wooden boat

"I always feel that things are not that simple. Gu Tianling must have other purposes." Su Jin rested her chin with one hand, thought for a while, and said leisurely.

"I think so too. He's such a deep-minded person, maybe he's holding back something bad." Li Feifei wrinkled her nose, obviously not liking Gu Tianling.

That's right, based on Li Feifei's feelings for Wei Shiyan, she must also know that Gu Tianling was responsible for Wei Xiao's death.

"The things that Gu Tianling did, will be punished sooner or later. As far as I know, Chen Lie has been looking for evidence that Gu Tianling framed Wei Xiao all these years." Su Jin said solemnly.

"I hope he can be brought to justice soon." Li Feifei said indignantly.

"By the way, how are you and Wei Shiyan doing now?" Su Jin suddenly changed the subject and asked gossip.

"I've already agreed to his marriage proposal." Li Feifei was suddenly a little embarrassed and blushed.


Two days later, Chen Lie accompanied Su Jin to the heart of the tomb.

"Mrs. Chen, you are welcome to visit Mushi Xing. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time." Mu Wenlin, head of the Mu family, said enthusiastically.

"Patriarch Mu is being polite!" Su Jin said with a smile.

After a few people greeted each other, Su Jin proposed the idea of visiting the exotic plantation, "Master Mu, let's go and see, the kind of exotic plant you mentioned, I don't know if our protective clothing can be sent Useful."

"Okay, okay, okay." Patriarch Mu said with a smile, and then led everyone on the suspension vehicle, and arrived at their planting base two hours later.

"This means our planting has won." Patriarch Mu introduced.

In the large pond, blossoming white lotus swayed, and workers in protective suits stood in the water, picking lotus pods non-stop.

"This is a lotus? It's just that why don't you pick it by boat?" Su Jin was full of doubts.

"That's right, this is a special product of our planet Jushi, a level 8 water system heterophyte, white lotus."

Mu Wenlin continued to explain, "The root of the white lotus emits a poisonous liquid, which is extremely corrosive, and the poison dissolves into the water, so the entire pond planting area is covered with poison.

Our protective clothing will be corroded for one day at most and cannot be used again. "

In the beginning, we also used boats to pick them, but later the income from making such small boats was not high, and people gradually learned to make new protective clothing. This kind of low-carbon and environmentally friendly boat is slowly disappearing. "

At that time, I was really pleasantly surprised when I saw the coir raincoat used in picking golden cup fruits. I wondered if I could use it to replace the protective clothing. It would be the best if the cost of picking white lotus can be reduced. "

"Our woven protective clothing is not suitable for working in water. It is permeable." After hearing Su Jin's words, the Mu family was very disappointed. He immediately asked, "Is there no other way?"

"Other methods?" Su Jin lowered her head in thought, then suddenly raised her head after a while, "By the way, what material are the boats you use to pick them made of? The cost is so high?"

"The ship uses a kind of xenoplanted seven-treasure tree unique to our planet Jushi.

But his wood can prevent the intrusion of any toxins. If we can produce this kind of boat again, our picking cost will definitely be minimized. "

"It's just that the craftsmanship of making wooden boats has been lost. Anyone who can make wooden boats can apply for intangible cultural heritage."

I know a little about wooden boat manufacturing books. After thinking for a while, I said, "I'm very interested in wooden boat manufacturing. I want to go back and study it. If we can develop it successfully, we can cooperate again."

"That's really great. I have asked many people to help build ships, but they were all rejected because of the high cost and low income. If Mrs. Chen is willing to take over, it would be the best." Patriarch Mu said in surprise.

The two hit it off immediately, and the business was completed in this way. From now on, the weaving factory can no longer be called a simple weaving factory. Su Jin decided to change it into a manufacturing factory, specializing in the production of weaving and woodworking products, and by the way, spread the skills of woodworking.

After purchasing a sufficient amount of Qibao wonderful tree materials on Jushi, Su Jin and his wife returned to Obsidian and began to make wooden boats.

The weaving factory currently employs 200 people, and has already received three orders for coir raincoats from Yuxing. When the wooden boat is successfully developed and the order for the wooden boat is received, the factory will be officially on track.

Su Jin selected 30 of the 200 people to learn how to make wooden boats. These people will be the backbone of the wooden boat manufacturing department in the future.

The craftsmanship of shipbuilding is recorded in the Earth Culture Publicity Bureau of Jushi. The empire encourages people to carry forward the earth's culture, and access to information is free.

Su Jin retrieved a production tutorial from the database of the Earth Culture Propaganda Bureau, and then participated in the development of small wooden boats with these 30 workers.

The process of making a boat is divided into

1. Stake out, calculate material quantity and take material

Second, it is the screenplay.

Third, it is the hull of a ship

Fourth, put the seams in the boat, and then use tung oil, lime, and twine to mix well, and then stuff them in the seams of the boat to prevent the hull from leaking.

Fifth, use raw tung oil and paint, 2-3 times.

Three months later, there was a burst of cheers from the manufacturing plant.

We finally succeeded in developing it!

"Go, go into the water to see the effect." Su Jin looked at the wooden boat that was made and said happily.

Thirty people excitedly came to the river, looking at the small boat floating in the water, their hearts were extremely excited. This is the first wooden boat that I have made after 3 months of hard work!

The trunk of this Seven Treasure Tree is indeed very suitable for building ships. The material of this tree is strong and resilient.

A boat made of this kind of wood has a shallow draft, high buoyancy, can carry heavy loads, is light, flexible, and durable.

"Congratulations, everyone, our wooden boat has been successfully made." Su Jin said with a smile on her face.

Immediately, thirty people burst into cheers.

"Then when will we have orders for wooden boats?" As soon as this question was raised, everyone stared at Su Jin. Everyone hopes that the skills they can learn can be effectively used.

"The order is coming soon, so you should be ready to work overtime to make the wooden boat." The smile in Su Jin's eyes seemed to be overflowing, and she couldn't hold it back.

When Su Jin sent the news of the successful development of the wooden boat to the Mu family, Mu Wenlin was overjoyed. After finalizing the price, he directly placed an order for 3,000 small boats.

"Our cost of picking lotus seeds can finally be reduced!" Mu Wenlin said excitedly.