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temptress 6

"I know, Adam, because I felt so guilty. I knew you two would end up fucking each other anyway if you weren't already, and I thought it would make me feel less guilty." She blew her nose on a tissue. "But it only made me feel worse.

"When I went back the third time I knew by the way he smiled at me that something was going to happen. And it did. During a break he sat with me and we talked, and when he finished playing he sat down again and had a drink and we talked some more about music, his gigs, his band. When we were leaving we walked out to the parking lot and over to his van. We stopped, he looked at me and he kissed me. He showed me his van: It's an old VW and it has an area behind the front seats for his music equipment, and a bench seat in the back that folds down into a bed. We were seated on the bench and started kissing and I don't know how it happened because I've never been such a slut and I'd never had sex with a black guy before, but before long our pants were down and our shirts came off and we were naked and well, I think you know the rest."

The look of relief was palpable on her face. She'd finally gotten it off her chest. I was pretty pissed but I knew Rita well and knew she was a good and honest person and I knew her guilt was sincere. And though I had not acted until Rita gave me my 'birthday present', I knew that I'd had plenty of impure thoughts and communications with Eva over the same period of time. And at least I now knew I wouldn't feel guilty when I saw Eva again.

"Well, I guess we're through," I barked as I rose from my chair. "I'll come by tomorrow and get all my shit." I walked out and didn't even close the door behind me.


Fortunately I had a buddy who owned a house and lived by himself and had plenty of space. I asked him if I could crash at his place until I got my act together and could find a place of my own. He said no problem, move in, stay as long as you like. He said he was traveling a lot during the week and wouldn't mind having somebody there keeping an eye on the place. The next day I retrieved my stuff…not that I had much really, all of the furniture was Rita's…and moved in.


Trysts with Eva continued whenever we could pull them off. She was insatiable and an animal in bed…or wherever else she decided we were going to do it. There were fellatio lunches and happy hour quickies. We fucked in her hot tub, her pool and her bed. We had marathon sessions on Saturday mornings at her place and Wednesday evenings at mine. We even fucked in Daryl's van one time when he was out one of his bandmates.

One Sunday afternoon she called and said she was going to her office and could I meet her there, she needed my help with something. When I got to her office the parking lot was empty except for her car. I parked and went to the back door as she'd instructed me to and she let me in. She wore a beige peasant dress with her shoulders bared. I followed her to her office and she closed the door behind us. I asked her what it was that she needed help with and she said that she had a fantasy about getting fucked in all her holes on her desk at work and would I make her fantasy come true? Then she slipped the dress off her shoulders and it fell to the floor. She was naked and in my arms and we went from zero to sixty in about two seconds. She tore my clothes off and got her wish.

All of our meetings were on the sly, in private, behind closed doors. It was her place or mine. The only exceptions were her on her desk, in the van and one other time we decided to go down to the beach for a weekend. The ocean was over a two hour drive away so I guess she felt safe no one would recognize us. We left after work on Friday and checked into our room around seven o'clock and immediately started tearing up the sheets. We used and abused each other for the next three hours and began the weekend with our normal assortment of scrapes and bumps and bruises.

At a little after ten we went down to the bar for a couple of drinks. I had beer, Eva drank something called 'Sex on the Beach'. And after she drank it, she decided she wanted to do it. This was in the fall and it was pretty cool outside.

"You want to have sex on the beach?" I asked incredulously. "When?"

"Now," she said.

"Now? Are you crazy? There are people like to walk on the beach. There are people who come here just to look at the beach."

"Not this time of night," Eva said with a smile. "We'll go farther down by the water so no one will see us in the dark. It'll be fun!"

"It's cold out there!" I said.

"Well, we'll have to generate some body heat!" We were seated at the bar and she slipped her hand between my legs and stroked me.

And sure enough, we went farther down near the surf where it was darker and fucked on the beach. We heard voices nearby and some giggles and we made some raucous sounds of our own. When we were walking back to the hotel we could hear some applause coming from a couple balconies above. When we got back to our room and looked out we couldn't believe what we saw: from the reflective lights from the hotel and clear sky and half-moon, the whole beach was bathed in soft light. We'd been in clear sight the whole time.

Then there was the Monday evening in November when I received a text from Eva that said, 'I need to see you, can I come over?" My one word answer was 'yes'.

Twenty minutes later she came through my door. She wasn't as dolled-up as she usually was. Her hair was mussed, no jewelry or makeup. And no underwear. She had on the same gray dress she'd worn our first time together and it was obvious that there was nothing underneath it. Our tongues said a long hello.

"I need you," she said.

"I'm here," I replied.

"Do you remember this dress?"

"How could I forget?"

"I want it just like the first time. All of it. I want you to fuck me with my dress on."

"Eva, did you have another dream?"

"Not a dream. Go down on me first. Like you did then."

"Eva, what's going on…"

"I need you, that's all." She pulled my head to hers and filled my mouth with a ferocious kiss and I felt her nails digging me.

We didn't even make an effort to move to the bedroom. There was a high-backed sofa in the living room so I backed her up till her butt was resting against it and knelt in front of her. As she had before, she swept the hem of her dress aside to expose her open snatch. I went to town. She clutched the back of my head and grinded my face into her crotch. She fucked my face with a new violent force and her clit hardened with each suck. When she came it was like her levee broke, more than I remember, flooding my face. It was as if she hadn't come in weeks, but we'd just banged each other senseless two days before.

She pulled me up and started ripping at my pants.

"I want you to fuck me like you're going off to war!" she said, and bit my shoulder while she pushed down my pants.

I was lucky I didn't slip a disk the way I was slamming my cock into her, thus slamming her ass into the back of the sofa. I was about halfway to heaven when she pushed me out of her and spun us around so I was up against the sofa. She went down on her knees and she was instantly licking my balls, then sucking my cock, then hers fingers were up my ass. As she sucked me, I stretched my arms down and was fondling her nipples through the fabric of her dress. I pulled her upward and tried to pull her dress off over her head.

"No," she whispered. "Leave the dress on. I want it to smell like us!"

She went back down to sucking and within about thirty seconds I started to erupt. Eva knew me well by this time, so when she heard my first guttural groan she knew I was coming. My first spurt of cum was ejected just as she was removing her mouth from my shaft, and it splattered onto her chin and the dress. She usually swallowed it all, but not this time. She continued to jack me off, cum spraying all over her and the dress.

"Do me a favor," Eva said, later on after a brief rest of kisses and touchy-feely on the couch. "Play with my ass."

I rolled her onto her knees on the sofa and I knelt on the floor behind her. I pushed the back of her dress up and saw she had a plug in her butt.

"You'll have to take that out first," she said. "But I'm already all lubed up so we're good to go."

I popped that plug out, tossed it on the seat cushion and then went to work doing all the little things that I knew would drive Eva to the edge. I licked her crack, rimmed her sublime entry, and felt her lovely pucker when my tongue and fingers disappeared into her hole.

"Fuck me like it's the last piece of ass you'll ever get!" Eva said when I rose behind her. With her experienced sphincter she opened and closed her asshole a few times, winking at me.

I put my dick to her ass and pushed. Without much buildup, soon I was pumping as hard and fast as I could and Eva was wailing like a Banshee, and as always spouting off with her very colorful vocabulary. I reached around to feel that Eva's hand was working her clit like a stick shift so I tried to fuck her even harder. Then finally I came, and with my customary groans dumped strings of my semen into her ass.

Then she came directly after, dumping sheets of her spray on the seat cushion as we quaked from our passions. When I pulled out of her, white cum rolled out of her ass and down the back of her chocolate thighs.

Eva went to the bathroom to clean up a little, and I put my clothes back on. When she came back to the living room I was standing by the sofa and she came over and she kissed me for what would be the last time. Then she stepped away and had a serious look on her face.

"Damn, we can fuck! I love the way we fuck," she said. "I'm going to miss you, but I can't see you anymore."

This hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew what we had was weird and wild and crazy and would never last, but this was all of the sudden.

"Can't see me anymore? What are you talking about? You just said how much you love to fuck!"

"I do! That's why I wanted you one more time tonight. But I can't do it anymore."

"What are you saying? Why?..."

"My husband's coming home!" she blurted.

"Your husband? You're married? I thought you were divorced!"

"That's what I like to tell people. It's easier that way, no questions about the reality."


"He's been in prison. I thought he'd be in a couple more years, but he's getting out early. He'll be here Wednesday, and I'll probably be fucking him Wednesday night, so obviously I couldn't be here fucking you."

I sat on a chair. "Holy shit," I babbled. "I can't believe it."

"Believe it. I'm sorry, Adam, I really am. If I had my way he'd do two more years. But I have to deal with it. And we can't have any more contact, none whatsoever. No calls, no texts, no emails. Get me out of your phone, you're already out of mine. If he finds about us, he's liable to kill us both."

"Jesus, what did he do?"

"He was a money manager for a large corporation and some funds were unaccounted for. A lot of funds. I'm sure you didn't think I could afford that big house working for the county."

"Eva, I don't know what to say."

"Goodbye, that's all there is to say. It's over. It has to be."

"Sounds like it could be a tough adjustment."

I moved toward her but she moved away, heading for the door.

"Yeah, I'll need it," she said. "That's why I wore that butt plug and lubed up for you tonight. I'll probably be taking it up the ass a lot."

"Oh, does he like it like that?" I asked.

"Just a guess. After all he's been in prison for five years!" she said. Then she opened the front door and was gone.


The next few weeks were kind of strange for me, after having been in a serious relationship with Rita for over a year, and then immediately entering into several months of mad fucking with Eva. But the solitude was a good thing, giving me time to think and regroup, and prepare for whatever would come next.

In mid-December, out of the blue I received a phone call from Rita. It was a Thursday night at around nine o'clock. After our initial greetings and how-have-you-beens, Rita got around to the reason for the call.

"Guess where I was tonight!" she asked.

"I don't know, where?" I answered.

"My office Christmas Party!"

"It's that time of year, I guess. How was the party?"

"It sucked. But guess who was there!"

"Santa Claus," I said.

"No, Eva's husband! And he looks just like you!"

"Like me?"

"Yep. Same brown hair, same eyes, same body. Might be a couple of years older but he could be your brother! Isn't that wild?"

"She's married to a white guy? What about Daryl?"

"He didn't come from this guy," Eva said. "And they don't get along too well."

"Who, Eva and her husband?"

"No, her husband and Daryl. They can't stand one another."

"Wow," I said.

"I know," Rita said, "It's spooky, isn't it?"

"It's creepy, alright." There was a pregnant pause for a few moments, and then Rita was the first to speak.

"So how have you been, Adam?" she said softly.

"Oh fine," I said. "Getting along okay, just lamenting my many lost lovers! How about you? How are you and Daryl doing?"

"Uh," she said, hesitating. "We're sort of over."

"Sort of…?"

"No, we are. We are definitely over. I ended it three weeks ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I croaked. "What happened?"

"It's a long story. But it's okay, it was my decision. The right decision. And Adam, I'm sorry for what I put us through."

"No need to be." There was more dead air before she spoke again.

"Adam, would you like to meet for a drink sometime? To catch up? My Treat."

When I didn't answer right away she filled the silence by saying that she understood if I didn't want to after what she'd done and all we'd been through, together and apart. But my hesitation was from my surprise, not because I didn't want to.

"Sure, I'd love to," I said, interrupting her. We arranged to meet early Saturday evening in a quiet bar not far from her apartment.


I got to the bar a few minutes early and got us a small table in the corner. I ordered myself a beer and a vodka tonic for Rita. The server was just putting our drinks on the table when Rita walked through the door. I stood as she approached the table and was mildly surprised when she kissed me hello on the lips. She took the seat immediately to my left. She was never one to wear too much makeup, but this night she work lipstick to match her auburn hair and eyeliner to accent her blue eyes. Her face looked thinner, and she looked kind of tired, but it may have seemed that way because her hair was up in a bun and not hanging free.

"It's nice to see you again," Rita said, as she briefly squeezed my hand. "Thanks for meeting me."

"My pleasure," I said. "Couldn't pass up the chance to have a drink with a pretty lady!"

"So, are you doing anything exciting for Christmas?" she asked.

"No, not really. I haven't been able to get in the spirit yet this year," I replied.

"I know what you mean. The Christmas party for my office, God, what a drag. I didn't really even want to go, but I figured I better or it might not look too good. And I wanted to get a look at Eva's husband, everybody did. But everybody was shocked to find out he was a dead ringer for you!"

I asked her how her job was going.

"It's gotten weird around there," she said, "Between me and Eva, anyway, with what happened between you two and between me and Daryl. In fact I've accepted a new job working for the state but I don't start until February first. I have told Eva yet. I'm sure she'll be relieved, though."

We sipped our drinks in silence for a moment or two.

"So," Rita said, "These last few months have been kind of crazy for both us, huh?" I nodded. "I still can't believe it all happened. And I'm not proud of it, Adam, I mean that."

"If you don't want to tell me I understand, but what happened with you and Daryl?"

"I'll tell you but you have to promise not to hate me!"

"I could never hate you."

"Well, it started out okay, it was something new and different, kind of exciting. And Daryl treated me nice and seemed to care about me. But then he started to get weird."

"How so?" I asked. She took a large gulp of her drink.

"First he started hinting around about he wanted to bring another man into bed with us. He wanted to watch me have sex with another guy and then join us and have a threesome."


"Yep. He even suggested you!"

"Me? Holy shit!"

"Yeah, I know, and then he finally tells me, this is a few weeks into it, that he's bisexual!"

"Bisexual? Are you kidding me?"

"Nope, true story. You remember the drummer in his band?"

"Yeah, Sam or Sal…"

"Stu. Well, they're lovers!"

"Get outta town!" I blurted.

"So, the next thing I know I'm in bed having sex with both of them, and getting DP'd, and then I have to watch the two of them suck and fuck each other! Ugh…" She shivered at the thought.

"How long did that go on?" I asked.

"Too long!" she said. "Right up till I said goodbye."

I waved and the server fetched us two more drinks. Rita unhooked her bun and let her long hair down. It was longer than I'd ever seen, all the way down to her cute butt. We were quiet for a minute when she started crying softly. I put my hand on hers.

"What's the matter, Rita? It's okay. It's all over now," I said.

"I felt like such a fucking whore!" she blurted.

"You are not a whore!"

"I felt so dirty!"

"You're not dirty. You just had a Black Attack. I guess we both did!"

"You don't hate me?"

"Of course I don't hate you."

After another awkward pause she looked me in the eyes. Her eyeballs were wide and covered with a wet glaze.

"I miss you," she said softly.

"I miss you too," I replied. She smiled and lifted my hand to her lips and kissed it.

"So, what do you want for Christmas?" I asked, trying to change the subject and uplift the somber mood.

She smiled. "Do you really want to know? It's not something you can order from Amazon! There are two things, actually."

"What are they?"

Rita leaned toward me, her face close to mine. She licked her lips before she spoke.

"First, I want you to come home with me tonight so I can make love to you. And second, tomorrow I want you to move back in. But for good this time."

Our eyes stayed glued for a few seconds before I broke into a smile. When she saw my smile she soon matched it, and then I kissed her.

"How about we blow this joint?" I said next. I started to get my wallet out but Rita said no, it was her treat, remember.

Once outside, standing beside her car we fell into a full embrace, locked in our arms and a long deep kiss. I felt the familiar contour of her lips and tongue, the taste of her mouth and took in her delicious scent, her own personal, irresistible combo of floral and fruit.

I followed her home in my car with a hungry bulge in my pants.

It was a wonderful Christmas.