The Serpent Awakening

Echoing for miles, a loud cracking sound pierced the ruins of Blood Moon City, signalling the long-awaited rebirth of the ancient Infernal Void Serpent race.

The colossal egg shattered into thousands of tiny fragments, revealing a baby serpent with scales that seemed darker than the void itself. The newborn serpent's eyes glowed with an intense red hue as it surveyed its surroundings, feeling the strength and vitality of its new body.

As the serpent emerged from its shattered egg, its long, sinewy body glistened with slime and was surrounded by a pulsing crimson aura. It scanned its surroundings with its glowing red eyes, searching for any sign of life or activity in the desolate ruins of Blood Moon City.

Its gaze fell upon a strange stone and three shimmering crystals, each one emanating an intense power that beckoned to the serpent. With a sense of curiosity, the serpent slithered towards them, examining each one with great interest.

The stone seemed to be from another world, with a texture and color, unlike anything the serpent had ever seen. The crystals, on the other hand, were of varying shades of black, red, and purple, each one emitting a potent energy that the serpent could sense deep within its being.

With an innate sense of intuition, the serpent knew that these artifacts were of tremendous value. It inched closer, its glowing eyes fixated on the mesmerizing stone.

The black stone was polished to perfection, emanating a faint yet powerful aura that was impossible to ignore. The serpent could feel a magical energy emanating from it, pulsing through the air with a hypnotic rhythm.

Turning its attention to the delicate crystals, the serpent's keen eye took in their exquisite beauty. Each one shimmered with hues of black, red, and purple, exuding otherworldly energy that sent shivers down its sleek body.

As the serpent examined these treasures, its instincts grew stronger, telling it that it was in the presence of something truly extraordinary. With a sense of wonderment, the serpent basked in the glow of these powerful artifacts, knowing that it had stumbled upon something truly remarkable.

With its eyes transfixed on the delicate crystals, the serpent inched closer, its snakelike movements graceful and fluid. As its scales brushed against the first crystal, a sudden shift occurred, and the crystal merged with the serpent's scales, creating an intricate and mysterious pattern that seemed to pulse with otherworldly energy. The serpent felt a sudden surge of power, and it knew that these crystals possessed great value.

Without hesitation, the serpent approached the other crystals, each one transforming into an intricate design on its scales, imbuing the serpent with even greater power and energy.

As for the black stone, the serpent approached it with reverential awe. It sensed the potent Spirit Energy emanating from it and swallowed it whole, feeling the magic surge within its serpentine form.

As it turned its gaze towards the remains of the Blood Moon City, the serpent felt a powerful pull, as if something within the city was calling to it. With a sense of curiosity and wonder, the serpent began to slither towards the city, eager to discover what secrets it held.

Undeterred, the serpent forged ahead, its movements slow and deliberate, as if it knew it was about to uncover something magnificent. As it entered the city limits, the serpent's eyes scanned its surroundings, taking in the desolation and chaos that had once been a thriving metropolis.

But despite the destruction, the serpent could feel a presence here, an energy that stirred something deep within its soul. And so it continued, winding its way through the rubble and decay, drawn inexorably towards the source of this all-consuming power.

As it moved deeper into the heart of the city, the serpent felt the pull growing stronger, until it reached a place where the ground itself seemed to pulse with energy.

It is where The Free Heart Inn wes, now lay in ruins. Despite the chaos and destruction, the serpent moved with purpose, drawn to a singular point in the heart of the wreckage. With every movement, debris and rubble shifted.

As the serpent drew closer to the nexus of power, it located a strange, small, black mirror. Despite everything around it being destroyed, the mirror remained whole, as if untouched by time. The serpent watched on as the mirror began to shimmer with deep crimson light, and it could feel an ineffable calling emanating from within.

Driven by curiosity and captivated by the mesmerizing light, the serpent slithered towards the mirror until its head made contact. Suddenly, a violent and excruciating pain coursed through its body, causing it to writhe and convulse. With eyes tightly closed, the serpent awaited the end of the ordeal, not knowing what awaited it when it opened them once more.

As the serpent's eyes opened once again, a profound transformation took hold. No longer was it a mere creature, but a being of heightened intelligence and awareness. Looking about with newfound clarity, the serpent was filled with a sense of desolation and melancholy.

A voice unlike any other echoed forth, resonating from the very depths of the serpent's being. To a mortal, it would have been a mind-boggling sight to witness a serpent speaking, but this voice was even more astonishing. It was as if the serpent had transcended its physical form, taking on the essence of something far greater.

"As I suspected, even with my soul and consciousness, I was almost consumed by the Infernal Void serpent's will," the serpent spoke, its voice deep and resonant. If anyone had been present to witness this, they would have been left awe-struck.

As the serpent's eyes opened once again, they were filled with a newfound sense of power, intelligence, and ambition. The creature was no longer an ordinary serpent, but a being with great potential.

"I have returned, and I am more powerful than ever before," said the serpent, its voice echoing with a sense of triumph. "I Liang Yifei will ascend to the highest realms of power. Mortals,Immortal, gods, and demons alike shall tremble and bow in my presence."

"I must take on a human form and condense my nascent soul once again," the serpent mused, his mind racing with thoughts of his next move. "Even though my current body is as strong as a spirit severing realm cultivator, it is not enough to reach the apex. I must be careful and take every precaution to ensure my continued success."

In the lower domain which this planet is situated in , a spirit cultivator's level is typically determined by their grade, which could be low-grade, middle-grade, or high-grade cultivation. Each grade has major cultivation realms that cultivators can attain, which help define their power level and capabilities.

For low-grade cultivators, the primary three cultivation realms are Spirit Awakening, Spirit Palace Realm, and Core Formation. These realms are the foundation for cultivators to establish their techniques and weapons before advancing to higher cultivation levels. Through hard work and dedication, low-grade cultivators can hone their skills and progress to become formidable fighters in the higher realms.

Moving up from the foundational cultivation realms, the mid-level of cultivation is the Nascent Soul Realm, a monumental step for cultivators. At this level, cultivators are no longer considered within the mortal realm as their lifespan is significantly extended to around 1000 years.

The Nascent Soul Realm is a significant turning point for cultivators as they gain access to powerful abilities and profound knowledge, allowing them to achieve incredible feats. Through dedication and training, cultivators in this realm can unleash their potential and become a force to be reckoned with in the cultivation world.

Moving beyond the mid-level, we reach the highest levels of cultivation - the Spirit Severing Realm, the Dao Integration Realm, and the Void Transformation Realm. These levels of cultivation are the highest achievable in the lower domain, but it is important to note that most of the worlds in the lower domain can only produce cultivators up to the Spirit Severing and Dao Integration level.

Cultivators at the Spirit Severing level possess a deep understanding of the Dao and can sever the connection between their spirit and body, allowing them to transcend the physical realm. At the Dao Integration Realm, cultivators are able to integrate their Dao with the world around them, becoming one with the universe. Finally, at the apex of lower realm cultivation, cultivators at the Void Transformation Realm are able to transcend the boundaries of space and time, achieving a level of power that few can even comprehend.