Azure Dragon Fall (1)

From a distance, the outline of a magnificent sword could be seen shimmering in the air.

Still reeling from the inferno, the dragon let out a scream of agony as it looked down at its chest, where the sword had pierced its heart.

With another thunderous explosion, the Dragon Palace collapsed, its once-imposing structure reduced to rubble.

The Azure Divine Dragon let out an angry roar before disappearing into thin air.

"Anything else?" Dong Wan'er's words cut through the tension like a blade, her gaze cold and merciless as she fixed her eyes on Lin Xue.

Lin Xue shook his head, his expression a mixture of pain and resignation. The Azura Divine Dragon had been his ultimate move, yet it had not been enough. He knew Dong Wan'er still had aces up her sleeve—two radiant crystals on her gauntlet remained untouched.

Suddenly, the entire dimension shattered as both experts emerged.