Elementalist's Edge Sword Art

Without giving Xue Ren much time to think, Liang Yifei swiftly raised his hand, conjuring small orbs of radiant light that shimmered in the surrounding space. The orbs pulsed with a formidable energy, promising devastation.

With a burst of power, star projectiles erupted from the levitating orbs, hurtling towards Xue Ren, leaving behind ethereal trails of astral light. The sheer speed and intensity of the projectiles threatened to overwhelm Xue Ren, forcing him to quickly devise a defense.

Caught off guard, Xue Ren instinctively activated one of his life-saving abilities - the Crystal Veil. Concentrating his energy, a translucent crystal barrier formed around his body, swirling with intricate patterns and offering protection against the incoming star projectiles.