Chessboard (1)

The shimmering gate, suspended in the vast expanse of the sky, suddenly began to flicker with an otherworldly glow, casting ethereal lights across palace. It was a sight to behold, as if the heavens themselves were opening their doors. The moment it started, everyone understood that the time had come, a pivotal moment foretold by the paragon, signaling the urgency to act.

Heeding the paragon words, everyone began to seal their cultivation, a complex process involving the channeling of their inner energy to seal their essence.

"Let's go," Liang whispered, his voice barely louder than a breath, Without another word, he turned towards the gate.

Dong Rui hesitated for a mere moment, her eyes flickering with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. Yet, as she watched Liang's unwavering figure advance, a spark of courage ignited within her, With a firm nod to himself, Dong Rui followed, stepping into the unknown.

Together, they moved towards the flickering gate.