Valley House

A fancy restaurant. Gu Tiancheng looked at Pu Huizhu, who was sitting opposite him, with a beautiful face full of flattery, "Miss Pu, try this is the most famous dish in our empire."

Pu Huizhu glanced at Gu Tiancheng, took a sip, "It's really good."

Hearing that Park Huizhu said it was good, Gu Tiancheng was immediately happy. He knew that the dishes of this restaurant would definitely be liked by Park Huizhu.

I have admired Park Huizhu for a long time, I don't know how happy I am to get her appointment this time, and I secretly make up my mind that I must make Park Huizhu satisfied with this arrangement.

"This single-restaurant also makes zongzi quite well. Try it." Gu Tiancheng wanted to bring the topic to the application for Dragon Boat Festival intangible cultural heritage, which was a major event he had accomplished.

"I didn't expect Director Gu to be so capable. But after only one year in office, he took down Duan Wu Feigui with ease. It's really hard to be fooled by appearances."

"Where is it, Miss Pu won the prize." Gu Tiancheng said modestly, but he was very proud of himself.

"Your Gu family is very beautiful. You have applied for the Dragon Boat Festival Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the medical school has also achieved amazing achievements.

As far as I know, your Gu family is also on duty at the Medical Research Institute. The problem of human reproduction has been solved, and your Gu family will leave a strong mark in history. "Pu Huizhu looked at Gu Tiancheng, who was very complacent, and brought the topic to the second child.

"It is true that the Medical Research Institute is now under the management of my second uncle. He has spent a lot of time on this research.

The fact that this research can produce results so quickly has a lot to do with my second uncle. " Gu Tiancheng said with a smile on his face.

"Really? Our federation and the empire's application for technology sharing have been rejected. I wonder if Director Gu can introduce your second uncle. Our federation is quite interested in this research result."

Park Huizhu said slowly, with a smile on her bright face, which almost dazzled Gu Tiancheng's eyes.

"Since it's Miss Pu's request, Tian Cheng should do his best." Gu Tiancheng replied, staring blankly at Pu Huizhu.

"Then it's a deal, you can't go back on your word!"

"No problem, I'll call my second uncle right away." Gu Tiancheng couldn't wait.

"Is Second Uncle free tomorrow? I want to take a friend to visit your research institute. Hey, okay, okay, thank you Second Uncle."

Gu Tiancheng hung up the phone happily, and then said to Park Huizhu: "It's done, I'll take you there tomorrow, and I'll pick you up at nine o'clock."

"Okay, you really didn't disappoint me." Park Hye-joo said with approval.

Gu Tiancheng is not stupid. Naturally, he can see Park Huizhu's purpose. The Patriarch has long said that once the people of the Federation make any request, he can just agree to it.

The Gu family has been planning for so many years, and they are about to succeed, so they must not lose the chain.

The main house of the Gu family

Several core figures of the Gu family gathered together.

"Tomorrow, Tiancheng will bring Park Huizhu from the Federation to the Medical Research Institute in the name of a visit. They must be here for fertility issues.

Ming An, as long as they agree to our request, we will send them the information on the second child. "

"Yes." Gu Ming'an replied, "It's just that we crossed over the Xi's family. As the leader, Xi Wenhua might attack the family."

"All the military resources of the empire are in our hands, what can the Xi family do to me. As long as this is done, the position of the head of the empire will be in the pocket of our Gu family." The head of the family said confidently.