24. Levottomat Tuulet. (The Restless Winds.)

When I woke up, I was alone. I sighed and was frankly disappointed, but swallowed my disappointment and saw that my phone and wallet were back on the bedside table. I had noticed that he always left this wallet at home because it had pictures of the two of us.

Fine. Now I no longer feared him, so when he would ever return, then we could have a good time. Maybe and when he returned, I suspected for some reason that he was going to go fuck other women and it actually didn't bother me that much anymore.

Of course, I could have done some fucking with Damon myself, but now I had to do something else. I was more alert and now I didn't feel like going inside or being inside. No one chased me, no one tortured me. I wasn't scared, and I found the gigs sounding pretty good. I took a shower, ate and thought and didn't even have time to call Reddington before he called me.

He said there were new jobs for me in Europe now, and if I wanted to would try my hand at destroying pharmaceutical plants. There were plenty of gigs, he said, and he had plenty of gigs if I was available. And I was.

Now I needed action and something to do. This was new, exciting, and different. Now I would get to destroy and investigate shitty facilities myself and do something tangible about it. And I didn't want to share this job, so I would tell no one about it. I was as alpha as I could be. Not wanting to share my meal, my prey.

 I agreed to the gigs and Reddington told me a pick-up point where I could get the information. The pickup points were temporary post boxes or parcel machines, where you could always find the details of the item(s) in a folder.

It might also have information about inventories and other resources that might be needed for the job. Of course, it would be up to my discretion what method I would use to do the job, and, knowing my unpredictability, I might come up with a whole new way of doing things. I was new at this, so I had time to invent my very own way of doing things.

 I thought that one day I should start gathering my own reserves and my own resources. I got the data and started going through it. I sat in the car and read through the files. I had a photographic memory, so basically just reading them once was enough, but once I had the information in my head, a plan might emerge.

 These were medical facilities and their locations had been confirmed. I could destroy these, but the only problem is that I might not safely take down every facility myself. And there were targets, and victims, being tested all the time and just knowing that made my blood boil.

I didn't want anybody to go through what I had gone through. That was my driving force. To save as many as possible and prevent the same torture and experimentation that had been done to me. It made me for this job and it wasn't about revenge. These institutions had never caught me. I had no personal grudges, but I was saving others.

 I didn't have any definite and stable plan yet about how I was going to do my gigs, but I would do them. I had my information in my mind, and by combining it, my plan would, at some point, take shape. I was in no mood to listen to any bossy man telling me what to do.

 I took all the files with me and went to the airport. I would fly to Portugal first. I would have to observe the facility a bit myself before I could develop any plan. It was time to improvise and be strong.

I would not involve Adam or Charles because they were both overprotective. Not to mention Samuel. Damon was gone, and I had no way of catching him yet. Magnum was also out on gigs and I didn't really want anyone yet.

I had a few ideas and being on my own again was not a disadvantage now, but a benefit. I made different plans on the plane depending on what I found there. I didn't announce to anyone that I was going to Europe. 

 I arrived in Portugal and the municipality of Oeche. The facility was located here. The town was called Peniche, and it was a coastal town. I knew that there were werewolves here too, and it surprised me to find that they were mostly in the street gangs. I paid no further attention.

I knew that the werewolves of Europe were connected to Bran, but I didn't know how much. One of my plans had been to ask the local alpha for help. But I didn't even know if there was actually an alpha here. I knew it would be good to get more people for this job and werewolves could be a suitable alternative.

Vampires were questionable because there were quite a few different types. When you think about Damon and then you think about Drusilla and Spike, you see two extremes, and I didn't want to get into trouble with vampires. I was strong as a vampire, yes, Lady Salvatore, but then again, I was under Damon's power and I did not want him to hear what I was planning, or using possibly his vampires on this. I had thought that too, to use everything that I have got, and my title had been one possibility, but not yet. I should talk about that at some point to Damon. 

So I should first check and see what's going on as things can change even after Reddington has this information. Situations live and move. Never assume that things are the same all the time. 

I bought one SUV and went for a drive. This was another supposedly abandoned old factory and now re-purposed for animal testing, to put it nicely.

As these didn't consider any creatures other than humans, that would may exist and have a life, and even humans were victims in these facilities. There were homeless, poor, and otherwise perfect victims in the streets for these scumbags to just pick up. I parked far enough away and had very powerful binoculars, which allowed me to see well enough, and a powerful camera as well. This was as rotten a facility as it could be.

 I set out to explore and observe the facility. I took many pictures. I needed to have a good idea of what I was up against. There was a van driving in the yard. White, no registration plates. The van stopped at the door and I saw a man with an African background being taken from the van and dragged in by his armpits. I even got a picture of the man's face. He was barely awake, moved his head, and lifted it, but he was too weak to really fight, even though he was strongly built. 

One victim. Another one to save. I just hoped I wasn't too late with this guy when I got the plan together. The wind brought me the man's scent, and I recognized him as a werewolf. I wanted to save this one and others too. I was fed up with killing. 

I hoped I could actually get this and possibly the other victims out alive this time and not just end their suffering. I gathered information for several hours, from the guards' movements to the staff, trying to photograph as much as possible. I let all the information spin in my head and a plan took shape, at least of sorts. I moved along the perimeter, taking photos, analyzing, and letting my pretender side work as well. Reddington had warehouses in Portugal too, so I knew I'd have supplies and enough.

I had enough material to go through; it was time to get myself to keep in shape too.

I headed back to the city center, intending to find a cafe and get something to eat. I parked the car and got out of the car, grabbed my bag, and my stomach growled. I was hungry again. I was truly a hummingbird; it felt like my life was constantly eating and moving.

I went to what appeared to be a main street or something and tried to look for a restaurant where I could eat. People were walking around and Portuguese was being spoken everywhere.

I felt like learning new languages again and although I had once as a human being, when I was young, with my sister, I had picked up a few languages, a few words had stuck in my head. I was looking at people's clothes as they walked around in this extreme heat and it was hot, even though this was a coastal town. I was just thinking that I might buy more clothes as I felt my sweat more or less pouring out of me. 

 I saw a child, maybe 12-13 years old, attaching a lost banner to a pole. Boy was not a light-coloured one but a mixed one. Mulatto, if you want to call it that. He was wearing a tee shirt and red shorts and he was long-legged, thin. I liked to observe people around me. Kept my pretender side happy, and I was less restless.

The boy pinned a missing person leaflet, and I walked right past the post. I hadn't looked at what was on the tag, just a passing glance. I stopped and furrowed my brow. What a coincidence. On the note was the same man I had seen being taken to the facility.

It was written in Portuguese, and I didn't know what it said. I went to read the note, and the boy came up to me and spoke something, but as he was speaking Portuguese, I couldn't understand a word.

I looked at him for a moment and said, "Sorry, I only speak English. I don't understand a word."

The boy rolled his eyes, sighed, and replied in dialected English, " Can you help me find my brother? He is a wolf, but he is missing. His leader doesn't feel him. He claims my brother is dead."

The boy was quite nice-looking. He wasn't quite a teenager yet, but he was getting very close. He had the potential to be quite good-looking, but children change quite a lot in their teens.

I showed him a picture of my camera. 

The boy frowned and said, " That's my brother. Where is he?"

I told him. "Your brother is in a dangerous place. In the clutches of bad people. Can you take me to your brother's leader? If he sees this and listens to me, maybe I can help. I can't promise anything yet."

The boy nodded.

He said, "Me and my brother live alone, no parents, dead, my brother became a wolf a while ago and he promised me I will become a wolf when I am old enough. Follow me,"

Fine, then don't eat, but this may be the contact I need and badly. The houses here were in pretty awful shape, with dim alleys, and people were standing around in small groups. I got a few looks and quite a lot of them. I had a skimpy tee shirt, showing off that I was a woman, tight faded blue jeans, my blonde hair in was high ponytail and I had my makeup on.

 The boy led me to a slightly more obscure part of town and I wondered if this was a setup to rob me. It would not be so easy. Eventually, we came to a low building. It was like the back door of a bar. The boy knocked on one of the black doors. The boy was waiting for something.

The door opened and a large African man spoke to the boy in irritated Portuguese. The boy replied just as vehemently and explained something loudly to the man. The man grunted something. The boy disappeared into the shadows and the man spoke to me. His voice was a gravelly low and his English was flawless, though, with no accent. 

Then he looked at me and said in English, " What do you want? What is a girl like you doing here? Be careful, little one, you can have more than you want."

I rolled my eyes and sighed and said, " Fine, let's do this then. "

I let my eyes show what I was, putting my headlights on.

And letting my vampire side peek through too, and said, "I have information about his brother. He's a prisoner in an evil medical facility. I would very much like to speak to your pack leader. I have a plan to rescue him, but I could do with some help and I believe the alpha wants to be aware if a pack member is in danger. If your pack leader then lets me act and rescue, then fine, but I don't want to jump in anyone's face and cause a confrontation."

I showed him the picture from my camera, and there was a timestamp too.

The man grunted and said, "Fine, follow me."

He moved and let me inside. I stepped in. I was not scared at all. This was a bar, there was a big pool table, a bar counter, and tables all around but currently empty and it looked like the bar hadn't been open for a while, but this was now some kind of gang-gathering place.

Every man here was a werewolf, I could tell. There were quite a few men, probably 15 or 30, and the place was bigger than I had originally thought. There was a chorus of chatter but it died down as I walked in, only to be replaced by whistles and shouts, the content of which I did not know as they were in Portuguese, but the suggestive tones of the men left nothing to conjecture. I did not care, but followed the man calmly.

Little that I know that this would be one of the most important meetings of my life. I would make my organization, make friends, and get to save so many lives and lose them, too.