interrogation valley

Valley House

"You bastard can't do such a small thing well." Gu Wannian, the head of the Gu family, slapped Gu Tianxing on the face.

Gu Tianxing's face instantly swelled up. But he kept his head down and didn't dare to make a sound. What he did interrupted all the family's plans. It's good that he didn't get killed.

"Right now, 20 small families have sued us and asked the court to decide for them."

And each family has sufficient evidence.

"Chen Lie must have done it, otherwise they wouldn't have the guts to take our Gu family to court."

"Now is not the time to investigate who did it. The main thing now is how to get them to withdraw the lawsuit." Gu Wannian roared.

Before they could discuss a countermeasure, Chen Lie threw out evidence that the Gu family used their power in the military department to seize military resources.

Because the situation was too serious, all members of the Gu family were suspended from their jobs and waited at home for arraignment.

The Gu family quickly appealed to the eight major families for help.

At this moment, the members of the Eight Great Families acted as spectators from the sidelines, neither helping the Gu family nor adding insult to injury.

Who knows what will happen next?

The incident in which all the public officials of the Gu family were suspended quickly became a trending topic.

"Did something important happen to the Gu family?"

"This is because you have done too much evil, and you have finally received retribution."

"The official hasn't given a specific statement yet, please don't spread rumors."

"What did the Gu family do? Is there still not much exposure on Interstellar? It's just that once it was exposed, it was quickly suppressed, and no one believed it."

"Wait for further official news"


Soon, the interrogation of the Gu family by the empire was broadcast live online due to the strong demands of the people.

Federal Medical Research Institute

"We were deceived by the Gu family. These are all recipes, not potions at all."

"The Gu family said that these recipes are prepared." The person who took the recipes argued.

"We also did research on these recipes, but it didn't work. You don't think we can draw conclusions without doing research."

"He Empire did use these ingredients to successfully restore the physique of women who had given birth." Park Huizhu also chimed in.

"We only believe in the facts."


Supreme Court of the Empire

The important members of the Gu family are all sitting in the defendant's seat, and in the plaintiff's seat are the big and small families, as well as the Wei family, Chen Lie, Jia Yunyue and others.

Regarding the complaints of various big and small families, the Gu family generously admitted it.

These are small things, and they are well-documented. The Gu family has no reason to shirk. It doesn't do much harm to the country, and it doesn't hurt to admit it.

The people in the hearing booth were in an uproar. The star network is even more lively.

"Unexpectedly, they did all these things."

"The people of the Gu family are too shameless. I don't see any remorse on their faces."

"It's a trivial matter for them to have any regrets."

"For a family like them, as long as the family foundation is not shaken, they don't care."

"The Gu family are all scum."


Afterwards, Jia Yunyue sued the Gu family, using his authority to privately sell all the information on the second child to the Federation, but he tried his best to organize it but was fired.

"This matter was agreed by the eight major families and not done in private." Gu Wannian, the head of the Gu family, replied without panic.

"What you discussed with the eight major families was only technical support, not all the information to be sold." After Jia Yunyue finished answering, she handed over the evidence.

The evidence presented by Jiang Yunyue was not accepted by the judge.

The Gu family glanced triumphantly at Jia Yunyue, as if they were laughing at his overreaching.

Seeing their triumphant appearances, Jia Yunyue gritted her teeth with hatred, but there was nothing she could do.

At this moment, the federation sent an instruction to the empire, which directly pointed out that the materials sold to them by the Gu family were fake, and asked the empire to compensate for the losses, and hoped that the Gu family would be punished accordingly.

As soon as the comparison news came out, Jia Yunyue's complaint was directly confirmed, and the fact that the Gu family sold all the information about the second child was confirmed.

There was an uproar on the star network.

"There's nothing the Gu family can't do."

"The Gu family is too disgusting."

"The Gu family doesn't know how much benefit they have gained from being greedy for such important information."

The reputation of the Gu family was completely ruined.


At this time, Chen Lie handed over the evidence that the Gu family borrowed their power and deliberately sent people to use unknown methods to cause Zerg riots and mutilate their teammates.

He also handed over the criminal facts of Gu Wannian's assassination of the Imperial God of War Xu Lexian 20 years ago to the judge.

"The Gu family is so insane, even the Imperial God of War dares to harm them."

"The Gu family has no bottom line, so there is nothing they can't do."

"So it's true that someone broke out that Gu Wannian murdered Xu Lexian 20 years ago!"

"It's a pity that people at that time had no evidence, and died soon after a Zerg battle."

"I think the person who broke the news was also killed by the Gu family."

I have to say that this netizen really looks like him. As soon as the breaking news came out back then, the Gu family responded immediately. Before many people saw it, the news was suppressed.

The Gu family even took advantage of their authority to transfer this person to the Zerg battlefield, creating an emergency and keeping this person on the battlefield forever.

Gu Wannian: "I didn't do such a thing." All those who knew about this matter have passed away. Gu Wannian is not afraid at all.

He was sure that no one could come up with evidence.

"Defendant Gu Wannian, do you have any objection to the plaintiff's statement that you poisoned Xu Lexian and intentionally assassinated Xu Lexian?" the presiding judge asked.

"This is simply nonsense. How could I do such a thing. Xu Lexian died under the siege of the Zerg. This was a well-known thing back then." Gu Wannian said righteously.

"Does the plaintiff have evidence?" the judge asked.

"Yes, we have a suicide note from someone who was around Xu Lexian at the time, which mentioned Gu Wannian's criminal process." Chen Lie said.

"The suicide note can be forged, but it cannot be used as strong proof." Gu Wannian scoffed.

"Can a suicide note be forged, so can I?" A thick male voice came.

Everyone looked around, only to see a tall and straight man in military uniform walking in slowly.

He looks not young, about the same age as Gu Wannian, with a righteous face and an aura that cannot be ignored.

"This... this is..."

"This is Xu Lexian, the God of War of our empire 20 years ago!" A person suddenly shouted loudly.

The eyes of those present widened in disbelief.

The Xu family, in particular, was even more excited. Their former patriarch was not dead.

After Xu Jiaxian was rescued, in order to avoid alarming others, he lived in Obsidian and contacted many Xu family members.

"Grandpa..." The current head of the Xu family burst into tears.