(*Maxim's party I*)

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"I feel like choking him to death!," Elsa said as she stared at Troy who was with Vincent.

"Hey! His my cousin," Xoxo shot her a look. Bella chuckled softly.

"I won't forget how he embarrassed me in front of Vince. He will pay," Elsa said while Xoxo sighed.

Meanwhile, Stella and the girls just arrived.

"We are here!," Pink squealed.

"Wow the place is so grand," Bianca said.

Lots of guests were present. The students were all dressed up, looking different. Soft music was playing and few couples were dancing.

"I've never been to a party like this one..," Stella muttered. She was obviously nervous because of some few eyes already staring at her.

"You'll be okay," Esther said. "Let's go get some drink," Esther added.


As soon as Vincent set his eyes on Stella, he became distracted and didn't paid attention to Troy anymore.

"So you'll be 20years old in few days time?," Troy asked, but he got no answer.

"Vince? Vince..," Troy called but the dude was lost, as if Troy wasn't even there. Troy looked at the direction of Vince's eyes and he frown when he saw her.

'Here she is again! Purposely dressed up to pull his attention,' Troy said inwardly with gritted teeth.

Just then, mavis arrived. Austin and Nicki also came the same time.

"You're here!," Nicki giggled as she went to hold Austin's arm.

"I didn't come here because of you," Austin said as he pushed her hand away. He and Mavis exchange greetings before they began to chat together. Nicki frown slightly, but she decided to go to Bella instead.

"Cousin!," Bella spread her arms when she saw Nicki. Nicki smiled as she hugged her.

"You look pretty," Nicki said.

"Thanks, you too," Bella said, but her mood changed when she saw Mavis who was also staring at her. She puts on a poker face as she looked away from him.

Everyone paid attention when Mr Maxim came on the high center. He waved as he smiled warmly at the guests.

🗣That's Mr Maxim the founder of our school.

🗣 He's so handsome..

🗣 He resembles Mikey alot.

"Good evening guests, families, and my lovely students of MM college. You are all welcome to my party. Feel free to dance, eat and drink all you want. Thanks for coming," he said and he smiled again as he winked. Everyone clapped as he left the stage.

The clapping continues as a man came on stage.

"Welcome everyone. I'm the MC of today's event," the man said and they all applaud him, some of them making dramatical sound. "Now I'll call on Mr Seth, the minister of socials in MM college, for his speech," The MC said. The guest clapped and continued when Mr Seth came on stage. Once he finished his speech, the MC called on Mikey.

"Please applaud Mike Maxim as he steps out to give his speech," MC said and Mikey came on stage.

All the guests applaud him, even some girls were screaming and the adults who were around found it annoying.

"Thank you! Good evening, welcome to my dad's birthday. Thanks to everyone, the place is filled and it's as if i have a really big family," Mikey said and they all clapped in bliss. "I don't have any siblings but i specially appreciate my brothers for their presence here today. Thanks Peter, Vince, Nardo, Midas and our new buddy Troy, for being here to celebrate my dad's birthday with me," Mikey said as he blew them kisses.

"You're welcome!," Bernardo shouted as he clapped.

"I want to say a happy birthday to my daddy, I wish you all the best and I love you. I also love you my gorgeous mom," Mikey winked at him mom. He bowed slightly while the guests clapped, then he left the stage.

Bianca almost choked on her wine when she heard the word 'love' come out of his mouth. She didn't know why she felt uneasy.


"Baby!," Becky squealed when she saw Austin.

"Babe!," Austin smiled widely as they hugged. They stayed like that for a while before Becky broke the hug.

"It's been long i held you like this," Becky said.

"It's all your fault," Austin pouted.

"I know, my grandma is so domineering. She forced me to stay with her for that long," Becky said.

"I missed you," Austin said as he touch her hair.

"Me too," Becky smiled.

"So.. How come you're here?," Austin asked.

"Mr Maxim is a family friend, so my family got invited. That's my mom and dad," Becky pointed. "Will you like to meet them?," she asked.

Austin glanced at the rich and elegant looking couple for a while. Just looking at them made him feel discouraged, so he shook his head.

"Maybe some other day," Austin said and Becky just smiled softly.

"And my brother.. He is here too..," Becky said as she looked around but she couldn't find him. "I can't see him yet... i'll introduce him to you later," Becky said and he nodded.

Austin looked around to find Stella as well but he couldn't also find her.

"Attention, students of MM college. We're about to pair you up for the couple's dance," the MC announced. "All female students line up to get your cards," he added.

All the female students lined up as they steadily recieve their cards.

"Now as for the male, please step forward and pick a paper from the big box," he instructed.

It took a while before they were done collecting it.

"You can see there's a number in your card or paper. It's numbered from 1-400 in pairs, so partners of the same number will have to dance together," the MC said.

"I hate this! I just hope I'll dance with someone okay," Bianca whispered to Stella and Stella nodded.

"What's your number?," Bianca asked.

"18," Stella answered.

"Mine is 15," Bianca said. "I'm having a feeling that we should exchange?," Bianca stated out.

"Really?," Stella asked and she nodded. "Ok, then," Stella agreed and they exchanged their cards.

"Okay, ladies from number 1-20 step out accordingly, raise your card for identification," the MC said and they did as he says. "Now males from number 1-20, step out to find your partners," the MC added.