't finished cooking heard the conversation between them and hurried to the window: "Give me two spoonfuls of pork belly."

"Line up, line up, first come, first served." Hu Wenlong said with a smile.

The warrior who had prepared the meal before and rejected the pork belly looked at each other, beat his chest and stamped his feet, regretting why he had such a cheap mouth just now, and said no. Well now, I can only watch others eat.

"Hey, give me a spoonful too."

"Sorry, no more." Hu Wenlong spread his hands.

"Ah! Why is it gone? I haven't tasted it yet."

"I told you to eat it just now, but you didn't want to eat it. Now that it's gone, you regret it." Hu Wenlong said mockingly.

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"Madam hasn't posted a recipe for a long time, what is it this time?"

"This is the stomach of a gigantic beast. Can this be eaten?"

"Whenever Madam's recipe has disappointed us, it must be delicious."

"I've already placed an order to buy ingredients."

"This gigantic beast is so cheap."

"Hurry up if you want to buy, the quantity is running out."

"Ah, the speed of your group is too fast, it's really gone."

"That's why you have to be quick, precise and ruthless."