
"Come back tomorrow." After Chen Haoting finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the hover car parked by the side of the road.

"But didn't the housekeeper say that the head of their family is not here?" Su Jin asked suspiciously.

"He just doesn't want to see me." Chen Haoting sighed and looked into the distance, not knowing what to think.

"Why?" Su Jin continued to ask.

"Wei Shiyan's son, Wei Xiao, is Lie Er's best friend. Wei Xiao died in the war against the Zerg five years ago. Wei Shiyan has always been concerned about his son's death, thinking that Wei Xiao's death was caused by Lie Er. "Chen Haoting explained.

"At that time, the two were introduced into the depths of the Zerg tribe by Wu Jinxin and broke away from the main force. The two were trapped in the Zerg tribe and were seriously injured. According to Lie Er, he was already unconscious at the time, and it was Wei Xiao who put him in the escape pod , and escaped unharmed. But he himself was buried among the Zerg."

"Wu Jinxin is the person we met in Desolate Star?"

"Yes, that's him. In the final analysis, Wei Xiao's sacrifice was also because of me. Our Chen family is ashamed of their Wei family." Chen Haoting said with a heavy heart.

After Chen Haoting finished speaking, he stopped talking, but Su Jin remembered the black mecha stored in the mecha room of the Sixth Army.

At that time, Chen Lie said that it was his best friend's mecha, and that mecha should belong to Wei Xiao.

The next day, the two came outside the Wei family villa again.

As soon as the suspension car of the two stopped, Wei Shiyan in the villa received a message from the housekeeper. "Master General Chen is here again." The housekeeper Qian Yi said respectfully.

"Just say I'm not here." Wei Shiyan said expressionlessly, his cold voice could not be heard clearly.

Qian Yi came outside the gate and said, "General Chen, our patriarch hasn't come back yet."

"Then when will your Patriarch come back? Are we waiting for him to do something urgent?" Su Jin asked anxiously. Even if he didn't want to see him, he still had to find a way to see him, otherwise Chen Lie's situation wouldn't allow them to waste too much time.

"I can't say for sure. Our Patriarch never tells me when he will come back every time he goes out." The housekeeper replied apologetically.

"Well, let's come back later." Su Jin replied.

The butler nodded towards Chen Haoting and Su Jin, then turned and entered the room.

"Let's go back too." Chen Haoting said helplessly.

"Father, I want to go back to the Sixth Army." Su Jin said. He knew that Wei Shiyan was actually at home. If he didn't clear up his misunderstanding about Chen Lie, he would not see them.

Sitting on the suspension car, Su Jin thought a lot. Since Wei Xiaoshiyan didn't see them because of a misunderstanding of Chen Lie, she went to find evidence to prove that Chen Lie was innocent. This is the only way to see Wei Xiaoshiyan. way.

"Okay." Chen Haoting didn't ask Su Jin what to do when she went back, and she couldn't help much if she stayed here.

After Su Jin left, Chen Haoting's phone calls to Wei Shiyan were all busy, and the messages he sent to him also fell silent, with no reply. Chen Haoting sighed deeply.

If it doesn't work, I can only recruit people and go to Xuexing to find snow tea.

It was already two hours later when Su Jin arrived at the Sixth Army.

"Ji Yun, hurry up, follow me to the mecha storage room to find something." Su Jin said anxiously.

"Okay, I'll come right away." Ji Yun replied, just wondering, what are you looking for in the mecha storage room at this time?

"After this mecha came back, did you take out his battle video memory?" Su Jin pointed to Wei Xiao's mecha and asked.

"No, after the mecha was brought back, the major general didn't let anyone move it, and kept it here."

"Then help me find it quickly, and find out the storage device." Su Jin's heart relaxed, and she said hastily.

Only by finding out the video and finding out the truth at that time can we prove that Wei Xiao was not killed by Chen Lie. Only in this way can he meet Wei Shiyan and buy a level 8 alien plant from him, so that Chen Lie can regain hope.

Because the mecha was too broken, the two of them searched for 4 hours before they found the memory in a corner.

"This memory is almost deformed, and I don't know if the information stored in it can still be played." Su Jin said worriedly.

"Let me take a look." Ji Yun said. Su Jin handed over the storage to Ji Yun. I saw Ji Yun took out a player and inserted the memory into the player.

"Why is there no picture? Is it broken?" Su Jin asked anxiously.

"The memory is good. It should be out of energy. I'll change it." After Ji Yun finished speaking, he took out a piece of thumb-sized energy from his space button and put it into the memory, and then inserted the memory into the player again. The player lights up.

In the picture, Wei Xiao entered the giant beast and rescued Chen Lie.

Wei Xiao stuffed the unconscious Chen Lie into the small escape pod, and then clicked to return home automatically. As soon as he finished all this, he was surrounded by the charging giant beasts.

Immediately, the screen began to sway continuously, making a hissing sound, until finally it was no longer possible to see any screen.

But at this moment, a sound came from the pitch-black screen. This is Wei Xiao's last words to his father with his spiritual perception.

"Father, I'm sorry. I can't go back to join you for the family banquet. I broke my promise. Don't blame Chen Lie. This is my own choice." After this sentence, there was no more sound.

Su Jin and Ji Yun were silent for a long time before they finally came to their senses.

"Major General has never heard of this video, I will make a copy of it, please Madam please pass the original to the Patriarch of the Wei family." Ji Yun said with eyes full of pain.

"Yes." Su Jin took the memory card Ji Yun handed over, and silently put it into her space button.

"I'm leaving. Chen Lie is here to trouble you. Call me if you need anything." Su Jin said. She had to rush back to Yuxing immediately and hand over the contents of the memory to Wei Shiyan.

When Su Jin arrived at Yuxing, Chen Haoting hadn't contacted Wei Shiyan yet.

"Father, is it true that Wei Shiyan is not in Yuxing?" Su Jin couldn't help asking.

"I checked. He is indeed in Yuxing, and he hasn't gone out. He has been at home." Chen Haoting said helplessly.

"I found the video of Wei Xiao rescuing Chen Lie. I want to send it to Wei Shiyan. This will prove that Wei Xiao's death has nothing to do with Chen Lie. Maybe he will be willing to see us." Su Jin said.

"Have you found the evidence?" Chen Haoting turned around and asked in shock.

"Well, I found it." Su Jin nodded.

"Let's go, let's go to Wei's house." After Chen Haoting finished speaking, he strode towards the suspension car.

"Patriarch, General Chen Haoting is here again, and he said he has the young master's last words to hand over to you." Qian Yi said with some trepidation.