ice fishing

Su Jin sat next to Chen Lie, lowered her head and thought, "This is a world of ice and snow, what kind of food can I eat to satisfy my hunger?"

By the way, isn't there ice fishing in winter in Northeast China? Is it possible that this planet also has fish? Or there are animals that are not afraid of the cold, and these can be used as their food.

Su Jin raised her head and looked at Chen Lie with bright eyes.

Sensing Su Jin's gaze, Chen Lie asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm wondering if there are fish or animals that are not afraid of the cold on this planet. If there are fish and animals, we will have food." Su Jin's tone was a little excited.

After everyone heard it, they felt that it made sense. This planet has air and water, and it stands to reason that there should also be animals.

"So, pick 5 people to go out with me to find food." Chen Lie said.

Soon, Chen Lie took five people and went out to look for edible animals and plants.

After some investigation, they found a small animal with snow-white fur, but it was so fast that they couldn't catch it.

"Look, there are fish all over here!" A person suddenly shouted loudly, his voice full of surprise.

Everyone ran over looking for the sound.

I saw a large number of fish swimming constantly in the crevices of the ice under the thick ice lip.

"It should be here. The surface of a river is just completely frozen. If you walk along the surface of the river, you should be able to find a place to break the ice." A person said. "But we have checked everything around us, and there is no place to break the ice."

"Then how do these fish breathe?" A person asked a question.

Chen Lie thought for a while and said, "Let's try to see if we can make a hole in the ice. With this hole, we can fish out the fish inside."

It took a lot of effort for several people to break a small hole just now.

A few people used their abilities to condense the steel fork, but they found nothing. These fish are too cunning.

"No, I can't take it anymore, it's too cold." A person rubbed his frozen fingers vigorously.

They were wearing the protective suits that Newry stored in other people's space, exactly 5 pieces, but the energy source of the protective suits was not much.

They must ensure that the energy can be used continuously for several days.

"Let's go back first." After thinking about it, Chen Lie ordered.

Instead of wasting time and energy here, it's better to go back and figure out a countermeasure, and then come out again, the safety of the few people can be guaranteed more. fun reading

With the good news brought back by several people, the people in the house showed happy smiles. With food, they can persist until the arrival of the rescue team.

Everyone began to brainstorm and think of countermeasures.

"Su Jin, don't you know how to weave fishing nets? I think we can weave some fishing nets and maybe we can use them."

"No problem. I'll teach you how to weave fishing nets together later. With fishing nets, you can catch more fish. We can eat slowly when the weather is cold, so you don't have to go out every time."

After the fishing net was woven, Su Jin began to explain how to use the fishing net.

There is not enough oxygen in the frozen water. After the ice surface is cut open, the fish will gather near the frozen area so that they can breathe oxygen.

Find a ditch or pit with fish and a small ice surface, and dig down hard. After cutting through the ice, take the net and turn it in the ice hole, throw the net out, and turn the net up from the same direction, and you will be able to The fish was caught. "

The next day, Chen Lie brought 10 people to the river and started fishing.

The fish must be caught today, because they have no food, and these fish will be their only food.

With the help of fishing nets, the few people quickly caught a large amount of fish, enough for them to eat for three to five days.

After storing the caught fish in the space button, the 10 people started their return journey.

Back at the temporary residence, the hungry people began to process the fish under Su Jin's explanation.

"Su Jin, the fish are almost finished, what should I do?"

"We have a lot of people. I think it would be good to have two big pots of fish soup and grilled fish." Su Jin thought about it and said.

Both the soup pot and the baking tray are condensed directly by gold-type supernatural beings with supernatural powers, which are fast and good.

Su Jin's space button is not broken, and there are still a lot of seasonings in it, which will not make the fish too fishy to eat.

"This fish soup is so mellow and sweet!"

"The grilled fish is also very fragrant and delicious!"

Everyone ate to their hearts content.

Finally, on the morning of the third day, the repairer repaired his optical brain, and everyone surrounded him, waiting excitedly for him to call for help.

With a crisp bell ringing, everyone cheered. After dialing, everyone fell silent again.

"Hello, this is the Imperial Rescue Bureau. May I help you?"

"We are survivors on the Satisfaction civilian warship. We are in urgent need of rescue. This is the positioning of our planet."

"Hello, please rest assured that the rescue team has found out the approximate direction of the spacecraft's landing by studying the trajectory of the black hole, and has sent General Li to the rescue.

The rescue battleship will arrive in your star field on time in a week. With your definite location, General Li will definitely find you soon. "

It's really great, everyone cheered.

"Approximately how many survivors are there on your ship?" The operator asked the question that the public wanted to know most.

"The repairman pointed the optical brain at all the members in the room, and said: "We have a total of twenty-five people, all here, please send this video to our family members, thank you! "

After hanging up the communication, 25 people calmed down their excitement, and they were finally saved.

Some lesbians secretly wiped away their tears happily.

After the operator hung up the communication, he hastily sent the location to General Li who was on his way to rescue.

On the official website of the Imperial Rescue Department, the list and videos of the survivors were immediately released.

"Great, Ariel and Su Jin are still alive!" Meng Yulan said with a sob.

Chen Haoting patted Meng Yulan's shoulder comfortingly, and the look on his face became more relaxed.


"I never thought that Chen Lie's fate would be so great."

"So what if you are lucky? By the time he comes back, the game will be over."

"There are still seven days left, maybe we can still catch up with the game."

"It's said to be 7 days, how can it be so accurate, there are countless black hole storms along the way, and their speed can't be fast."

Two days later, General Li's rescue battleship finally arrived at Wuming Xuexing.

The entire rescue process was broadcast live on the official website of the Rescue Bureau.

"Fortunately, the quality of the protective equipment of the civilian starship Satisfaction has passed the test. Otherwise, even with the blessing of protective clothing, these people would certainly not have survived."

"This planet is so cold, how did the 25 of them spend so many days with their protective clothing damaged?"

As the rescuers approached, everyone finally saw the house on the leeward side.

"The young man who stood at the door and kept watching saw the rescue team, shook his hands excitedly, and shouted, "We are here!" it's here! "