The Unwanted Visitor

She turned around to notice a young man with a smug expression on his face, leaning against the doorframe. He had black hair and eyes, and he wore elegant black robes with crimson embroidery.

Su Ling's face paled when she saw his face, and she took a few steps back, hiding behind her master.

Of course, the man was none other than Liang, he smirked. "I'm just passing by. I couldn't help but overhear your little conversation. It seems like you all are in quite a pickle, aren't you?"

The old man Golden Wing stood up, his eyes narrowing. "I don't think we have met before, Follow Daoist. May I know why you are in my humble house?"

Liang smiled and raised his finger, pointing at Su Ling. "Let's cut the small talk. I only want her. The rest of you could leave."

Golden Wing Ancestor raised his eyebrows and replied flatly, "It seems like Follow Daoist didn't come here with good intentions. But if you want this old man's disciple, I'm afraid it wouldn't be that easy."

The three ancestors stood up, their auras flaring. "You dare to threaten us? You must be looking for death!" Azura Lightning Ancestor said, his voice thundering.

Liang shrugged nonchalantly. "Courting death? I'm not sure about that. You know, I haven't had a proper fight in a long time. Maybe I should give it a try with you guys."

Golden Wing Ancestor chuckled. "I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed, young man. We may be old, but our cultivation is still strong."

Liang's smile turned dark. "Is that so? I guess I'll just have to show you then."

With lightning speed, Liang charged at the four cultivators, each one of them using their own techniques to defend themselves.

The old man, Golden Wing Ancestor, summoned all his power and launched himself towards Liang at lightning speed, Two Golden wings emerged from his back, With a mighty roar, he unleashed a flurry of golden feathers towards Liang.

Azura Lightning Ancestor leapt into the air and brought both of his hands down, sending an azure bolt of lightning towards Liang Yifei.

Du Li waved his hand, and dark energy circulated around him. Soon they turned into numerous small blades, he waved his hand again and launched them towards Liang Yifei.

Four Seasons Ancestor's eyes narrowed, and he gathered his hands together and began to chant. As he did, a Triangular Array formation appeared around the room, and from each corner of the array, a clone that looked exactly like him appeared. Each one of them raised their hand, and a different kind of power radiated from each one.

The three clones of Four Seasons Ancestor looked exactly like their creator, with a comical hairstyle. They each had a playful expression on their faces.

The first clone raised his hand and massive black veins emerged from every corner of the room, surrounding Liang. They launched on him and wrapped around every inch of his body instantly.

The second clone clasped his hands, and many ice shards appeared around him. He waved his hand and launched them towards Liang.

The third clone raised his hand, and the wind blew around him. It took the shape of a massive blade, With a wave of his hand he launched the massive wind blade.

All of this happened in less than a second, Liang's eyes flashed with a crimson light. He only stood in his place, receiving their attacks calmly.

Soon, a massive explosion occurred, not only destroying the room but the whole palace.

Lightning Ancestor looked at the wreckage silently and laughed, "Even if an early Dao Integration Realm cultivator received this attack the way that boy did, I'm sure they would be severely injured if not dead."

"Is that so?" A mocking laugh sounded From under the wreckages.

The five people looked at the voice source with a stunned expression.

A figure surrounded by a crimson flame, and eyes that shone with a crimson light emerged from the wreckage.

Upon seeing him, the four Ancestor's expressions became ugly. Not even a scratch could be seen on Liang Yifei's body.

The four cultivators exchanged worried glances as they realized that Liang Yifei was far stronger than they had anticipated.

Liang grinned as he saw their expressions. "Are you all impressed? This is just a fraction of what I can do."

With that, he vanished into thin air, appearing behind the Golden Wing Ancestor, the flames surrounding him intensified, and the air around him warped. With a swift kick, he sent the old man flying into the wall, the impact creating a loud crash and sending debris flying in all directions.

Moving on to Azura Lightning Ancestor, Liang waved his hand, and the space began to distort, and a massive Golden Serpent appeared in the air. Its scales shone with a violet lustre, giving it the aura of majesticness. It opened its mouth and launched towards the Azura Lightning Ancestor, who responded to it by forming numerous hand seals gathering a massive amount of lightning around him, taking the shape of a giant lightning dragon. The moment they collided, a massive explosion occurred.

Without looking back, Liang turned his attention to Du Li. He lifted his palm, and from his flames emerged a massive serpent surrounded by crimson and black flames. It flew towards Du Li, burning with intense heat. Once the serpent neared him, it exploded, melting everything around it.

Four Seasons Ancestor's clones began to surround Liang, but before they could even attack, Liang raised his hand, and the space between them rippled. The clones were instantly sucked into the void, disappearing without a trace.

Golden Wing Ancestor struggled to get back up, bruised from the impact of Liang's kick. He gathered his energy and launched himself towards Liang with his wings, but Liang simply waved his hand, and the void began to wrap around the old man. His body began to distort until his limbs began to bend, and cracking sounds emerged from all over his body. Soon he fell to the ground.

Azura Lightning Ancestor stood up, panting heavily. He attempted to launch another lightning bolt towards Liang, but his power was spent from his previous attack. Liang took advantage of the situation and charged towards him, delivering a swift punch to his chest, and sending him flying.

Du Li attempted to attack Liang with his dark energy blades again, but they were easily blocked by Liang, who countered with a blast of fire that engulfed Du Li, burning him to a crisp.

Finally, Four Seasons Ancestor stood alone against Liang. The two faced off, with Four Seasons Ancestor using his array magic to summon a tornado of wind towards Liang. But Liang's body was too strong, and he simply walked through the tornado, unaffected.

With a smirk, Liang sent a blast of crimson flames towards Four Seasons Ancestor, turning him to ashes.

Desperate with a bitter smile, Su Ling observed the fight. Her countenance etched with determination, she drew her sword and made a lightning-fast sprint towards Liang. The latter was caught off guard by her sudden ambush, but he regained his composure and deftly parried her sword strike with nothing more than his bare hand.

Her eyes widened in shock as she realized that Liang's skin was as tough as steel. She tried to break free, but Liang held her sword hand with ease.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, she knew she had to act swiftly. Despite being cautious with her energy, she decided to utilize it now. With determination, she exerted every fraction of her power. And her cultivation began to rise rapidly, breaking through to the Spirit Severing Realm. However, before she could complete the breakthrough, sacred flames engulfed her entire being.

The area was suddenly illuminated by a dazzling light, and a blazing phoenix materialized where Su Ling stood. The flames that burned throughout its body were a mixture of vibrant crimson and dazzling orange, dancing around it like a harmonious fire. Its feathers were made of pure gold, and they glittered in the light, reflecting the blazing flames around it.

The phoenix opened its beak and let out a piercing cry that echoed throughout the space, announcing its arrival.

With its formidable beak agape, it launched itself at Liang , directing a scorching burst of flames towards him.