
I woke up in the morning to the smell of coffee and opened my eyes, only to see my future husband lying next to me. He took a handkerchief and wiped the drool from my mouth.

On the bedside table was a tray with one red rose in a vase, two steaming cups of coffee, and a good deal of food. Damon looked at me lovingly. Affectionately, but there was a little undercurrent, the suspense that Damon always had...

I said sleepily and smiled, "Breakfast in bed, Damon. You really know how to spoil a woman. Just think how lucky I am to get such a good man for myself."

Damon smiled at me and kissed me passionately.

Then he said: "The bride is good and gets up for breakfast... Let's get to work. Then we'll go to the registry office and get married."

I turned over on my back and stretched under the covers. Then I sat up and Damon moved next to me. He took the tray from the table and put it in my lap. We ate together, or I actually had to feed Damon because he wouldn't leave my ear and neck alone until I always fed him.

But there was a lot of food, and it was full of stuff. We finally finished our breakfast together, and he handed me my clothes, left the room grinning smugly as always.

I quickly took the opportunity to get dressed. Damon was then dressing me in white. A white button down satin shirt and a white silk skirt that was just below my knees with a bell hem. Then there were the blood red heels.

I couldn't have been completely white. Damon's style was such that there was always some off colour and always it didn't coincide with my vision, but these shoes worked really well.

Once I had my clothes on and my hair brushed somehow, I just put a hair tie on to keep my hair in check. Then I went down to the lobby and Damon was waiting there.

 He wore black while I wore white. I don't need to tell you how fantastic-looking Damon looked in a black satin shirt, sleeves rolled up again, and black leather pants that made me really wish this was a quick job because now this man was definitely walking sex.

The trousers were really tight and I could see he was still hard. I just wondered how the registrar there would take notice if he spotted Damon's big, hard, and very visible problem. Damon was not at all ashamed of his erection. He wore it almost as a badge of victory, proof of his virility and stamina.

I had to work on my self-control. At least I knew I was completely wet. I knew Damon fully understood the point from his slight twitch of nostrils and smug grin. Strawberry and champagne smelled very distinct. My underpants were again these lace ones of Damon's choice and they were already pretty damn wet, but I couldn't go and change while the situation continued.

 We got in the car and drove to the registry office. It was a dull-looking building, and the old worn floors, battered doors almost made it look like an old hospital. We were sitting in the hallway when we had to take a number. There were several couples to be married, and this would take time.

I picked up a magazine and started flipping through it. I tried to distract myself because my thoughts were like a porno movie every time I looked at Damon. I wondered if it was my heat coming on or if I was just so damn resourceful in this business.

I didn't have long to read when Damon grabbed the magazine out of my hand, and whispered, "baby, you're sitting next to a telepath and some of your fantasies are coming through our bonds to me and you'd be perfect for making porn movies, writing them."

I blushed and cleaned up my thoughts. There were a couple of couples sitting in the corridor while we waited.

One couple was probably getting married for sheer business reasons. With black hair reaching almost to her shoulders, the woman wore glasses and had a flat, bored look. Man next to her was slightly older, had a hint of a beer gut, a cheap suit and ill-fitting trousers. The man was looking at something on his phone while the woman read an old women's magazine while they waited their turn. The woman was wearing a jacket, and her skirt was also ill-fitting.

The other couple must have been in love and now, I guess, got married. The man was tall with a black beard and moustache, black hair and he seemed to smile, while the woman was blonde, voluptuous, shapely and wearing a floral dress. The woman had blonde curls piled high on her head, reminding me of a cauliflower.

Damon looked at me as I analyzed the two couples and said in a low voice, just that I heard, " Not bad, baby, I just confirmed and you are right, in both cases. You are quite a talented pretender or reader of people. Be sure to use your skills."

I laughed in my mind. Damon wouldn't let me read any of the magazines. I just had to sit and wait. He could touch me so I blushed, cough then so this not in love couple would look up and see the effect Damon had on me.

It made the woman focus more intently on her magazine and the man asked her a question. It surprised me when she answered him in Swedish. I laughed in my mind.

Then the couple went into the room. I saw her walking with a strut, her hair swaying lifelessly to her stride and thin, hanging down with no volume, the man walking calmly behind her. He would have made a good Santa Claus, I just thought of him.

The ceremony always took about 45 minutes and as these two were before us and there had been a couple there when we had arrived our wait was up to two hours, now sit next to the best looking and sexiest man in the universe for two hours and try to control yourself.

Then we were invited in and first we had to sign the papers, marriage licenses and so on. Damon had already taken care of the necessary documents, so it didn't take too much time.

Two of the witnesses were women. One was a thin blond and wore glasses. The other was a brown-haired, gentle looking older woman. The officiant was a short black-haired woman, almost smaller than me. She had bad posture and walked awkwardly as she picked up her books and came forward. The speech was brief and to the point. It went like this:

The woman said: "The purpose of marriage is to create a family for the common good of its members and for the preservation of society. Marriage is meant to be permanent, so that the members of the family can create a happy home together."

"In the presence of these witnesses, I ask you, Damon Salvatore, do you take this Mimi Springcove to be your lawful wedded wife, to love her for better or for worse?"

Damon's answer was clear : I do.

"In the presence of these witnesses, I ask you Mimi Springcove: do you take this Damon Salvatore to be your lawful wedded husband, to love and cherish for better or for worse?"

I said clearly: I do.

"Having thus answered in the affirmative, each of you, to the question put to you, I now pronounce you man and wife."

Damon looked at me hotly and dug a ring box out of his pocket. He slipped the ring on my finger and handed me the box with the ring on it for him, so I put a ring on his finger too.

The officiant continued, "As a sign of your union, please take a ring from your spouse.You are now joined in matrimony. As husband and wife, you are equal. In marriage, show each other love and mutual trust and work together for the good of the family."

In the end, we became Mr and Mrs Salvatore. The ring Damon put on my finger was old. It had one huge blood red diamond in it, and it was gorgeous.

Damon said to me as we walked out, " That's actually a family ring, it was my paternal grandmother's and even then it had been in the family for several generations, so that ring is really old, I've been repairing it over the years and waiting for the right woman to give it to, and now I've found you."

 I said "it's gorgeous, how dare I wear it, I'm afraid I'll lose it or break it,"

Damon said, " That's fine. We can put it away and you can wear it to a party. I can get you another ring for everyday wear, make it myself though."

We walked to the car, and everything was so damn perfect. I was Mimi Salvatore. I couldn't believe it myself, and I looked at my marriage certificate several times.

Damon looked at me as I looked at my marriage certificate and said, " Believe it baby, now we're together and this feels so real. I've never felt this before."

Damon looked at me, and I could tell he was thrilled, too. We got in the car and sat down, and Damon started driving. Now we were driving on an exquisite scenic route and I was admiring the beauty of the key west.

I didn't know yet if we were going to buy more houses and what our life was going to hold and I didn't even want to stress about it. They say that when one door closes, another one opens and if it doesn't work, then there are always windows.

But I realized that when Adam and Samuel threw me out and I was driven to Key West, only to be rescued and healed at the hands of Damon, maybe this was fate. We were together, and fate brought us together so we could get married.