Frostfell (3)

As the female dwarf closed the distance between them, a subtle yet intoxicating aroma enveloped the space around Liang. It was a mixture of exotic spices and wildflowers, laced with an underlying hint of magic. The scent was enchanting, captivating his senses and momentarily distracting him.

With a mischievous smile, she extended her slender hand towards Liang, her fingertips lightly brushing against his chin. But just as her touch was about to make contact, her other hand swiftly summoned a wickedly sharp dagger into existence.

A whoosh filled the air as the dagger propelled towards Liang's vulnerable neck, aimed with precision. However, despite the swift and deadly attack, it came to an abrupt halt.

Liang's skin, as if fortified by an invisible shield, proved impenetrable. The dagger trembled against its surface, unable to break through or leave even the slightest mark. The female dwarf's eyes widened in surprise, her enchanting voice silenced momentarily.