Crimson Serpent Sword Emergence

He had arrived here well in advance, wanting to make sure that everything was in order before Mi Ling's arrival.

As he was lost in his thoughts, the sound of approaching footsteps caught him off guard. He turned his attention towards the source of the sound and looked over, his eyes slowly opening wider as he saw her approaching. A smile began to spread across his lips upon setting his eyes on her.

She was dressed in an exquisite blue silk robe, soft and supple to the touch, with an almost ethereal quality to its shimmering surface. The deep blue hue of her robe shone with a lustrous intensity as if the fabric had been made from refined sapphires. Its silky-smooth texture hugged her curves, draping effortlessly around her form in an almost-otherworldly manner. An obscure gleam seemed to dance across its surface as if the material itself contained a touch of spirituality. A subtle smile tugged at the corners of her lips, hinting at a quiet confidence that was both captivating and commanding.

For a moment, they just stood there, staring at each other. Finally, Liang Yifei spoke. "I assume you have what I need?"

Mi Ling nodded, her expression still unreadable. "I do. But first, I want to see my peacock."

He smiled, and with a snap of his fingers, a black void crack appeared before him. However, unlike the ones he had summoned in the secret realm, this void crack was different - there was no chaotic energy or pulling force associated with it, making it clear that this void crack is unique.

Mi Ling's gaze fell on the crack, and she narrowed her eyes, trying to get a glimpse of what might be behind it. As she approached, she could see a metal cage with a beautiful peacock inside. She examined the bird closely with her divine sense, observing its razor-sharp and brilliantly coloured feathers and carefully determining its overall condition.

After a few moments of examining the peacock, she turned to face Liang Yifei. Her expression remained cold as ever, reflecting her lack of trust towards him.

Liang Yifei noted her expression but didn't seem to be affected by it. Instead, he chuckled, sensing the tension in the air. "Don't worry," he said. "The cage is just a precaution. Your peacock is perfectly safe."

Liang Yifei observed her with interest, trying to discern her thoughts. Finally, she turned to him and said."I will give you the information you seek, but only if you release my peacock first."

Liang Yifei raised an eyebrow. "Is this really necessary?"

Mi Ling's expression hardened. "Release my peacock, or I won't give you anything."

Liang Yifei perceived her unwavering demand calmly, then nodded in agreement. "As you wish."

Liang Yifei sighed and snapped his fingers again. The metal cage was snapped open, and the peacock was freed. Mi Ling's expression softened upon seeing that, and she reached for her space ring and retrieved a small case, her movements precise and deliberate. She opened the case and revealed an ancient scroll, yellowed with age and adorned with intricate calligraphy.

"This scroll contains the specific location of the Heavenly Will Palace in the Devil Realm," she said, her voice low and measured.

He carefully examined the scroll before retrieving the black mirror from his space ring. He raised his finger, sending a wisp of his divine consciousness inside the mirror. Mi Ling's expression grew dark as she watched. Before she could question him, he explained, "I apologize for my cautiousness, but I need to confirm the location first."

She narrowed her eyes. "I'm not surprised to learn you have followers in the Devil Realm," she said mockingly. "After all, you are the traitor."

Liang Yifei ignored her taunt and continued to focus on the mirror. Finally, a flash of light appeared on the mirror surface, and Liang Yifei nodded in satisfaction. "The location is accurate."

She nodded stiffly, still clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Liang Yifei handed her the scroll and she took it, tucking it safely away in her space ring. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must retrieve my peacock."

Liang Yifei nodded in agreement, and with a single snap of his fingers, the void crack vanished into nothingness. The peacock reappeared on the floor, and Mi Ling couldn't help but smile as she approached it. Though Liang Yifei made no attempt to stop her, his eyes remained fixed on her every move. She gently picked up the beautiful bird and carefully pulled out a space pouch from under her robes before carefully placing the bird inside.

For a moment, the two of them just stood there, looking at each other. There was a sense of apprehension in the air as if something was about to happen.

An intense energy built up around them, crackling and hissing like the noises of a thousand beasts. Suddenly, without warning, Mi Ling darted forward, moving with incredible speed and agility. As she approached Liang Yifei, she drew her saber, the blade glittering with a golden light that seemed to pulsate with otherworldly energy. As she waved her saber, it sent a powerful golden wave of energy towards him.

Liang Yifei's demeanor remained calm and collected as he issued a simple punch towards Mi Ling. However, a cracking sound echoed through the air as a wave of black energy surged towards her. At almost the same time, Mi Ling swiftly waved her hand, summoning a small shield that instantly expanded to block the incoming waves of black energy.

Unfazed, Liang Yifei raised his hand, and a powerful crimson flame materialized around it. Without hesitation, he swung his hand, sending the flame towards Mi Ling. However, Mi Ling seemed to have predicted his move and, with a quick flick of her saber, she effortlessly sliced through the flames, dissipating them with ease.

Liang Yifei raised his eyebrows in surprise, impressed by Mi Ling's swift and graceful movements. For a moment, the two opponents stood in silence, locked in a tense stand-off.

With a sly smile, he snapped his finger, and a void crack appeared in front of him. From its dark depths, the Crimson Serpent Sword emerged, gleaming menacingly. He grasped the hilt of the sword and swung it towards her. As the sword sliced through the air, a radiant azure Qi emitted from its blade.

As the Qi continued to condense, a massive azure dragon slowly materialized in the air.