17. I Have A Dream.

I went out, and Magnum was already waiting. I was now in gig mode and trying to be efficient and quick. He didn't ask me anything about our wedding. I had taken a quick shower, but it didn't remove all the aroma. I just hoped that Magnum, the human, wouldn't smell it.

Judging by the grin on Magnum's face, he either smelled it or knew what we'd been doing in the house for three weeks. I gave him an address where I could find the guns and we went to get them first. I did not comment much. I was in gig mode right now.

Then Magnum delivered me to one of the Reddington warehouses where I picked up my gear, including the car, and went to work.

 He said, " Good luck. I've got some other things to do. That's why I don't always have to go to gigs." 

I drove to the first victim's usual bar and had a look around, saw a few suitable spots, and drove quite a distance. It took me a while to find a suitable ambush site, as there was some renovation work on the roof or other activity.

Then when I got into position, the victim hadn't come to the bar that day. Oh fuck, I moved on to the next place and it was a mess as these victims weren't reliable enough to be in place and follow the routine. Five fucking victims and as fucking difficult as can be.

I knew early on that I would not get back to Damon before he woke up. I stalked the men for a week and got every single one of them killed. The men were fucking suspicious and didn't follow any pattern, so I had to be patient.

When I finally got them all killed, I felt I had done the right thing. As I passed by, I listened to one policeman listing all the criminal organizations roughly connected to the victim and explaining how they were never brought to justice because they always had too good lawyers who got the charges overturned, preventing any additional charges from being brought.

They always let it go so far before they showed the evidence or the witnesses died, and some files burned. Sometimes even a judge died and from natural causes even.

None of the men were connected to Reddington, quite the opposite, and I cursed myself when I was driven by Reddington to kill his five worst enemies. I didn't feel Damon in my mind, and he had said nothing to me. I returned to the house and found it empty. 

 My phone was on the table in the lower lobby with a note beside it. "Sorry baby, gotta go to the Elders. Don't know when I'll be back. Damon."

Someone had cleaned the house from ceiling to floor and laid out every room as we had never fucked in there. I closed the door behind me, holding a fur ball keychain I'd bought at the market, the key to our sex den.

I tried to talk to Damon in my mind, but I got no response. Not even a peep. I went to the car and called Magnum. We agreed to meet at a coffee shop and I could already tell him what I couldn't eat.

Magnum chose the food and told the waiters what I couldn't eat as he spoke Romanian. but I also became interested in learning new languages and thought it could be an enjoyable hobby.

Fine, we went out for dinner and I offered Magnum a coffee at the cafe on top of the food. I wondered if I should go back to America. I was thinking about what to do. The world was my oyster, but there were always complications, too.

Magnum said, " Adam doesn't want to meet yet, neither does Samuel and especially Bran. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. They know you're a vampire wife now and they don't care."

 Fine, let's be on our own then. I still had money, so I thought I'd go to America and buy myself a mansion. A big one. Time to get a living. 

Magnum said, "I've got to get going now. Good luck with whatever you're doing."

 Magnum left, and I was left surfing the net. I started researching mansions. Then I found the perfect one, and it was in a place I'd never been before. Pennsylvania.

There I found a big old mansion with everything from a dance hall to a beautiful garden. The mansion, or almost a small castle, was surprisingly old, but they had renovated it from floor to ceiling and you could still choose the changes you wanted when you bought it.

I bought it online and then went to the airport. I had put in some modifications to the kitchen, new appliances, and both walk-in fridges and freezers big enough to walk in. The mansion was otherwise unfurnished, but it had new wallpaper, eight floors, and almost a hundred rooms. It would be my acquisition of the first one of its kind.

 I was already ordering beds, sofas, and carpets online during the flight and planning various decorations. I had done a little decorating per se, but I was looking forward to it. Now I had some rooms to do, and I found a few online shops where I ordered some flower columns.

I arrived at the Pennsylvania airport and walked or took a taxi to the fanciest car dealership where I bought myself a bright pink Lexus. The car was magnificent to drive and the very first car I ever bought myself. There is just something about a sports car and I enjoyed myself so fucking much when I got the driving position right and went for a drive.

I went to a couple of shops first to buy a few accessories for a few days before my orders would arrive. I was actually happy and did not think that anything nasty could happen.

Then I drove to my new mansion. I signed the papers and got the keys. I walked around the yard. Now I didn't have a horny husband pestering me so I could concentrate and explore the beautiful plantings and flowers, trees and bushes. This was picture-perfect as it could be.

There were berry bushes, apple, cherry, pear, plum trees, strawberry bushes, and other berries like blueberries and raspberries. Although it was still summer so they weren't all ripe yet, but I ate a hell of a lot of strawberries while they were ripe.

The whole thing very inspired me and knew I could make juices and jellies and eat a lot of berries just fresh too. After I went around the yard, I went to the car and took my bags with me when I went inside. Strawberry cake, with my very own strawberries, would be a nice treat too.

 I had bought some air mattresses because I knew this was an empty mansion. There were no beds. So an air mattress would do just fine. I loaded the air mattresses, a few pillows, and bedding into one of the downstairs rooms and started walking around the house from room to room.

Some rooms had gorgeous old wardrobes and were surprisingly spacious and lovely. Each room was a fair size, and I knew this was going to be one of my favorite places. There were very nice moldings in the ceilings and other fine details. 

 I then went into the kitchen and there I had already unpacked the groceries, made myself a meal, and ate. I made plenty of food so I could concentrate on decorating. The solid wood floors and lovely old-fashioned floral wallpaper could give a room a mood of its own and the pale grey wallpaper in another room creates a surprisingly peaceful atmosphere in that room.

I got some more ideas and often had my phone ready when I needed to order something specific for a room. It took me a while to wander around my house, and yes, this was just my house for now and then one day if Damon wanted or needed to, he could be the owner of this one, too.

 The next morning, my orders came in and I was directing the furniture where and when. Large multi-meter living palm trees came to decorate the ballroom while incredibly large sinking sofas made their way into the living room near the fireplace.

I hadn't even got a TV, as I didn't need one yet. Slowly something was falling into place and I had bought a wicked enormous piano and put it in the ballroom. It looked great there and as I walked past; I wondered what it would feel like to fuck on the piano. It would be a novel experience.

I had delivery after delivery and men would come in and out of the mansion bringing everything and I was wonderfully busy putting everything in place and ordering and planning. It was wonderful to see my vision come to life and have my way of doing things.

I didn't even think about what Damon would do or what he would feel when he saw all these guests coming in and out of the house, smiling at me, talking to me. I made them coffee or offered them a drink; it was quite a hot time, anyway.

It completely oriented me to the decorating, and my phone was silent. No message from Adam, Samuel, or Damon. I had just received a large shipment of rugs. I walked from floor to floor with a roll of rugs in my hands and then always found the place where I would put the rug.

I was in good shape and there was an elevator in the house, but as I wasn't always sure where to put the rug in the room, I ended up walking with the rug in my hands and then putting the rug in the right place.

The living room had huge pale yellow and peach rugs. The kitchen had big rag rugs that created a cozy atmosphere and brought warmth. The rooms had rugs in all colors and some of them were pretty damn colourful. I put them in rooms that had a kind of dreary atmosphere because the wallpaper and the carpets brought life to them.

And then I had so damn many beds and I just put a huge four-poster bed in the huge master bedroom on the top floor, it was a water gel mattress and it had motors, rubbing bed, and how wonderful it is then to dedicate it sometimes.

 I put the air mattresses in the closet and I had beds to choose from but I didn't go upstairs to the bed yet; I wanted to consecrate it together. I went to bed on the third floor, in one of the pink nests, put on my nightgown, and went to bed.

I woke up at some point really sleepy and heard the piano playing. But while I was still half asleep, I thought nothing of it. I just thought it was an echo of my dream. There had been music in it. I rarely dreamed and wondered what dream I had had, but when I couldn't remember it anymore, I fell back asleep.

In the morning when I woke up, I showered and got dressed, ready to get the house in order again to take orders. I went to the kitchen and made coffee but wondered what the fuck was so strange. I looked around and noticed that the kitchen rug was the opposite of what it was originally. Strange.

But I put my coffee on and went out on the porch to drink my coffee. I looked up and there was a fantastic view of the garden and especially the trees. There was some rubbish under all the trees and I couldn't see so clearly what.

I left my cup on the porch and went to look. Every single piece of fruit had fallen from every tree. Just everything. And just as I had been excitedly making jams and juices, each strawberry had been partially eaten. I saw an enormous flock of birds in the nearby trees. Fine, I had gotten some strawberries.

I then went inside and put my coffee cup in the dishwasher. I went to wait for my orders. I waited a few hours, and no cars came even though they had arranged it. When I called, they had had bad punctures or the car's engines had broken down. At any rate, no one could deliver for a few days. Moreover, very many drivers were ill. 

This day did not go well. I started to feel a little uneasy, as if someone was watching me and somehow I always found a carpet differently than I had thought I had put it. The longer the day went on, the more I felt sure I was being watched, chased almost.

I tried to convince myself it was nothing, but I couldn't shake the feeling. And that damn song seemed to play in my head. Amazing grace. I ate and decorated with the supplies I had.

And then he revealed himself as I was going to bed. The voice in my mind was cold, hard, dangerous, and pleasurable.

"Naughty wife, now go buy a big house, invite and entertain strange men, having first assaulted and drugged her husband. You, baby, are going to learn a lesson that you're going to learn one thing. That thing is that you're going to learn to fear me hard whenever I want. You're going to learn to respect me and you're going to learn what you're supposed to do and what activities are forbidden. This lesson is called actions and consequences, Baby, actions and their painful, brutal consequences. Let's see how many lessons it takes."

Damon seemed furious, and I tried to apologize, to explain in my mind, but the feeling of his presence faded. But now I knew I hadn't been wrong to feel like I was being watched and haunted by something or someone.