
The pickers who entered the golden cup fruit forest wearing coir raincoats walked under the tree for about ten minutes. The sap of the golden cup fruit tree dripped on the coir raincoats, and then slid down to the ground along the coir raincoats.

"This coir raincoat is really amazing. The sap didn't get on my body at all, and the coir raincoat was clean. It's just amazing." The picker who tested the effect of the coir raincoat said excitedly.

"You go to the tree, climb up the tree and see how the picking effect is?" other picking workers urged.

"Okay, okay, I'll go up and try." After Lu Bin finished speaking, he came to a tree and prepared to climb up.

I saw him clinging to the branches with both hands, kicking his legs, he reached a branch, but at this moment he was squatting there motionless.

"What's the matter? Why are you squatting there? Hurry up and try picking." Lu Bin squatted on the branch, feeling really miserable.

This coir raincoat is good, but it is inconvenient to move around. As long as I move a little more, my crotch will crack.

It's okay, so Lu Bin had no choice but to crouch there with a red face, not daring to move, and finally jumped down.

"Why did you jump down?"

"If I don't jump down again, my clothes will be ruined. This coir raincoat is very effective in preventing tree sap and mucus, but it is not convenient for him to climb trees." Lu Bing explained helplessly.

"Then if you can't go up the tree to pick it, isn't this protective clothing useless?" Everyone said one after another.

Wei Shiyan also looked at Su Jin, and saw that Su Jin was thinking about something with his head down. Soon Su Jin raised his head and said with a calm smile on his face.

"The coir raincoat can still be used. Although it can't climb trees, it is obvious that it reduces costs." Su Jin said.

Su Jin thought for a while, then came to Wei Shiyan's side again, and said in a low voice, "Uncle Wei, don't worry, I have other tricks that will definitely reduce the cost."

Hearing Su Jin's words, Wei Shiyan nodded lightly, and then said to the pickers: "Today's experiment will end here first, everyone is busy first."

After speaking, he led Su Jin and others back to the manor.

Upon returning to the villa, Li Feifei couldn't wait to ask, "Su Jin, do you have other equipment for picking golden cup fruits?"

Su Jin smiled mysteriously: "That's right, I do have an artifact for picking. You'll know when I make it. It's a perfect match for picking the golden cup fruit with the coir raincoat."

A corner of the golden cup fruit forest

A tall man in protective clothing is talking on the phone. This person is a member of the picking team, named Huang Fugui

"Master Luo, I have some great news. I wonder if you are interested." Huang Fugui's voice was flattering.

"Oh, that depends on what you have!" Luo Zhiye said lazily.

"This is an incredible thing. With it, the cost of picking golden cup fruits can be reduced by more than half." Huang Fugui said proudly.

"What?" Luo Zhiye suddenly sat up straight, put away his lazy posture, "You said it can reduce the cost of picking the golden cup fruit by more than half?"

"That's right, I wonder if Young Master Luo is interested?" Huang Fugui had a smug smile on his face, and he couldn't escape the huge star coin income.

"Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, come to Luo's house to find me, and you will benefit." Luo Zhiye said generously.

"Okay, okay, I will be upstairs on time tomorrow and wait for my good news." After Huang Fugui finished speaking, he hung up the communication excitedly.

On the second day, Luo's golden cup fruit forest

"Just such a simple coir raincoat can prevent the venom of the golden cup fruit resin?" Luo Zhiye asked in disbelief.

"Young Master Luo, you can watch it." Huang Fugui said, and entered the woods wearing a coir raincoat.

I saw the sap dripping continuously on the coir raincoat, but Fugui didn't get a single drop of venom.

"How good is it?" Huang Fugui walked out of the woods and said proudly while taking off his coir raincoat.

"That's right, that's right. Pass down the order to lower the price of the golden cup fruit, and we will seize half of the Wei family's market." Luo Zhiye said confidently.

"Young master, we haven't seen the effect of picking the coir raincoat yet. It's not too late to try it before reducing the price." The housekeeper reminded.

"The coir raincoat's effect on preventing venom is obvious. Do we still need to try it? Do as I say." Luo Zhiye said unhappily. My own jurisdiction is good for everything, but I am timid.

"Yes." The housekeeper said respectfully.

"Patriarch, the Luo family also produced coir raincoats, and they also advertised that the cost of picking has been greatly reduced.

Now the price of the golden cup fruit has dropped a lot, which has taken away a lot of our orders. "Qian Yi hurriedly ran to the hall to report.

Everyone who was talking in the living room looked at each other. When weaving the coir raincoats, there were only pickers from the Wei family, and they were all long-term partners. When making the coir raincoats, it was also said that the production method of the coir raincoats should not be passed on to the outside world. It seems that some people with bad intentions appeared in the picking team.

"There are only ten people who participated in the coir raincoat sewing. It is not difficult to find this person, so I will do it right away." Qian Yi said with certainty.

Soon Qian Yi found the culprit who spread the method of making the coir raincoat.

"The head of the family is Huang Fugui. I have kicked him out of the Wei family's Golden Cup Fruit Manor, and he will never be hired again." Qian Yi reported the result.

"Yes." Wei Shiyan nodded.

Qian Yi continued, "It's just that the price of the golden cup fruit has been lowered by the Luo family, so we have to think of some countermeasures."

"There's no need to worry about this. Just having coir raincoats can't reduce the cost. Let's see how the Luo family is doing before making a decision. Suspend picking the golden cup fruit first." Wei Shiyan ordered.

Qian Yi should be.

This wait is a week

Luo's golden cup fruit picking scene

"Young master is not well. The pickers at the golden cup fruit picking site have poisoned five more workers." The housekeeper said anxiously.

"How could this be? Didn't you have the coir raincoat?" Luo Zhiye shouted without confidence.

"This coir raincoat is not easy to use. It is easy to break when climbing a tree, and it accidentally sticks to the poisonous juice on the branches. It has been a week, and there are no fewer than twenty people." The housekeeper said anxiously .

If this continues, the cost will only increase but not decrease. The cost of treating a poisoned person is much higher than the cost of a set of picking clothes.

"Damn Huang Fugui, let him get the hell out of here." Luo Zhiye shouted angrily.

"Young master, Huang Fugui is not in the manor, and I can't get through to him through communication. I'm afraid he ran away." The housekeeper's voice became smaller and smaller in the end, fearing that he would be caught in a catastrophe.

Luo Zhiye said angrily and loudly: "Quickly, stop the sales of golden cup fruits."

"Yes." The butler hurried down to make arrangements.

But at this time, it was already too late. After the price of the golden cup fruit was reduced, a lot of it had been sold, and the Luo family was losing a lot this time.