Boundless Universe Art

"What is it?" The emperor's curiosity was piqued upon witnessing Liang's intense reaction. He couldn't help but inquire, "Has someone killed your other half?"

Upon hearing the question, Liang composed himself and fixed his gaze upon the emperor. He couldn't shake off the feeling that this man possessed an uncanny knowledge about him.

"No, it can't be," the emperor chuckled suddenly. "Although it is very faint and challenging to detect, even for me, the life signature of your other half is still present."

Liang's eyes widened with surprise. Of course he knows that Kai was not yet dead. However, for the emperor to sense it just from their current location, that spoke of an entirely different realm of abilities. Composing himself, Liang took a deep breath and asked, "What exactly do you mean by 'life signature'?"