Why me?

Almost immediately, a figure stepped forward with graceful confidence—it was Dong Wan'er. Her long, dark hair flowed like a waterfall over her ornate, battle-ready attire.

"I will take seat number 14," she declared, her voice assertive and unwavering.

A shadow crossed Lin Xue's face at her words. Claiming a seat so boldly meant she did not take him seriously, an affront to his very pride.

Without another word, Lin Xue ascended the stage to confront Dong Wan'er. His eyes bore into hers with icy intensity, a storm of unspoken challenges.

Inside the parallel dimension, Lin Xue's voice was as cold as an arctic wind. "Why me, Dong Wan'er? Why didn't you challenge Liang? I have no enmity with you."

"Enmity?" Dong Wan'er scoffed, her lips curling into a sneer. "You think too highly of yourself, Lin Xue. Why didn't I challenge Liang? Even a fool would know the answer to that."