Battle In The Passage (3)

Soon, everyone's gaze fixated on the enigmatic figure standing behind the lifeless body of the monk. Clad in a flowing black robe, this mysterious individual had been locked in a fierce confrontation with Gu Hong mere moments ago.

In an instant, the surrounding space begins to dissolve into nothingness, giving way to the emergence of a luminous portal.

Acting swiftly, the black-robed figure raised their hand, motioning in a commanding gesture that triggered a ripple of energy. In an instant, the monk's lifeless body vanished, disintegrating into thin air as if it had never existed. It became evident that this task, the removal of the monk's remains, was a crucial part of the figure's inscrutable mission. Following their success, the remaining nineteen figures promptly retreated, merging with the shadows as if they were mere specters in the night.