Dong Tian Shu

Suddenly, a blinding light illuminated the floating stage at the center of the arena. Gasps echoed through the hall as a man materialized above the stage, his regal bearing and sharp gaze instantly commanding attention.

It was none other than Dong Tian Di. His mere presence struck a chord of awe and fear in everyone's hearts.

In a synchronized motion, fifty individuals rose from their seats, their eyes fixed on the imposing figure.

Dong Tian Di's gaze swept the assembly, his eyes like hawks assessing their prey. "Half-divine experts, step forward first."

Ten figures moved towards the stage, each radiating an aura that seemed to press down on the very air. Their energies interwove like a tapestry of raw power, each one's presence more formidable than the last.

"Saint and Saintess, step forward."

From the gathering, Dong Rui, stepped towards the stage. Beside her walked a bald young man, exuding a calm yet overpowering presence.