25. It's My Life.

First, I'd change the shape, Adam would help, and then I'd be back in the background again when the Mimosa came out. Mimosa would have examinations and tests and lots of meat. Samuel's team had wanted a big pile of tests and samples taken from Mimosa so they could compare me and Mimosa.

Are we really two completely separate creatures and just sharing the same body? That was the theory at the moment. The normal werewolf — well, the wolf form, was different; they weren't two completely separate creatures, but almost maybe better one-and-a-half creatures. The normal werewolf and the human half of the wolf shared specific genes and certain neurotransmitters. Therefore, it wasn't yet possible to tell the wolf and human apart, even with magic.

But would Mimosa and I be an exception to this rule? Samuel and Adam also wanted to see how much I could actually eat in my wolf form. i.e., how much Mimosa she could eat at a time and how well she could absorb all the nutrients. They had set aside various meats, fish, and birds for Mimosa.

We entered the basement through the living room, passed the spa, and continued on until we came to a heavy steel door. Adam unlocked it and held it open for me to enter. This was a safe space—an old bunker or civil shelter room.

I walked into the middle of the room, and Adam said, " Get naked so you don't get your clothes in a tangle. "

I did as I was told, and although I now weighed something like 40 kilos and a bit, I wasn't that pretty pathetic skeleton-like; I wasn't feminine either. I had no figure. My body would almost look like a child if it weren't for my miniature breasts.

Adam said: "There's nothing to be afraid of. You can't do anything to me; I don't even think you are that powerful; now, just relax and let Mimosa come out. Your rage won't hurt a bit. You can't do anything to me. I want Mimosa to come out. Then you'll get your turn, too. "

Adam did something. He used his powers to make me change shape. I felt like he was a sort of pulling me very peculiarly. I felt the first cramp as my knee went out from under me and the second. I tried to relax, listen to Adam, and let the shape come out. The further the shapeshift went, the further away I sort of went. I could feel Mimosa coming out.

Adam's voice was calm and steady, and he was always talking. I could not hear what he was saying; I just knew he was talking; at one point, I raised my head; for some reason, I was furious and growled at Adam. I tried to attack him, even though my transformation was still underway.

Adam looked at me and said, " No. Stay where you are, and no."

I obeyed. Something in Adam's command made my rage subside, and the pain took over again so that I completely forgot my rage. And let my body rearrange itself all over again.

Eventually, my transformation was over, and I was just a spectator of sorts. Mimosa stretched herself like a cat at first. 

Adam watched as Mimosa raised her head, shook herself, and said, "Well, it was quite an experience, that rage of Mimi's. It's quite an experience, but I think you got her under control. Hi, I'm Mimosa. We haven't officially met yet, my Alpha."

Adam smiled and looked at this huge tricolored wolf with amber eyes that were surprisingly human and intelligent.

He said, "Nice to meet you, Mimosa. As you know, I'm Adam Hauptmann, Alpha. And there's Samuel Cornick, the pack's doctor. He'd like to examine you too, but come here and let me feel you out for myself first. You're huge. But you are magnificent and majestic. Usually, the wolf correlates with the human, and I would have assumed that Mimi would have a tiny wolf. But you two are quite unique, so there's no point in assuming anything about you two. You are very unique. I only caught a glimpse of you in the forest that day, and you are a sight to behold."

Mimosa walked over to Adam. Adam stroked this giant, but skinny wolf. Mimosa was remarkably long-haired and thick-furred. He spoke to Mimosa reassuringly, looked at her huge paws and remarkably large and sharp teeth, and Mimosa let him do just about everything.

Mimosa was dominant, but Mimi was even more dominant than Mimosa; Mimosa was a pure wolf, and it never occurred to her to challenge Alpha. Adam smiled at the idea of letting Mimosa come out, putting Mimi in wolf form on the couch and brushing her. It would do Mimi a world of good. 

After Adam, it was Samuel's turn, and he, too, examined Mimosa. Samuel muttered to himself lowly as he carefully felt through Mimosa. Her fur was certainly plush. The Mimosa was the longest-haired and thickest-coated wolf he had ever seen.

Mimosa was then taken first to the medical bay, and Samuel took all the samples and scans that his team had wanted taken from Mimosa. Mimosa was not afraid of needles or syringes. She didn't have the same problem. The only problem Mimosa had was drugs, and she didn't want drugs, or silver, or aconitum.

Mimosa was an example patient, and Samuel told her exactly the same thing he had told Mimi. He kept telling her what he was doing and what he was taking. Samuel was carefully watching Mimosa's reaction and stress level all the time.

Still, when this enormous wolf was lying on his back while Samuel was ultrasound and taking urine samples and everything, he was surprised at Mimosa's character. Usually, a werewolf has to be captured or drugged for these tests, but Mimosa was as unique as Mimi.

After hours of tests, Mimosa's next ordeal was over. How much could Mimosa eat? The men had carried the meat to a room next to the medical room, and Mimosa was taken there. The men had put the meat into 10 kg portions and watched as portion after portion sank into the wolf.

There was beef, pork, fish, salmon, tuna, trout, and various birds, from quail to turkey. Mimosa ate. She didn't pick and choose as she ate cup after empty cup. Mimosa ate her own weight, 60 kg of meat. Then, they took Mimosa out of the basement and into the living room. Mimosa walked gracefully, jumped on the sofa, lay down on her back with a belly full of meat, and fell asleep.

I woke up on my back on the sofa. I was still exhausted and still in wolf form. I got up, stretched, and walked around looking for men. I hadn't been in wolf form in this house yet, so I had to dodge everything, as I was pretty damn big, so I didn't drop things on the ground.

When I got to the kitchen side, Adam came up to me down the hall and said, "Good morning, Mimi. Come over here and let's see how much meat you absorbed. Let's take a few more tests and see where we are."

He led me to the other end of the corridor to a small medbay where Samuel was doing something.

Samuel said, " Good morning. Did you sleep well? A food coma is going on. Mimosa is a very special creature if you are one."

I nodded and found Mimosa asleep, sleeping peacefully in my mind. 

Samuel stood up and showed me the floor scales. "Come over here and let's see what we've got."

I walked over to it.

"Not bad; another ten kilos left over." Samuel smiled.

He was obviously thinking about something.

Samuel patted me down next, felt my stomach and intestines, and then said: "Did you know that Mimosa ate her own weight in meat, 60 kilos? It was surprisingly well absorbed and added 10 kilos to Mimosa's weight. Considering your caloric intake, that's an amazing feat. I don't know how long it will last, but it's very good. Now go with Adam and try to change yourself back into a human again. Adam will guide you. Just listen to him and you'll get pretty good at it."

I went after Adam, and now, instead of pulling me to change, he said, "Look at your front paw. You have to want to feel like a human being. Think about how your hand feels instead of your paw.? You almost feel that switch in your mind. Try it."

Yes, front paw, hand, front paw, hand. I wonder if that's the switch? A cramp in my leg told me, yes, it was the switch, and then by the time I'd got myself into human form in half an hour, I was exhausted. But not a moment's rest. Back to the medbay, where Samuel weighed me, I had put on two kilos more. Samuel was thrilled.

He tapped something on the computer, counted, and said, "That works, but you have to do it infrequently so that all the calories don't go into it, as the shape changes all the time. So devouring the meat in wolf form seems to be a solution too, and then when we work out the best meat and the best nutrition for you, that might be more useful."

I nodded and went to find something to read. Gray's anatomy seemed to be of real interest again, and the living room chairs beckoned me to read. Now I was keeping warm. I had gained weight; I was managing to change my shape independently. Maybe this werewolf thing would slowly start to work from here.