Liang's Confidence

Around an hour had slipped by since Dong Tian Shu had entered the secret realm.

By now, all the half-divine experts had ventured inside. The excited murmurs from the audience had dwindled to silence, as most onlookers had made their exit, leaving only the participants behind.

It was now Dong Rui's turn to step forward. She paused for a moment, her eyes finding Liang in the sparse crowd. With a composed nod in his direction, she gathered her resolve and stepped through the shimmering gate.

Five minutes later, the gate rippled once more as Dong Zi Long crossed the threshold, followed by Dong Wan'er. The air seemed to thicken with anticipation; each new entrant raised the stakes.

Now, it was Liang's turn. Outwardly composed, he couldn't shake the nagging suspicion gnawing at him. This was it—the critical juncture when the Dong Clan might spring any hidden traps or schemes they had been concealing.