He Lin's father-killing enemy

Three days later, He Lin came to Obsidian and contacted Chen Lie.

"Chen Lie, I came here this time because my younger brother had a Zerg toxin attack and urgently needed a high-level fire-type xenoplant to suppress the toxicity. I wonder if you would sell me a high-level fire-type xenoplant?" He Lin asked straight to the point.

"I did get one of the fire-type heterophytes, but we have already used it for breeding and breeding, so we are not going to sell it." Chen Lie said succinctly.


Xu Lexian, who was temporarily living in Heiyao, happened to meet He Lin visiting.

I just felt that the young man who was with Chen Lie was very familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Uncle Xu, what are you looking at?" Chen Haoting asked.

"The young man with Chen Lie looks very familiar, but I can't remember who he looks like at the moment." Xu Lexian shook his head doubtfully.

"That's Gu Tianling's personal guard He Lin, and his father was your former personal guard He Fang." Chen Haoting replied.

"So it's He Fang's son, no wonder he looks so familiar." Xu Lexian suddenly realized, "Let's go and have a look."

"Okay." Chen Haoting nodded, and walked towards Chen Lie and the others.

"You are He Lin? Yes, you look very similar to your father." Xu Lexian said happily.

"You know my father? Are you...?" He Lin asked suspiciously.

"Your father was my bodyguard." Xu Lexian said.

"You are... you are the God of War of the Xu family!" He Lin exclaimed.

Xu Lexian nodded, affirmed his words, and asked, "What's the matter with you at Obsidian?"

Chen Lie explained He Lin's reason for coming.

"He Fang was kind enough to save my life. If He Fang hadn't pushed me away and blocked the fatal blow of the Gu family killer for me, I'm afraid I would have passed away long ago, but He Fang died in Gu's house. In the hands of my family, I am ashamed of your He family."

Xu Lexian continued with a sad expression, "How about this, you take the letter I gave you to Xu's house and ask them to give you a high-level fire-type xenoplant."

"Old Xu, did you just say...my father died at the hands of the Gu family?" He Lin opened his eyes wide and asked eagerly.

"Yes, Gu Wannian, the Patriarch of the Gu family, took advantage of my unpreparedness and injected me with a potion to eliminate supernatural powers, and sent killers to deal with me.

Fortunately, your father arrived in time, pushed me, and blocked the fatal blow for me, but the knife hit his heart. Even if we tried our best to rescue him in the end, no one could save him. "Xu Lexian said guiltily.

"The Gu family...it turned out that the Gu family killed my father." He Lin clenched his fists and thought angrily.

It's ridiculous that I have been working for my enemies for so many years.

It's ridiculous that I am also grateful to Dade for taking in the Gu family, so that I can have a job to support my family.

He Lin felt sad for a moment, and stood there in a daze, unable to regain his composure for a long time.

"I must make the Gu family pay for their blood." He Lin said bitterly.

"The Gu family will naturally have to pay for what they did. We are already collecting evidence of the Gu family's crimes." Chen Lie said.

"I have a lot of evidence you want here, and I'll show it to you later." He Lin said with firm eyes.

He must avenge the murder of his father.

"He Lin, don't worry too much about your brother's poison. You brought your brother to Hei Yaoxing these two days. I happen to have the potion to get rid of the poison." Chen Liai said again and again.

Since He Lin's father was killed by the Gu family, he can be pulled into his camp.

The evidence in He Lin's hands will become a powerful weapon to bring down the Gu family.