Paradise City (3)

Liang Yifei took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding to Zhuo Li's question. "Well, you see, it's actually my first time venturing out of seclusion in quite a long time. The Jade Lotus Inn happened to be the nearest place I encountered, so I thought I'd take a look and see if I could gain any information or insights."

With a mixture of amusement and surprise, Zhuo Li's eyebrows raised. "Ah, I see. So you've been cultivating for quite some time then, I presume? Perhaps twenty thousand years?"

Liang Yifei nodded affirmatively. "Indeed, it has been a considerable length of time. Many things have transpired within the cultivation world, and I am eager to catch up and understand the current state of affairs."

Zhuo Li couldn't help but let out a laugh, his eyes filled with mirth. "You truly have been secluded for a long time, my friend. Let me then explain to you. This city is divided into the outer and inner city. The place we find ourselves in right now is the outer city, mainly inhabited by unaffiliated cultivators like yourself. However, the inner city is a different story. It is controlled by four major factions that hold significant sway and power, each faction has the power to change the flow of power in the cultivation world."

Intrigued yet confused, Liang Yifei furrowed his brow. "Four major factions? I must admit, I am not familiar with them. Could you enlighten me further, Fellow Daoist Zhuo?"

Zhuo Li's smile deepened, a mysterious glint in his eyes. "Certainly. The four factions that dominate the inner city are the Starry Sky Dao Alliance, the Mortal Ascension Legion, the Heaven End Pavilion, and the Divine Spirit Palace. Each faction has its own unique philosophies, powers, and influence over the realm of cultivation. To navigate this world, one must understand the dynamics and currents that flow within these factions."

Liang Yifei listened intently, his curiosity piqued by Zhuo Li's words. He knew he had much to learn about the factions who truly hold control over the cultivation world and the inner workings of these factions. "Please, go on," Liang Yifei urged, eager to gain more knowledge.

Zhuo Li, pleased by Liang Yifei's enthusiasm, began to elaborate. "The Starry Sky Dao Alliance is a faction known for its emphasis on balance and harmony. They strive to maintain equilibrium in the cultivation world, acting as mediators and peacemakers. They possess profound knowledge of the Dao, and their strength lies in their ability to unravel its mysteries."

Zhuo Li leaned back, his gaze focused and thoughtful." Their cultivation techniques revolve around harnessing celestial patterns and aligning themselves with cosmic energies. The Starry Sky Dao Alliance boasts numerous strongholds in various cultivation worlds, solidifying their position as the most formidable faction in terms of sheer power and influence."

Up until now, the Starry Sky Dao Alliance have remarkable achievements - having the largest number of cultivators who have successfully broken through to the Void Transformation realm and ascended into the upper domains.

However, their power and dominance do not come without challenges and conflicts. As the most powerful faction, they have attracted rivals and adversaries who seek to dethrone them from their lofty position. The competition and animosity between factions create a volatile atmosphere, where alliances can shift and betrayals can occur at any given moment. where the balance of power constantly hangs in the air.

Liang Yifei took a moment to absorb the information, his mind buzzing with the intricacies of the Starry Sky Dao Alliance. It was clear to him that this faction held immense power and commanded respect in the cultivation world. But he wondered about the other three factions and how they contributed to the complex web of influence.

"The Mortal Ascension Legion, on the other hand, takes a different approach," Zhuo Li noticed Liang Yifei's eagerness for more knowledge and continued, "They believe that true power comes from understanding the essence of mortal life and unlocking the hidden potential within. And through the refinement of the mortal form, one can achieve unparalleled strength and vitality."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "The Mortal Ascension Legion has various training facilities and sects dedicated to nurturing talented individuals from all walks of life. Through their rigorous training methods and unique cultivation techniques, they aim to guide mortals toward ascension and enlightenment , Actually most of the sects on the surface are related in some way or another to them."

Liang Yifei nodded, impressed by the Mortal Ascension Legion's dedication to the mortals' growth. He could see how this faction's philosophy would resonate with many cultivators who wished to unlock their potential without relying solely on external sources of power.

Zhuo Li leaned forward, his voice lowered slightly. "Now, let me tell you about the Heaven End Pavilion." He spoke with a hint of excitement as if he was about to reveal a secret few knew.

"The Heaven End Pavilion is shrouded in mystery, with their origins and true intentions veiled in secrecy. What sets them apart from the other factions is their focus on forbidden knowledge and esoteric arts. "

"Though their methods may be controversial, the Heaven End Pavilion has gained a reputation for possessing unmatched expertise in forbidden arts and dark cultivation techniques," Zhuo Li continued. "They harness forbidden powers, tapping into the depths of darkness to gain immense strength. Their members are often well-versed in curses, necromancy, and other taboo practices, you could say they are the complete opposite compared with Mortal Ascension Legion, Although they had smaller numbers compared to the previous two factions, but none of it's members could be underestimated."

Liang Yifei's mind raced, his thoughts consumed by the implications of such practices. He understood the allure of forbidden knowledge but also recognized the dangers it posed.

Zhuo Li leaned back, gathering his thoughts. "Lastly, we have the Divine Spirit Palace. This faction is composed of both true spirit beings and demon cultivators."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "What's fascinating about the Divine Spirit Palace is that there is no power ranking system between these two groups. In fact, many of their members don't spend much time before ascending to the upper domains."

Liang Yifei raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this information. "So you're saying that within the Divine Spirit Palace, there is no distinction between true spirit beings and demon cultivators ?"

Zhuo Li nodded, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Exactly. The Divine Spirit Palace recognizes the power and potential that both true spirit beings and demon cultivators possess."

He added, "It's this unity and aspirations that sets the Divine Spirit Palace apart from other factions. They understand that true power transcends labels and classifications, and it comes from the depth of one's spiritual essence and connections with the dao."

As Liang Yifei absorbed this information, he couldn't help but be fascinated by the inclusive nature of the Divine Spirit Palace. The lack of a power ranking system made this faction is very interesting to him.