Dragon Transformation

Dense Qi began to surround every part of his body. He looked exactly like what a Demon Cultivator should look like. He flicked his fingers, the space around them began to collapse.

With another flick, many translucent blades appeared in the air. They launched straight for Ling Tian and the young woman beside him.

Ling Tian's expression changed drastically for the first time when he saw the translucent blades.

"Impossible! The power of void? How can you control such power? Only Void Transformation Realm cultivators have that kind of power!"

Liang chuckled, "Void Transformation Realm? I am really flattered."

Ling Tian didn't answer. Instead, he raised his sword and began to gather sword energy around him as he prepared to face the incoming blades.

The blades drew closer, and Ling Tian swung his sword, sending a powerful wave of energy toward them. The wave collided with the blades, causing a massive explosion that rocked the surrounding area.

Liang looked at the wreckage of the collision with interest and chuckled. "This attack should have the ability to kill ordinary Late Spirit Severing Realm cultivators. If he managed to survive that, things would turn more interesting."

Soon, a figure emerged from under the wreckage and destruction. But he looked different from before. His eyes emitted a draconic azure light, most of his body was covered with dense green-coloured dragon scales, two small black horns protruding from his forehead, and his hands had sharp claws instead of fingers.

Liang looked at the figure with a hint of interest and realization. "Dragon transformation? Oh, that's the reason why you wanted the True Dragon blood essence. Well, anyone would want it, but it seems like you need it more to complete your transformation."

"You are right. You are indeed a worthy opponent to push me this far. But that's all to it. Now you shall die here." Without any further words, Ling Tian disappeared with unimaginable speed and appeared in front of Liang.

The two figures collided, and surprisingly Liang was pushed several meters away.

Ling Tian looked at him with shock again. "How could this be? No Spirit Severing Expert can survive a direct attack from my dragon form."

Liang looked at him mockingly. "Let alone your defective transformation, even a true dragon body would, at most, would be equal to mine."

With a smile, he began to walk slowly towards Ling Tian, "I am getting bored. It's time to end this."

"Infernal Void Flame."

Once the word came out of his mouth, a dark crimson flame emerged from the void. From how powerful this flame was, even the space around it began to collapse.

Soon, it took the form of a giant black-crimson serpent with blazing eyes filled with darkness. As the serpent roared, everything around it began to melt.

Ling Tian felt a shiver run through his body. He knew that this was no ordinary flame. This flame seemed to have the ability to burn even the void itself.

The serpent rushed towards Ling Tian, he closed his eyes, focusing all of his energy. He could sense the dragon's blood flowing through his veins, and he could feel its power coursing through him.

Opening his eyes, Ling Tian gathered all of the energy in his body, and shouted with all his might, "Dragon Roar!"

A deafening roar echoed through the area, but the serpent was not affected at all. In the blink of an eye, it had already reached Ling Tian, engulfing him whole. His body began to melt from its intense heat.

Liang watched as the serpent consumed Ling Tian, his body disappearing into the flames. Soon, an ethereal soul appeared. It looked more powerful and more materialized than the one Nascent Soul Cultivators have. It's called Nascent Divinity. After breaking through the Spirit Severing Realms, the Nascent soul will evolve into Nascent Divinity, a more powerful and advanced form.

The serpent opened its mouth and swallowed it whole. Soon, it disappeared into the void again from where it came.

Liang looked around and chuckled. "It seemed like someone took the girl while I wasn't looking. It should be one of the old geezers. Well, that makes sense for that boy to have advanced this far even when the Heavenly Conqueror Sect was looking for him in the past."

Soon, the space around him began to distort, and his figure began to disappear into the void, leaving behind only silence and destruction.


Inside Lord Wu's room, the space began to distort, lord Wu's Face darkened when he saw that, and he looked around with vigilance, soon A figure began to appear From the distorted space, Lord Wu's heart dropped when he felt that, his hands begin to form magical seals in unimaginable speed. ready to attack at any time.

But the figure that emerged was none other than Liang. Lord Wu immediately stopped and let out a sigh of relief.

Lord Wu looked at him feeling angry " Oh man You nearly gave me a heart attack "

Liang looked at him mockingly and shook his head. "It's my first time seeing an assassin so scared. You still have a long way to go before you reach my level back then."

Three hundred years ago, The Dark Viper was known as the strongest assassin in the world. Rumours even said that he assassinated a few Early Spirit Severing Experts.

As for The Free Heart Pavilion, it was something that he planned to establish after retiring from being an assassin. Before the Devil's Invasion, Liang Yifei gave Wu Yang many resources and ordered him to establish it in the nearest place to Blood Moon City.

Nowadays, it is one of the famous cultivation chambers. Not only does it have many rooms with high concentrations of spiritual Qi for cultivators who are seeking to breakthrough, but it also has many special rooms for Alchemists and Blacksmiths.

Wu Yang smiled bitterly, "I have already prepared everything you have asked for. Let's begin."