Guardians of Light (2)

Inside a secluded spirit pond located in the heart of the Heavenly Mist Palace's most restricted area, two women could be seen immersed in its crystal-clear waters. Their bodies gleamed with a soft radiance, enhanced by the mystical properties of the pond, Their beauty surpasses the realm of earthly imaginings, leaving all who behold them in awe.

Li Yan, with her flowing locks of vibrant purple hair, exudes an irresistible aura of mystique. Every strand seems to possess a shimmering glow, reflecting the colors of the surrounding mist. Her slender figure gracefully dances through the waters, mirroring the fluidity of her movements. Her amethyst eyes hold a depth that captivates hearts, drawing souls closer to her mesmerizing gaze. Her fair, porcelain skin is adorned with subtle hints of violet, enhancing her ethereal allure.

Beside her, stands Mi Ling, the Palace lord of the Heavenly Mist Palace, with midnight black hair cascading down to her waist. The inky strands ripple like the shadows of a moonlit night, framing her exquisite face with an air of enchantment. Her lithe yet curvaceous form embodies grace and confidence. Her mesmerizing onyx eyes sparkle with a hint of mystery, inviting those who dare to explore the depths of her captivating presence. And her flawless complexion, kissed by the moon's gentle touch, emanates a soft radiance that illuminates the pond.

As Mi Ling and Li Yan continued to enjoy their tranquil bath in the secluded spirit pond, oblivious to the chaos unfolding just outside the palace walls, their conversation turned to the current tumultuous events.

"Mi Ling, my dear, "What is it this time? A new enemy causing trouble?" Li Yan teased, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips."You know the world outside is always filled with conflict and chaos. It's best not to concern yourself with such trivial matters."

Mi Ling sighed, her gaze fixed on the sparkling waters. "Normally, I wouldn't let it bother me, but this time feels different, Li Yan. The extent of these massacres, the destruction wreaked upon the cultivation world... it's unprecedented. And I have a feeling that Liang Yifei is behind it all."

Li Yan chuckled softly, her voice carrying a mischievous tone. "Ah, Liang Yifei, your favourite enemy. Always causing you trouble, isn't he? But are you sure it's him?"

Mi Ling nodded, her brows furrowing. "Yes, Li Yan. The pieces of the puzzle seem to point in his direction. The manner in which the attacks have been carried out, the precision and ruthlessness... it reeks of his style"

"He's been orchestrating these massacres, I'm almost certain of it," Mi Ling continued, her voice low and filled with frustration. "But he's always one step ahead, leaving no trace behind. It's infuriating."

Li Yan swirled the surface of the pond with her delicate fingers, creating tiny ripples that distorted their reflections. "Well, if it is indeed Liang Yifei, I must say, he has quite the flair for dramatics. Surely you find some enjoyment in the chaos he's sown?"

Mi Ling's lips curled into a wry smile. "Oh, believe me, there is a certain twisted satisfaction in the fact that he's managed to elude me, even when he seems to have orchestrated such devastation. But at the same time, I can't help but feel frustrated. He always manages to stay one step ahead."

Li Yan leaned back in the water, her laughter ringing through the air. "Oh, my dear, you are far too serious. Embrace the chaos, dance along with its rhythm. Allow yourself to revel in the uncertainty. After all, life is but a fleeting moment, and we must find joy wherever we can."

Mi Ling chuckled a hint of resignation in her voice. "You always know how to lighten the mood, Li Yan. But as much as I'd like to indulge in carefree moments, the duty of overseeing the cultivation world weighs heavily on me. I cannot simply ignore its cries for justice."

Li Yan's eyes sparkled mischievously as she swam closer to Mi Ling. "Oh come now, my dear Mi Ling. Where's the thrill in having all the answers so easily? Let them search, let them question. It's a delightful game of cat and mouse that keeps us entertained."

Mi Ling couldn't help but smirk, her irritation mingling with a hint of admiration for Li Yan's carefree spirit. "You do have a penchant for chaos, don't you? But I suppose you're right. These cultivators need to learn to fend for themselves, anyway."

Li Yan's eyes sparkled with mischief as she teased, "Oh, Mi Ling, always the dutiful place lord. But sometimes, the world could benefit from a little chaos. Perhaps it's time to let go and let fate unravel its own course."

Mi Ling's smile faded, and she turned her gaze towards the palace's grand entrance, "Perhaps"

Li Yan's lips curled into a mischievous smile. "Shall we play a little game, Mi Ling? Let's see if we can manipulate events so that Liang Yifei falls into his own trap. It would serve him right for once."

Mi Ling's expression softened, a glimmer of amusement replacing her annoyance. "Oh, Li Yan, you do know how to make life interesting. Alright, let's give him a taste of his own medicine"

With a shared understanding, the two women continued to observe the tumultuous scene outside. They may not care about the cultivators' plight, but they were determined to uncover the truth and outmaneuver their mutual enemy.

As Li Yan's laughter echoed through the secluded spirit pond, the chaos outside intensified, oblivious to the intricate web of schemes that were beginning to unravel within the Heavenly Mist Palace.

Just as the two women were engrossed in their conversation, the tranquil ambiance of the secluded spirit pond was broken by a faint rustling sound emanating from beyond the pond. Li Yan and Mi Ling turned their heads simultaneously, their attention piqued by the unexpected disturbance.

A young woman emerged from the mist, her gaze unwavering as she approached the edge of the pond. Dressed in the traditional robes of a disciple of the Heavenly Mist Palace, her determined expression hinted at a profound sense of purpose.

The girl gracefully approached the pond, her footsteps barely making a sound.

"I beg for an audience, Palace Lord Mi Ling," she addressed with respect, her voice quivering slightly.

Mi Ling nodded, gesturing for the girl to approach. "You may speak, child. What brings you here?"

With a graceful bow, the girl stepped forward and approached Mi Ling, her eyes filled with both determination and trepidation.

She straightened herself and met Mi Ling's gaze,

"Palace lord, I bring news of great importance. The cultivators of the world are uniting under a newly formed alliance called the Guardians of Light. Their aim is to gather all cultivators and confront the forces that threaten our world, including the Heavenly Mist Palace itself."

Mi Ling's brows furrowed, her eyes narrowing with concern. "Threaten our palace? This alliance, do you have any knowledge of their intentions?"

The disciple nodded, her voice resolute. "They believe that the chaos and destruction that has befallen the cultivation world is a result of internal conflicts and a lack of unity. They seek to establish a collective front, united against any who would bring harm to us. They view the Heavenly Mist Palace as a symbol of power , and aim to subdue us to strengthen their cause."

A hint of frustration crossed Mi Ling's face, but she remained composed. "It seems they have already made up their minds about our palace," she mused.

The disciple nodded, empathy present in her eyes. "They feel we have neglected our duty to protect the cultivators and have allowed chaos to reign. They seek not only justice for their fallen comrades but also to restore faith and trust in the cultivation world."

Mi Ling raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "This alliance, are they really becoming a threat to us?"

The girl hesitated, carefully choosing her words. "They have gained a significant following, Palace Lord. More cultivators are joining their ranks, drawn by promises of power and protection. If left unchecked, they could potentially overpower the other sects and bring about a new era of dominance."

Li Yan exchanged a knowing glance with Mi Ling. "It seems our dear Liang Yifei is playing a dangerous game, indeed. To bring together such rival factions under one banner must be quite the feat."

Mi Ling's stern expression softened, as she considered the girl before her. "Child, what is your name?"